Friday, April 1, 2011

I went to see the dermatologist yesterday here's what's up!!

I had to go see the dermatologist yesterday for few embrassing problems I have, I can't believe I'm even talking about them here with all of you out their in blogger land but eh here goes. I have eczema on my hands and part of my back, granted it's not as bad as it has been in years past since I found this doctor he gave me cream of my hands last year that WORKED! I didn't have not flare ups till March of this year my hands stated to peel and crack and my back kept itching, so I went to see him he told me I'm giving you new cream to try for your back and hands it will help so we shall see now, he also gave me free smples of the cream to try so far with only two uses the part of my back that has the eczma is looking better and so are my hands however I was told for my hands to mix it with little lotation which I did and wow my hands are looking better as well. I not it's not cure all but it's helping so I have the drop  the RX off at Wal*Mart pharmcy to get filled.

Now onto issues number two I have roseace on my face I have had it since I was about 10yrs old and I'm 30 now and no one really wanted to treat it till I meet this doctor all other doctors told me oh it will just go away it's only little bit not that bad not this doctor, he gave me this cream for it as well which I'm to use twice day he said it will take about few weeks to month to see results so we shall see on this one, I know that it's not as red as it use to be so that is good thing.

Issues number three which is really embrassing but I have facial hair issue that stem back to when I was first dignosted with asthma when I was child and give all kinds of steridos well when I was about 17 I long since stopped those meds I noticed I had not facial hair I told my mom all the did was shave it off me sadly that just made to have beard going on my face where I have to shave it everyday I'm so embrassed by this but I need to talk about it, so I told the docotor he said I have two options a cream or laser treatment well I went with cream to slow the hair growth down and if that dose not work or I don't like it I will have the other option done.

I know that I'm not the only one out their with this problem but I just thought that I had to share it with everyone I need to speak about it, I  will keep you updated on how things are going long even how much the creams cost and if I had to pay out of pocket for any of them if you have question feel free to ask, but do keep rude comment out of here! I will speak about this more tonight when I get home from work in another blog since I will have more timel