Monday, November 29, 2010

these are my confessions

I have confessions to make to everyone so here goes, WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I BEEN DOING TO MYSLEF AND FRIENDS LATELY??????? So here are my confession to everyone I hope that I CAN make my wrongs into right and work on everything that is broken to fix it becasue life and friendship is perious give to have and I don't want to lose none of it so there for I want to fix it all and yes I know that it will take time but I'm will if all of you who I upset or hurt are willing too. So here goes these are my confession, yes I'm becoming fat ass agin which is my own doing since I hurt my back or rather when they didn't know what was wrong with my knee I was told not to exercise and like dumb ass I listened to the doctor which IDK why I did I never listen when someone says I can't do something becasue I prove that I can do it. Now that my back is all fixed woohoo by the way I started to exercise and superly watch what I'm eating again I have cut back to eatting 1-2 meals day with one snack, well this part me getting back to working out and all came long time in the making I had to fight depression which I did, I had to stop my depression meds because I didn't like the way they made me feel which was nothing as all, so I fought my depression I had to find out what was making me depressed which I did thanks to Hinduism I searched deep in my mind and sould to find out what  it is, which turned out one was losing my mom the way that I did not beging able to tell her everything that I wanted to but I now know even thought she is not physcialy here she can still here what I had to tell her and she now knows what that was. Also I had to find out what made fat pig which turned out to be I used this fat suit to hide the wrongs that were done to me growing up, I have not come to peace with them and worked passed it to realzie I can change that and not be like that person who did that to me!! Since I have did so I'm no longer depressed. I now feel better as person about that and I have since been able to start losing weight and working with my band again!!!! Now onto how I have been treating my friends which is not very well because most of you are pissed of at me and are not talking to me because of this which I now know that I have been wrong in doing what I did and saying what I said. As those of you that know me know I don't always have way with words I sometimes get people confused in what I'm trying to say and give people the wrong IDEA which is not good and I'm working on this part, but for some reason I have been giving alot of my friends the wrong idea when I talk to them viva text or phone or FB I'm sorry I should really think before I speak or tpye as not to confuse people or give you the wrong Idea to cause drama in our lives I'm willing to working this if you are well to point out to me that I'm giving the wrong meaning or saying something that you could get the wrong idea, also I have not been good friend by not beging there for yous when you need me I have been to busy making messy of my life looking for love with the wrong men which I now know all the wanted to do was use me and I went along with it! No more for me!!! I'm going to start being good friend again I will be there for your when you get hurt, fuck up or whatever with no judgment on anyone!! I hope you do the same with me as well.

As for my weight loss it took good friends to get me going again well one but I'm not saying who but they know who they are they made me resee my goals again how I fucked up on everything and need to fix it I know this sounds bad but I'm kind of glad they are pissed at me right now and not talking to me for just few days because I need to do this and see how I have been wrong to everyone and it's pushed me harder in my workout as well to get to my goal weight and to stop beging such bitch lately!!! So here is what I'm going to do everyone I'm going to start spekaing my mind but think beofre I speak, kick my workouts up more to an hour 1/2 to two hours long,work everyday to fix what's broken in my life that is worth fixing! live more laugh harder, love those who matter, tell my friends everyday I'm gald to have them in my life! I have realzed that my life can change in single heart beat and I want to make every minute count. SO these are my confessions.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Diwali lights

Diwali lights n Rangoli
Originally uploaded by keya_arati
As the photos shows it's that time of the year again in Hinduism, Sikhism,and Jainism it's time to celebrate Diwali also know to us as festival of lights. Up until recent I didn't understand what this meant all I knew was it had to do with light and oil lamps. This festival has always interest me for as long as I can remember, not to feel stupid or dumb Westerner I looked it up to see what it fully meant which meant I googled it, along with going reading Sharell's blog over at I learned what it mean and it has my full attention now in fact I'm going to try to take part in it here, of course mine will be so small it's not funny but I find it interesting. In case you don't know anything about Diwali go to this link here : I found it quite interesting so much so that I'm going to go to one of the Hindu temples that are near me to speak with someone to learn More bout Diwali. I would also love to see some photos from those of you that celebrate this festival as well I will post mine. I borrowed this photo because it fit and is so colorful too I love the Mandela

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wealth and Prosperity in Mauch Chunk/Jim Thorpe PA

All the information that I’m about to post here came from the Mauch Chunck
Historical Society I will include the link to the site. I  did not write any of
this it’s right from the site I’m only barrowing the information from them. I do
not own any of the information that  I’m about to post. Here is the link to the
page where you can find all the information on and where I barrowed the
information from as well :

victorian Era 1875-1900

Mauch Chunk,
founded in 1818 as a company town, went through a boom period that lasted
through the rest of the century as the importance of anthracite became central
to the American Industrial Revolution and the American way of life. Men of
modest means and men of no means at all came to the town and got swept up in the
success and opportunity the town afforded them. Some became millionaires several
times over. Even those who did not become millionaires did well for themselves –
the tide of prosperity raised nearly all the boats of Mauch Chunk.

This vigorous era
reached its peak in the last quarter of the 19th century. As that era began most
of Mauch Chunk’s “old money” families were still centered here. The next
generation was still young, but they were maturing and not all were destined to
remain in Mauch Chunk.

Industry in Mauch
Chunk bustled and there was plenty of employment in various enterprises. These
included the coal business, three railroads and their attendant shops and yards,
the Lehigh Canal and the boat building enterprises, breweries, construction
companies, two iron plants plus a wire rope mill, two newspapers, a tannery and
a tallow plant. Besides these businesses, Mauch Chunk was also the county seat
and there was a wealth of lawyers along with the clerks and secretaries needed
in the various offices.

