Friday, April 15, 2011

Much to do about nothing

It's just normal Friday for me nothing special going on, other then tonight at 10:47pm I get to start my weeks vacation, no I'm not going not where or doing anything special I might take few day trips or something but not totally sure with the price of gas right now. I will if the weather is nice I will be taking some photos and sharing them with you. Just had to blog that I'm just happy about it hahah

Earth Day

Earth Day by nyrickgrant
Earth Day, a photo by nyrickgrant on Flickr.
It's that time of the year again earth day, no I'm not tree huger but I do care about our earth and world. I happen to love this festive to me it symbolizes spring time things coming to live again, I even get time find some east meets west stuff I even get to get some henna done! I will be taking photos when I go over there this weekend to post on blog about it.

My new layout templet

So I decided that it was time to change my layout ,give my page new feel for change granted I'm not sure if I like the new layout but I'm getting use to it HAHAHA!! I figured that it was spring/summer so I would brighten it up for now and reflect something that is me color I love colors.