Wednesday, April 14, 2010

eath day

Well it's that time of year again YAY! I'm looking forward to this time of year again it's the celebration of Earth Day! It's something that I have looked forward to since I moved here don't get me wrong I'm not tree hugger or anything like that but I do care about our earth along with the rest of man kind I feel that we as humans do have lot to learn about the earth and what we can do to make this a better place to live for all of us! Over the past year I have started to become more Eco friendly one of the many things I'm doing is crocheting more I'm also learning how to loom knit as well and how to make different thing from Website called Mikeyssmail.con and you can find him on You Tube as well. The two the run the site are Mike & Diva Dan they are great even give you few good laughs along the way, they show you how to crochet different items, cook different recipes,etc. One of the many quotes from Mike I like is " you are the yarn artist" another words feel free to explore he show videos of how to make many many wonderful items and you can take it form their explore alter them to your liking their is no right or wrong way to make something. Diva Dan has helped me explore my decor side as well with redoing rooms in my house. I'm starting to get off the subject of why these two guys have anything to do with earth day, getting back on point!!! I was looking to become more Eco friendly to do more then just recycle and make baby blankets and learn how to make baby booties I was on YouTube type in high top baby booties that is how I found these two great guys that I have come to know!!!!! They showed me how to make those booties which will be able to be reused on doll or another child and same with the blankets I make, Mike and Diva Dan got me thinking what else can I do well I picked up my crochet Book found out how to make reuse able tote bags for grocery shopping, tough me it's good to go to yard sales to find items that are useful along with antiques stores which have vintage items that I can reuse,shop at the dollar stores as well you will find great buys there for your creative side! I learned how to make Diva Delight hate which I altered little bit that I have used all winter long it kept my head warm washed great as well plus it cost me nothing to make it because I had yarn in my yarn stash. Mike and Diva Dan show you that it's okay to embrace everything that's different it's great to help the earth out. Another thing I'm learning from them is how to make jewelry from their website as well if you check their site out your possibles are endless and open your mind to everything! I do hope to be able to visit Mike and Diva Dan sometime! When it comes to earth day these two men come into my mind they are great men to know and have in your life,remember it's okay to reuse yarn even if it's from project that ripped,to keep yarn stash from projects that are left over from other projects,don't be so quick to throw out old plant boxes or buckets they can be reused fro something. also grow your own veggies herbs, and food if you can it will save on your grocery bill and gas bill plus you will feel good. You can also find Mikey and Diva Dan live on live webcast where you can talk to them and the rest of us followers/Fans

Here is the link for the site

what I did yesterday

Yesterday I did something that needed to be done and in fact it's early too I spring cleaned my bed room keep in mind I didn't clean my closet out yet I'm saving that task for the weekend. It felt good to give me room good cleaning it felt like I was getting rid part of me that I no longer am I felt like I'm not able to explore the new me what I want and like in fact my bedroom is starring to look like east meets west!

My depresson that I started to go back into again is getting better I'm learning to not let my Nana get me down and depressed my dad said soemthing to me that struck something in me it's from Forrrest Gump moive" Stupid is as stupid does" Another words I'm not going to let nana's be littling get to me she loves when people fail he makes her feel good and I'm not going to give her that I'm fighter and I'm going to fight!

I'm still going to look into learning Hinduism and speaking it as well what brought me on this is I founds this book I bought at Barnes and Noble about hinduism I'm going to start reading it.