During this era
there was an exceptional set of individuals who were the leaders of the town and
industry. Nearly all had made their fortune and fame in the coal and rail
industries and nearly all were millionaires. And in the late 19th century, being
a millionaire truly meant something. They included (in order of when they passed
from the scene):

<> <> <>

1. John Lentz
2. Daniel Bertsch 1801-1877
3. Asa Packer 1805-1879
Charles Albright 1830-1880
5. John Leisenring 1819-1884
6. Harry E. Packer
7. Fisher Hazard 1829-1888
8. Alexander W. Butler
9. Andrew A. Douglas 1818-1890
10. Albert G. Brodhead
11. William Lilly 1821-1893

12. Robert Klotz
13. Charles O. Skeer 1818-1898
14. James I. Blakslee
15. Allen Craig 1835-1902
16. Nathan D. Cortright
17. Francis R. Sayre 1821-1908
18. John C. Dolon
19. Leonard Yaeger 1824-1919
20. John S. Wentz 1838-1919
Mahlon Kemmerer 1843-1925

These were the men
who built the great mansions on Front Hill overlooking the Lehigh. These were
the men who built the townhouses of Millionaire’s Row on Broadway. These were
the “royalty” of old Mauch Chunk.

As time
progressed, these town fathers began to die out and in some cases the next
generation moved on to the bigger ponds of Bethlehem, Philadelphia and New York.
The coal and rail industries would soon start shifting their main offices to the
bigger cities, too. Still, the momentum of prosperity continued to carry the
town along and there was a wave of construction during this final quarter of the
19th century that reshaped the town. It was high times in old Mauch Chunk while
it lasted.

Even as business
shifted elsewhere and the old families faded from the scene, another industry
had been growing, that of tourism. Mauch Chunk had been a tourism town since the
early 1820s when visitors came to see the taming of the wilderness. By the late
years of the century tourism had grown until, for a time, Mauch Chunk was the

most popular
attraction in the United States – 2nd only to Niagara Falls.

The first know settlers in Mauch Chunk Jim Thorpe PA

All the information that I’m about to post here came from the Mauch Chunck
Historical Society I will include the link to the site. I  did not write any of
this it’s right from the site I’m only barrowing the information from them. I do
not own any of the information that  I’m about to post. Here is the link to the
page where you can find all the information on and where I barrowed the
information from as well :

The first settlers
of Ol' Mauch Chunk were members of the work crew that came here with White &
Hazard in the fall of 1818.  The "charter" citizens of old Mauch Chunk, besides
White and Hazard, were:

Wilson, John, Coppersmith
Lamon, James,

Ward, Thomas, laborer
Thomas, machinist
Fulton, John, laborer
Jenkins, John, carpenter       
Spear, James,
Spear, William,

Spear, Robert, laborer
Hezekiah, saddler
McCrea, James, wheelwright
Briggs, William,

Nowlan, Francis, white washer
William, carpenter
Cameron, James,

Flood, John, teacher
Watt, James, laborer
Buzby, Samuel,

These settlers
were soon followed by others, including Nicholas Brink who brought his wife and
children here in early 1819.  Margaret Brink was the first woman in MC and in
April 1819 the first child born in MC was born to the Brinks. 

Most of these
settlers only lived here a short time - most were gone by the mid 1820s.  The
Spears were in MC for a while, but had relocated to other places by time of the
Civil War.  James McCrea is the most interesting since he remained in MC the
rest of his life.  He had the wheelwright shop which occupied the site of what
is now the Marion Hose Co. building.
  He's buried in the MC Cemetery

The birth of Mauch Chunck/ Jim Thorpe PA

All the information that I’m about to post here came from the Mauch Chunck Historical Society I will include the link to the site. I  did not write any of this it’s right from the site I’m only barrowing the information from them. I do not own any of the information that  I’m about to post. Here is the link to the page where you can find all the information on and where I barrowed the information from as well :
Prior to 1818 the place where the Mauch Chunk Creek entered the Lehigh River was
a wild and lonely place. The creek met the river in a wide, rocky estuary known
to the few locals in the area as “Little Spruce Swamp”. Above the swamp, rocks
and boulders choked the stream, creating many pools and ponds as the water
cascaded toward the river. Rhododendrons grew thick on the steep hillsides and
fish and game abounded.
As for the presence of man, there was very
little, but what there was stood out in the wildness of the scene. The site had
been used by the Lehigh Coal Mining Company (LCMC) as a boat landing, but there
was much more activity in this regard about a mile up the river at Lausanne
Landing. The Lausanne Tavern also played host to the officials and laborers of
the LCMC when they were working in the area.
Perhaps the most
noticeable sign of man at Mauch Chunk prior to 1818 was the state road that
paralleled the river. Nicholas Kern, a pioneer of Lehigh Gap, had improved the
old Moravian Road from Lehigh Gap northward to the village of Weissport.
Beginning in 1792 he extended this road north along the river to the base of the
Broad Mountain. It was used mainly to reach the coalmines at Room Run (later
Nesquehoning). Kern was plagued with problems in the construction of this road,
with some of his worst problems located at the swamp at Mauch Chunk Creek. The
details of Kern’s road are not known, but it is likely he constructed a bridge
at the site.

By 1818 great
change was in the wind along the Upper Lehigh. The old LCMC was out of the
picture as a new company – or rather a pair of new companies, entered the scene.
Three partners had taken an interest in mining the coal and getting it to market
– two totally different ventures. To that end, they founded the Lehigh
Navigation Co. to improve the river and, shortly thereafter, the Lehigh Mining
Co., to mine the coal. This allowed backers their choice in what endeavor to
invest in. In a few years the two concerns would merge to form the Lehigh Coal
& Navigation Co.

Josiah White,
Erskine Hazard (Philadelphia businessmen) and George Hauto were the three main
partners in this new effort. They first visited the Upper Lehigh in 1817,
returning in spring of 1818 to commence work. White and Hazard recruited 13
laborers for the project and it was decided that the best way to quarter the
workers would be to construct a small fleet of boats that would carry them to
work the different work sites on the Lehigh. White dubbed the fleet “Whitestown
on the Lehigh”. Beginning work at Lausanne Landing, the crew gradually worked
its way down the river, moving rocks and clearing a channel in the river. The
workers were a mix of men – some local mountain people, some brought from
Philadelphia. All were roughnecks and strangers to White and Hazard – some of
dubious background. The partners, working side by side with their crew, were
mindful come payday so as not to be murdered by their employees.

By the fall of
1818 a channel had been cleared on the Lehigh and that work crew was dispersed.
The “Whitestown” boats returned to the Mauch Chunk Creek for the season. For the
next part of the work, White brought in a crew of 18 laborers, men from his
factory in Philadelphia and other men known to him. Along with White, Hazard and
Hauto, these men constitute the “charter citizens of Mauch Chunk”,
the first settlers.

