Monday, October 26, 2009

My love chai Tea

This photo was take in NYC at Zebars where I decided to have cup of iced chai "that is tea for those that don't know what chai is" This is one of my favorite tea I love to drink it hot or cold for some reason, don't get me wrong this tea is not something that everyone will like once they try it, for some it's acquired taste the first time that I tryed it I feel in love with it. I do know that this drink is the drink of India! If I'm wrong on this account someone correct me and I will fix this blog! I love the smell when it's brewing in cup or even when someone is make it on the stove. In case you have not guessed it I'm huge tea drinker I like it hot or cold, some people can't stand it but it's all about choice for everyone but I do urge people to try chai at least once or twice in their life time. This drink seems at times to get me through nutty work day and the crazy place that I work at ,even at home when things get stressful just the smell from the tea calms me down. I did learn the hard way don't drink it late at I night like around 11pm I learned this the hard way I was up all night long and had to drink more the next day to stay awake.