Wednesday, April 14, 2010

what I did yesterday

Yesterday I did something that needed to be done and in fact it's early too I spring cleaned my bed room keep in mind I didn't clean my closet out yet I'm saving that task for the weekend. It felt good to give me room good cleaning it felt like I was getting rid part of me that I no longer am I felt like I'm not able to explore the new me what I want and like in fact my bedroom is starring to look like east meets west!

My depresson that I started to go back into again is getting better I'm learning to not let my Nana get me down and depressed my dad said soemthing to me that struck something in me it's from Forrrest Gump moive" Stupid is as stupid does" Another words I'm not going to let nana's be littling get to me she loves when people fail he makes her feel good and I'm not going to give her that I'm fighter and I'm going to fight!

I'm still going to look into learning Hinduism and speaking it as well what brought me on this is I founds this book I bought at Barnes and Noble about hinduism I'm going to start reading it.