Some were only
short-term residents. Others remained and made a life for themselves in the new
village – some even spending the rest of their lives here. James McCrea became
one of the town’s best-known citizens. Born in Scotland in 1788, the wheelwright
had worked for White at his Philadelphia factory. He remained in Mauch Chunk
plying his trade from 1818 until his death, which came in 1882 at the great age
of 94. For many years his wheelwright shop stood where the Marion Hose Co. now
stands. He is the only charter citizen to be buried in the Mauch Chunk

During the winter
of 1818-1819 the Whitestown boats remained moored at Mauch Chunk. One of those
boats housed Mauch Chunk’s first family, that of LC&N steward Nicholas
Brink. With the spring thaw of 1819 construction began again and Brink and
family moved from the boat to the first dwelling in the village. This was
located along the creek near where the Navigation building now stands, and
included a large bakery on one side, operated by Nicholas with three of four
helpers. The village grew rapidly in 1819 and soon there were over 600 laborers
to house and feed. Brink’s wife Margaret worked as a cook and was the
housekeeper for the large boarding house adjacent to the Brink home.

Not long after the
Brinks moved into their home, they welcomed a new child into their family. Born
April 21, 1819, he was the first child born in the village and was named in
honor of the three LC&N partners responsible for the founding of the town.
The full name bestowed upon the child was Josiah White Erskine Hazard George F.
A. O. Hauto Brink
His birth was a great cause of celebration for the village
and the laborers made an especially big event of it. Not only were they
celebrating the birth of a child, they were celebrating the new spring, their
hard work, and the firm establishment of the village of Mauch Chunk. A witness
described the celebration thusly,

”The forest was
illuminated with pine torches, plenty of good old and pure whiskey was drank,
and the noise and dancing were so great that it seemed as if the very tops of
the pines had caught the infection and kept time with it by waving to and

so it was that Old Mauch Chunk was born, carved out of the wilderness as a
company town for the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co.

Monday, October 4, 2010

New show I like called IRT Deadliest roads it takes place in India

Anyone that knows me know that I'm not reality TV fan at all but I do have few favorite shows that I do watch one of them is called Ice Road Tuckers the past few seasons it take place in Alaska you can find this show in History channel. History channel now has spin off of this show called IRT'S Deadliest roads it takes place in India, I saw preview for this show for weekend now and I was hooked on it right after seeing the preview of the show I was counting down the days to the show LOL! I was glad to see that they had Lisa on the show driving in India to prove that woman can do it all! Here is little bit about the show it's right from : here is the link if you would like to check it out yourself :  now here is what the show is about right from please keep in mind that I don't own none of this text I'm just borrowing it to inform you.

 About IRT Deadliest Roads

Three of North America's toughest truck drivers are crossing borders and tackling some of the most extreme roads in one of the world's most unforgiving environments: the Himalayas. Navigating the highways of India--some of the deadliest on the planet--will test everything the drivers have learned in more than 40 years of combined experience. They'll be forced to adapt to road and driver conditions they've never before encountered. Whether it's driving along 1,000-foot-high cliffs, dodging avalanches, failing to communicate in a language they don't understand, facing hostile temperatures or simply driving on the other side of the road, nerves will be tested and lives will be put on the line this season on IRT Deadliest Roads.

Friday, October 1, 2010

How me and other American's like to spend our money

Someone inspired me to write this blog because it got me thinking! US as Americans we love to spend money weather we have it or not it seems like we don't care anymore or maybe that is just me, it seems like all we do it buy stuff that we don't need just because we saw it on TV or someone told us that hey you should try this product it's great and sadly we go out  and spend our money on it half the time we don't use it or might use it one and never aging.

 I know that I'm not along in this department either I'm guilt of spending money on stuff that I don't need I will even openly talk about this right here right now along with what we  Americana's do, eating out we all do this some more then other we chose to do so for many different reasons, me included I have learned that eating out all the time is not good for our health home cooked meals. If we eat out we have to let tip pay for drinks sometimes even refills,pay for appetizer, main meal and desert, that my friends is hefty bill because we love to eat that is part of our problem we have no grasp on portion control. I'm can safely say I have learn portion control thanks to WLS and changing my life around. Once you start to eat at home you will see that you saved money because you don't have to let tip pay for drinks refills none of that stuff! Plus you know what you are putting into your food when you eat out you have no idea what is in your food they can tell you it's one thing but it can be whole neither thing.

After having my WLS done I starting losing weight I was not hungry all the time I didn't know what to spend my free time on so when I was not working and had weekends off I went shopping spending money on new clothes, hand bags, pens, yarn, hair ext ions, as seen on TV stuff, anything that I could get my hands on just like the rest of the people out in the world and I started to spend money I didn't have. Well I got into depression after my operation it didn't stop my spending but made it worse I stopped working out and fell backing to old ways even spending buying more stuff!!! I went to talk to someone who I brought up my spending habits well he told me what I needed to do at that time I didn't want to hear it this kept up for nothing, I'm sure you are wonder what has changed. Well my neighbors went into nursing home friend and I helped cleaned out there home we I ended up with more stuff and but seen how they kept everything and how bad shape some of it was woke me up to see hey you don't need to stuff to be happy and spend that money on that stuff dose not good I can keep that money and spend it on nice trip or vacation somewhere or make improvement to my house.

Well what has changed for me is in the process of helping them out I ended up with new bed room set well it's not brand new but it's in better shape then mine was so I got it. I had to clean my room out which opened my eyes to see how much stuff I have well I ended up throwing somethings out that I no longer need or was not good either, as for my pens well I'm not buying more I'm using what I have till the ink is gone if it don't write I throw it away it makes me feel good to do so because I know I don't need pen collections, hand bags well I'm going through them getting ride of what I don't want or like any more I don't need 50 or more hand bags, shoes well since I lost the weight my feet are smaller I into size 7-71/2 shoes so my size 8's have to go the hard part for me is getting rid of my fat clothes this is another blog about my fat clothes. I have learned that I don't need the newest latest high tech things that are out on the market today either. I'm learning to cut my spending down because things are going up and we don't need stuff to make us happy either. As for yarn well I'm crocheting again making things it comes in hand for baby gifts, birthday's Christmas etc! So the yarn is put to good use.

Us as Americana's need to stop spending money on stuff that we cannot afford we don't need the newest cars, phones,homes,TVs, eating out,etc we need to look at what we have and use that we need to get out take nice walk with our families smells the fresh air we can do things that don't take money like family night, going to state parks, cleaning out our home have yard sales etc. I think if we all can save 1.00 to 20.00 week it will add up to something big and we can spend that on something we need like our debt that we have or  take nice trip or make that home improvement we need. This is just my thought.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm going on ghost walk in Jim Thore PA

Since October is coming right up I though I would share something with everyone something that I have been interested in doing the past few years  which  would be taking part in ghost walks the Jim Thorpe has to offer. I know some of you are wondering why it has taken me some long well pre lap banding I was not able to do this cause of my weight, but now that have been banded for year I'm now able to do things like this YAY!!!!!!  I will post photos of the walk if they let me take photos and tell you what was said on the walk

I know you are wonder what are ghost walk exactly well here is brief descriptions of what they are and include I will also include the like to the site if you would like more information on them.

Ghost walks are tales of  ghost encounters, stories of historic properties people along Broadway, it's one miles round trip walk which starts in the lobby  of the Inn at Jim Thorpe, it's lead by costumed storyteller, you walk outside so make sure you have on the proper artier so that you are not cold or hot also make sure you have shoes are comfortable as well cause this is walk and you will be outside. The walk last about an hour unless for some reason they are not due to weather. The site states that walk-in are welcome but space on each walk are limited, so make sure to make reservations, private walks are available on certain dates and time, you can also purchase tickets for the walk at the Inn at Jim Thorpe 15 minutes before the walk time it's first come fist serve without reservations. There walks start in September and end in December.

Here is the link to the site:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wnating to get pass port

Trying to get passport is not easy in fact I find it to be confusing and stressful! I would like to travel to out of the US for weekend but I need passport in order to go,so I went to to find information out in hopes that I could maybe fill papers out online. Well I was on the site read all the information that was required of me it said I could fill some out online and other I can print out or go to my local court house to get,fill them out and send them in and wait! That is all good but it's so confusing they seem like the ask the same questions over and over again they ask everything but you blood type! I understand this but come on here people make getting the paper work one easy and either fill all of it out online or vivia paper!!!!! I will be getting passport I need to fill the paper workout  pay the money to get all of this. I will keep everyone posted

Monday, September 27, 2010

Brief history of Jim Thorpe also know Mauch Chunch PA

I’m starting with the history of Jim Thorpe PA also known as Mauch chunck PA, I have gotten this brief history from and also from what I know as well along with facts that I know as well, The photos that are going to be shown are from me and images that I have found on the web as well. Mostly I will be taking photos of the town on my days off from work as well.

Jim Thorpe is a borough in Carbon County, Pennsylvania, USA. The population was 4,804 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Carbon County. The town has been called the “Switzerland of America” and also “Germany of America” due to the picturesque scenery, mountainous location, and architecture; as well as the “Gateway to the Poconos.”

The name Mauch Chunk , was derived from the term “bear mountain” in the language of the native Lenape people, an apparent reference to a local mountain that resembled a sleeping bear. The town was founded in 1818 by Josiah White, founder of the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Company. It rapidly became a railroad and coal-shipping center, and was home to the Mauch Chunck Switchback Gravity Railroad, generally acknowledged as the first roller coaster in the United States. The city was the location of one of the trials of the Molly Maguires (There is also pub named of them as well here in town) in 1876, which resulted in the hanging of four men found guilty of murder. The population in 1900 was 4,020; in 1910, it was 3,952.

Following the 1953 death of renowned athlete and Olympic medal winner Jim Thorpe, the boroughs of Mauch Chunk and East Mauch Chunk merged and adopted the name of Jim Thorpe in hopes of attracting attention and tourism to bolster the local post-industrial economy. The town bought the athlete’s remains from his third wife and erected a monument to the Oklahoma native, who began his sports career as a student at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Carlisle, Pennsylvania (2 hours southwest, near Harrisburg). On June 24, 2010, a son of Jim Thorpe (Jack Thorpe of Shawnee, Okla.) sued the town over his father’s remains under a Federal law designed to return Native American artifacts to their tribal homelands.

The history of the borough is inscribed in the architecture that makes up its many 19th century styles. Former resident and architectural historian Hans Egli noted the vast range of architectural styles: Federalist, Greek Revival, Second Empire,Romanesque Revival, Queen Anne and Richardsonian Romanesque. Most of these architectural examples remained intact beneath aluminum or vinyle siding that has since been removed.

Robert Venturi, renowned Philadelphia architect, conducted a little-known planning study in the 1970s that attempted to understand the dynamics of historicism and tourism, notions that have come into their own in contemporary times. While Venturi’s planning study was unique at the time, it has since become a critical factor in Jim Thorpe’s rebound as a functioning and economically stable community. Jim Thorpe benefits from tourism initially spurred on by the celebration of its old architecture, which has developed new industries and modern creations. Two of these relative newcomers to the Jim Thorpe area are paintball and white water rafting.

In 1827, the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Company, a coal mining and shipping company with operations in Summit Hill, Pennsylvania, constructed an 8.7 mile (14.0 km) downhill track, known as a gravity railroad, to deliver coal (and a miner to operate the mine train’s brake) to the Lehigh Canal in Mauch Chunk. This helped open up the area to commerce, and helped to fuel the Industrial Revolution in the United States. By the 1850s, the “Gravity Road” (as it became known) was providing rides to thrillseekers for 50 cents a ride (equal to $11.64 today). This is often designated as the first roller coaster in the United States. The Switchback Gravity Railroad Foundation was formed to study the feasibility of preserving and interpreting the remains of the Switchback Gravity Railroad on top of Mount Pisgah.

As of the census of 2000, there were 4,804 people, 1,967 households, and 1,335 families residing in the borough. The population density was 332.1 people per square mile (128.2/km²). There were 2,193 housing units at an average density of 151.6/sq mi (58.5/km²). The racial makeup of the borough was 98.36% White, 0.62% African American, 0.04% Native American, 0.27% Asian, 0.04% Pacific Islander, 0.04% from other races, and 0.62% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 0.83% of the population. A plurality of Jim Thorpe’s residents are of Irish descent, typified by the connection to the Molly Maguires and large amount of Irish pride seen throughout the town (e.g. flags).

There were 1,967 households of which 28.2% had children under the age of 18, 50.6% were married couples living together, 12.3% had a female householder with no husband present, and 32.1% were non-families. 27.1% of all households were made up of individuals and 13.4% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.42 and the average family size was 2.93.

In the borough the population was spread out with 21.0% under the age of 18, 8.2% from 18 to 24, 28.8% from 25 to 44, 24.9% from 45 to 64, and 17.1% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 41 years. For every 100 females there were 95.4 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 91.9 males.

The median income for a household in the borough was $35,976, and the median income for a family was $43,710. Males had a median income of $31,141 versus $23,490 for females. The per capira income for the borough was $17,119. About 7.8% of families and 10.0% of the population were below the poverty line, including 18.3% of those under age 18 and 6.8% of those age 65 or over.

In a poll conducted by Budget Travel magazine, Jim Thorpe was recently awarded a top 10 spot on America’s Coolest Small Towns, Circa 2009. The town registered 3,920 votes to land the #7 spot on the list. Jim Thorpe is becoming a tourist destination, with many businesses catering to white water rafting,mountain biking,paintball and hiking. Along with these sports, Jim Thorpe is popular among railroadingfans and is known for its extraordinary architecture.

The town is home to the Asa Packer and Harry Packer Mansions. The former was the founder of the Lehigh Valley Railroad and Lehigh University; the latter was Asa’s son. Both mansions sit next to one another on a hill overlooking downtown Jim Thorpe. The Asa Packer Mansion is a museum and has been conducting tours since Memorial Day of 1956. The Harry Packer Mansion is a bed and breakfast.

Jim Thorpe is home to the Anthracite Triathlon, an Olympic distance triathlon open to amateur and professional triathletes. The swim portion occurs in Mauch Chunck Lake. The bike course takes riders through the mining towns of Summit Hill,Nesquehoning, Lansford and Jim Thorpe. The running portion of the course is generally along the former alignment of a historic switchback railroad.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

How I will starting blogging about my town

I was orginaly going to start this blog from tourist view of my town but someone pointed out to me that I should write about it from residents point of view as to what the state and my town have to offer people. So that is what I'm going to do. I'm going to start off blogging about my town from the history of it how it got it's name to what has made this place famous for everyone to come here, I'm even going to talk about local places that I love to visit and even go to eat as well, also I will throw in fact that you might not even know. I'm hoping to get the okay from some local store owners to take photos of there shops, and ask them few questions as to what makes there shop stand out from other shops. I will start posting tonight when I get home from work. I'm going to creat section for this blog I'm thinking of what to call it you will know all this tonight when I get home.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm starting blog about the town I live in

As I stated yesterday I was thinking about blogging about the town that I live in. Well I have chose to do so I will be starting it this week. I will be talking about who founded the town the rich e history and why people from all over the world want to come here and what we have to offer you will even see how we have lots in common with other countires.

I am thinking of either in corporting it with this blog or creating another blog just for the town. What do you think? If I do start another blog just for the town I will put it on word press

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Small tourist town PA how would you like to read about it form local?

I have been doing alot of thinking about this topic I want to start new blog chapter to my blogging and this one I was thinking of blogging about the town that I live in, it's small tourist town in PA. People from all over the world come here just to see this place the only think that put this place on the map is the person that is burried here and the Molly Miguries who were coal miners. I was wonder what you my fellowers thought of that? I was thinking that in my free time on the weekends that I have off that I could go over town and play tourist even talk to some of the shop people and ask if I can blog about there shops and take photos of the shop and inside, along with this  will do things that the tourist do when they are here as well. The only thing I will not do is sleep in one of the many b&b's that we have here since I live here. I will even go the festivels that we have right here in the town as well even show you something that I know as well. So do you think that this would be something that you would like to read about or not?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Wanting to do more to help others

So the other night I was watching this movie called Smile:Sheltered and privileged in sunny California, Katie's (Mika Boorem) perspective on life changes when she travels to China and meets Lin (Yi Ding), who hides her face because of a severe deformity. Brought together by a volunteer medical program, the young girls learn they share a birthday -- and a need to connect despite their divergent cultures. Sean Astin, Beau Bridges and Linda Hamilton co-star in this affecting coming-of-age drama.

I just loved this movie it made me wake up and realize that I need to be doing more it also got me thinking about my mom and how she use to volunteer at and for different things when she was alive, she use to get me involved with it as well and I never argued with her about going along I enjoyed it in fact I miss it!!! Begin in health care  I would love to get involved with something again to help people in other countries that need help but I don't know where to start looking as the web can be full of scams like that. I will have to google and ask questions or if anyone know of where to look let me know. doing it for free is nice but I would also not mind getting paid either to do both

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I'm back to hooking again! That is crocheting

I'm back to hooking again!!!!! No it's not the hooking that you are thinking of ! I'm back to crocheting again  I was not able to do it over the summer because it was just too hot out as we all know or remember that giant heat wave. Well I'm sure you are wondering what I have crochet so far well I have made octagon baby blanket and I'm working on another baby blanket now. I do have two more baby blankets and few baby sweater to make for people who are having babies once those are done I can start to work on other stuff as well. I will be doing another post on this new stich that I have learned viva and all free crochet and my crochet book as well, I will also post photos of the work I have done.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What I did over the summer Part two

Okay it's time for part two of the last blog. Capt. Kirk's time up here with me went so quickly but we had blast enough if that on with part two of this blog hope that you all enjoy it. The next place that I took Capt.Kirk was to place called Penn's Peak right in Jim Thorpe I love this place you can see concerts here, eat at the restaurant called Roadies and it's home to NEPA's number one Internet radio station as well. This is the sign that you will see as you arrive at Penn's Peak it's greets you so to say, it also tells you who's coming to the Peak as well.
This right here houses Penn's peak well part of it any how it's home to the Internet radio station right up here. Where all the cars are here that is where you park when you come to see show or whatever is going on out here, along with if you are here to eat this is where you park as well it's huge lot I must go back and get more photos of the place as well. This is site that you will not see very often but I had to try one of there drink the one that I have here is called Roadies rum runner to me you could taste nothing but the rum it was too strong for me, but if you like your drinks strong then you will love this one. I love the inside of this place it has photos painting and even old records of artist of the past and now it just rocks!!
Well Capt.Kirk he was enjoying his drink that he has as well Yes that is route 66 sign next to us how cool is that we enjoyed out time in here talking and looking round it was nice but the out side on the deck was nicer. We happen to go on day that was raining off and on I was not sure if we would even get good view or not but surprising we did!I just love the view from here it's like you can see miles and miles almost into another state at times. It's just breath taking viewLoving the view from here Capt.Kirk
I just love these viewer things they are I don't know just so fun and classic in way very tourist thing I guess I just had to have photo with it. I hope that you enjoyed the photos that I have sheared with you I will be posting these on my flickr page as well, that page will have all the photos on it. I

Friday, August 20, 2010

Part one of spending week with Cap.Kirk and how I'm spending my summer

What I have done with my summer so far well I have not done much because of the heat, I know I should not let that stop me! Well there is something that I have  done this summer and one of those is that I have friend come visit me on July 24,2010. It was last minute plan I was not able to get off of work to spend the time with him to take him all over like I wanted to but for the most part we did see and cover lot before I went to work. Cap. Kirk as I'm going to call him on here to protect his real name came up to see me for week I was so happy because I have not seen him in 6 or  7 yrs due to the fact that he live in TX and I live in PA, his flight got in on time which I was surprised because for the most part flights are not always on time as we all know. On Sunday the day after he got here we decided that we would take little drive and see some sites mostly the country side that live right near me and PennsPeak which turned out to be quite interesting. I'm going to talk about our ride in the country it's place called Unionville my Nana grew up in this little area and I happen to find it so peaceful, relaxing and worthy of taking people out to see it mostly because you never know what you will see when you go out there.The photo below is of house out there that I just love it it's so peaceful look yet fun and as you can see it has huge yard it also kind of reminds me of doll house too. My friend could not get over the homes out there along with the emptiness that is unionville he was surprised to see that even some land is let untouched viva the state.
As we were driving along we came across few attractions of mother nature wild animals keep in mind I was creeping along so he could see everything and so could I. Along our travels we came across this cute little rabbit that was sitting in the middle of the road, we took well Cap.Kirk did all the photo taking on this trip he took photo of it.The little guy must have figured we were done taking photos of him, because of the pic he moved across the road.Here are some deer that we found in filed eating or just standing there. It seemed that they knew as well that we wanted photo of them because they stood still so that we could get few photos of them. I also explained my friend that when there is two there are more hiding right around them. This guys were babies I knew that mom had to be somewhere around watching them, it was amazing that they stood there long enough for us to get photos of them. It's truly is amazing that their are places where we can't build or people own land but won't build to protect nature and it's animals.
Here is another photo little bit from the spot that we were at now you have 3 deer one is baby yet they knew we were there but carried on eating mostly because they knew somehow we were not after them just photo.Why did the wild turkey cross the road? Well to get to the other side of course LOL!!! little bit down the road from the deer we saw some wild turkey crossing the road, course I had to stop because I wanted photo also I didn't want to hit them either. there were like 3 or 4 of them some were babies too we were not able to get shot of all of them. How cool is that, that we got to see real live turkey it's quite interesting seeing them live.Here is shot of turkey kind of close up no worries non of us got out of the car to get the shot we stayed in the car with the window fully opened I got as close as I could with out the little fellow moving thank goodness for zoom cameras right!
Here we have some more deer hiding near some pine tree looking as us like hey you two are nuts yeah take our photo if you want we, will stay still.More in an open filed as well.I saved the best for last these steps are very special to me I know that they don't look like much to you but once upon time there stood one room school house here where my Nana you use go to. She walked 1.1 miles one way in all kinds of weather to get to this school, she even had to walk 1.1 miles home in all kind of weather as well. My Nana grew up during the great depression she is 85 in case you are trying to do the math, she told me many of stories of how they lived during this time having nothing wearing shoes that didn't fit or had holes in them. I just had to get photo of this and share with everyone I know only the steps remain now but at one time there was building there where people went to get education where one teacher tough children from k-6th grade I think I'm not sure off hand how far the grades went up to I have to ask my Nana.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Time for new blog.

I know that it's been month of more since I have blogged about anything! It's not that I don't have anything to write about I have just been putting it off for whatever reason I don't know mostly RL real life now that I have gotten things on order it's time to fire up the keyboard and get to work! So with out futher though here it is................

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why I blogged i HAVE visitor

The reason th I have not blogged in while is right now I have my best friend here from Texas here is for this week then he is going this Saturday. I will have full blog of everthing that we have done while he's here along with photos. I have not seen him in 6yrs so it was time for the visit.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Product review Paris Hilton's "The Bandit?

Don't I look good
Originally uploaded by nicki18229
It's time for another product review everyone out there in Blogger land!! This one is on Paris Hilton's "The bandit" hair extensions , here is the main info about the product right from Sally's beauty supply store where you can buy this product this is the only place that I know where you can buy her brand of hair extensions I don't know another other place to get them I'm sure some salons sell them viva her permission but I don't know any of them. Here is the info about the product now:

•Heat resistant hair
•Curl-Blow Dry-Flat Iron (Maximum Heat 240 degrees F.)
•Create a totally different look everyday
•Fast and easy to put together

The Bandit" by Paris Hilton is all about exploring another side of your personality by creating a totally different look that's fast and easy to put together. A classic headband style with hair allows you to create a different look every day. "The Bandit" is made of a new heat resistant fiber, up to 240 degrees F. that allows you the flexibility of different styling options. You can use a hair dryer, a blow dryer, curling iron, hot rollers or flat iron on low heat. Includes four interchangeable headbands. Now "That's Hot!" For short hair brush your hair back. For longer hair, pull back and secure. Slide hairpiece on as you would a hair band. For a custom fit, you can adjust the Velcro tabs on the back of the hairpiece. Package includes detailed application and care instructions.

That is the information right from Sally's Beauty Supply store who carries her brand of hair extensions now it's time for my review on this product keep in mind that I don't have the final say over this product nor am I getting paid to write review of it either I'm do so to share my thoughts of the product with others who might like to know what I have to say and I did not get this product for free either I paid for it from my own money.

Well to start with the packaging it's very well packaged you get one main Velcro head band on the hair to start and 3 others ones come with it so you have plenty to change around if you get board with the basic black one that they give you,when you open it well the hair has lots of body to it I think so anyhow. It had clips for it to stay in your hair and more Velcro in the back of the weft to tighten it or loosen it if you need to. I like the fact that you can adjust the back if it so that it's not so tight or not so lose because you don't want it to dig into your head or be so lose that it's falls off or something you don't want to be like oh no there goes my hair my bad!!!! I also like the fact that it's easy to use and place on your own hair, plus you can add some heat to the weft to either make it curly or more curly and straight if you want it to be that way. I have curled the weft it does curl nicely and stay that way for long time I didn't even add hair spray or nothing to it. When I want to make it straight I just use my flat iron make it straight and go on with my day!!!! I love love how it feels like I have not weft on my head at all even with all the hot weather that we have been having here on the east cost I have had it on and it felt like it was my own hair. Now let move onto what I don't like about this product.

Things that I don't like about this product is it tends to get tangled very easy so you have to brush it more often then you would verses other hair extensions that I have I do not like how it tangles and then it looks like I got into it with rat nest or something! You have to wear side bangs and some of us don't have bands or want to hid them to make it look like one peace of hair if you have short bands or you have side bangs but then are short then they keep getting in the way so you have to use hair clip or Beret like I did in the photo and make it blend or something. It's was on the thin side for weft I would have though it would have been thicker not so see through at times. Next when you take the bands off or even go to fix the back peace you have to make sure that the hair dose not get caught in the Velcro but what get me is the peace the weft how it's made it come through the inside of the weft so then you have to fight to get it back out and make it look nice.

Would I tell someone else to get this product I would because it has it's pluses and it's negatives just like anything else but I would warn them if they don't want to spend time with messing with side bangs or brushing the weft lot then don't waste your time with this one move on but if you don't mind or even if you want it just because of the name then sure it's great.

Here is my rating out of 10*'s
10 stars means that I love it get it get it get it

I will have to give the product an7 1/2 to 8 stars I was in press with the product but not supper impressed with it. please share comments they are welcome with me

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bareminerals make up product review

Bareminerals make up
Originally uploaded by nicki18229
This is product review # 2 this one is going to be on Bare Minerals makeup, so here goes.

I love love this product I have use this makeup for little over year now and what I mean by this I have use the product for over year. I must say when I put it on it cover the red in my face makes it look calm etc even out my skin I even look like I have not makeup on at times which I tend to like and some time I add the blush sun toned product that makes it adds warmth to my face it's great product some malls now even have BE store where you can go right in buy the product I love that I don't have to order it online I can just get what I need right while I'm out shopping. They say that you can sleep in the makeup it will not clog up your skin and it feels like we have no makeup I love that part as well and you will not look like you have pancake face either with this makeup. I have slept in it before just to see what would happen nothing it was great because it's natural makeup I didn't get clogged pores or nothing it washed right off with no issues either.

My rating out this product 10 out of 10 ******

Friday, July 23, 2010

Euronext hair extions

Euronext hair extions
Originally uploaded by nicki18229
My very first product review is Euronext clip in hair ext ions I got these puppies at Sally's Beauty Supply store, they cost me $80.00 they are real human hair. Here is the discretion of them right from the site: •Created to blend with any one's hair color
•100% Premium Remy Human Hair

Euronext Remy Clip-in Human Hair Extensions are made of Premium Remy Hair that is of the highest grade human hair extensions available. Extra attention and care is exercised during the entire manufacturing process. This attention during manufacturing promotes alignment of the hair cuticles, which greatly reduces tangles and mimics natural hair flow. Premium Remy Hair ensures a better human hair extension experience.

The Euronext Remy Clip-in 14-Inch Human Hair Extensions Package contents include: one 8" wide weft, one 7" wide weft, one 6" wide weft, one 5-3/4" wide weft, four 1-1/2" wide weft, two 1" wide wefts with no snap clips attached (for color testing). they also include two extra clips and hair for test IE hair coloring or whatever you needed it for.

These are the ones that I'm using the 14inch ones. I must say that they are soft right out of the box clip are easy to open no problems with that they went in great! The only few things is that they are straight as board when you get them out of the box no body to them there is not even that much hair on one weft either and for what you pay for them one would think that they would be. The other thing that I didn't like is the sales people in the store told me that you get alot of hair in one pack that is all that I would need, well you know what I have thick hair and as you can see from the photo I need another pack to get it to blend right! I will include more photo to this as well. I was kind of let down with the product in way esp for what it cost I would have thought you would have gotten lots of hair and ticker wefts as that.

I will be going to buy another pack of these to see if that dose the trick which I think that it will once I do that I WILL do another review on the product.

My rating for this is 6 out 10 ******'s This product will be getting another review once I get another pack yes some products will get more the one try with me these are links to more photos of my hiar

I will be doing product reviews [I'm not getting paid to do these]

I wanted to let you know that there will be  new section in my blog for nothing but product reviews, I'm not getting paid by companies or anyone else to do these. This is something that I want to do to share with all of you my opinon with you it will include photos of the product how it worked even video as well. I want to share with you first that there will be new sections of blogs coming up oh and if there is product that you would like me to try and write review on please do let me know and I will do one for you just email me and let me know. I wanted to post this blog to let you know of the new sectino of blogs coming out today

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Atlantic City Beach

Atlantic City Beach
Originally uploaded by alex_e14
When you think if Atlantic City you tend to think of gambling winning lost of money or you might even think of the mob. Well for me and few other people when we think of Atlantic City we tend to think of the ocean, beach, Steel Pier, the smell of salt water, maybe even salt water taffy oh and even the board walk gambling comes last to my mind. Don't get me wrong I do try my hand at lady luck for few minutes then it's outside I go! I love to walk the board walk because you never know who you are going to meet, what you might see or even find. I do walking the beach something about the beach and ocean is so peaceful to me I don't know why. I try to go to Atlantic city twice year or more. I tell everyone who has not been there to go it's more then just gambling it's fun for everyone. The city is well known as resort town located in South Jersey it's quite nice town to travel to even take holiday for few days or even weekend. I tend to find the shops along the board walk interesting fun I love to go into all of them to see what I might find in there because you never know. The beach is peaceful yet fun all at the same time,

Saturday, July 17, 2010

how about a cup of heavenly Chai afternoon?

One thing that I love about Indians is along with the rest of the eastern and European world is that they take time out to enjoy the day relax if you want to call it! I'm learn from them I'm learn to take my time not to be in rush because we only get to live this life once before we move onto the next one. So why not enjoy it! I found this photo on and I thought it fit perfect go get cup of Chi Tea and enjoy time even for half hour or more! Weather you sit on your porch or patio or you are out with friends or cafe time time relax maybe talk to some people you don't know be friendly it goes along way! Enjoy the time we have here life changes in heart beat!!!! I'm learning to relax even if I sit in quite room alone with nothing going ie phones ipod tv etc just sitting there collecting my thought, or I do yoga sometime to relax me, even nice evening walk nothing fast just nice walk along or with someone. Even if you are out shopping slow down enjoy it take in where you are at! SO come share cup of chi and chat with me sometime.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

hair extions product review

I did my first ever product review or something like it on youtube lastnight talking about my Euronext hair extions and how thin and how I need more of them to blend with my own hair I post the link in here for you to find them so here it is. check out all 5 parts

The world never sleeps

I have  come to realize something that The world never sleeps no matter what people are on the move somewhere no matter where in the world that you are and you can buy or sell anything no matter where you are in the world! I love  the fact that you can do this esp sitting at home in your PJ's you can buy from ebay at like 3 in the morning and no one else in the world will no know that unless you tweet that or something. I mean how cool is that you can even work from home no matter what time it is or where you live.

My back pain I gave in I'm going to see back doctor

HELLO everyone! I know it's been while since I posted new blog and I have lot to say to. Well as most of you know I have been having issues with my back, hip that goes right down to my knee and I was going to PT for this well sadly they didn't help it at all I figured I could just live with it and deal well all of sudden the pain went away!!!!! I was so happy I started working out on my Wii fit again well guess what the pain came back and worse well it got worse after I painted my bed room in two days time!!!! So Nana told me I should call back doctor to crack my back into place or something, I was like okay whatever I will. Well I can't take the pain I can't workout and I can't stand the pain no more it's getting worse I'm now getting pinching pain from my back down my knee and I also get it on my left side as well. So I called the back doctor as Nana puts it's I go see him tomorrow I hope that I get some kind of help here!!!! I mean I miss walking and working out I WANT TO lose my weight I don't want to gain!!! I will keep everyone updated as to what is going on! That is another reason why I have not been blogging because when I get home I get online check my email and then go to bed to lay down because my back hurts. I will keep everyone posted as to what is going on and how I'm doing.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Lap Band and how it helped me out of depression

Lap Band Drawing
Originally uploaded by mypinktoes
When most people find out that I had the Lap- Band done I sometimes get comments like " Why did you go do that?" " You took the easy way out!" " Well it looks like it not working" and I love this comment "Ewww your turned yourself into freak you were not meant to get that put on you you were made to be heavy" Well I used to let these comments get me down for the longest but then I realized I DON'T HAVE TO COMMENT BACK TO THEM OR GIVE CRAP WHAT THEY ARE SAYING TO ME BECAUSE THEY ARE EITHER JEALOUS KNOW THEY DON'T HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO GO THOUGHT WITH IT OR THEY ARE SCARED OR IT'S JUST EASIER TO MAKE COMMENTS THEN TRY! I have been dealing with depression for while now I was see psy doc and on lexpro but when I was out of work for while with my knee which turned out to be my hip and knee I got behing on bills and could not afford to get my Lexprop fill and could not go to the gym because of the pain! Oh and the meds they placed me to help with the swelling and what not put weight on me along with not Begin able to workout did as well so I got into rut for few month hating myself figuring out how I'm going to get out of this! Then something inside me woke up and was like HEY YOU YEAH YOU, YOU HAVE THIS BAND ON YOU ARE GOING TO PT AND ARE STARTING TO FEEL BETTER SO WHAT THAT YOU HAVE HAD SET BACKS ALL THIS YEAR SINCE HAVING ME PLACED ON YOU BUT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU CAN BECOME LOSE AND AND MEAN A LOSE IN GREAT WAY ON THE WINNING SIDE! I'm sure you are wondering what this crazy me is talking about well, I started walking before work if it's not took hot I'm working on my crocheting, garding, watching and also these sites along with obesity have snapped me out of this funk that I was in plus knowing that I'm not alone is helping me because my family and family friends sure I not helping I have to be strong! Today I did something I have not done in 91 days and that was workout on my Wii Fit Plus I was only able to do this for 15 minutes because I had to get showered for work and it was starting to bother me little in my right hip but still 15 minutes is not bad for getting back into the swing of things I plan to workout some more when I get home form work tonight as well! I also lost 4lbs since last week so I'm so happy about that I most normal people are like 4 lbs is nothing at all when for WLS freaks like me it's great step in the right direction!!!! I still have 123lbs to lose yet and my 1 yrs bandanversery is coming up and I was hoping to be at my goal weight but you know what you can't rush great things! I must say that my Band along with finding hobbies like garding crocheting and learning nail art has helped me snap out of depression My band had helped me the most because it made me realized I'm not the same person that I once was I'm better more fun living life the fullest person now and I'm not going to let anything stop me and I will control what and how much I eat! I learned it's great to have left overs!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My first visit to Hindu Temple

I believe few post back I was talking about how I want to go to Hindu temple to see what it looked like and also try to understand Hinduism since I have been fascinated by the religion for as long as I can remember. It must have been faith or density that borough me to this temple well actually it was article in our local news paper I will enclose the link to it here I do hope that you check out the link I think that the article was very well written and explain a lot in it also it dose open up one's eyes to how all religions are some how connected. After reading the peace in the paper I new that I just had to go see this temple this was sign some above. The name of this place Anoopam Mission you can even find them online here at this site. This temple is world wide the have two more site in India and England as well. I ended up going to the temple on Sunday it did give times in the paper as when to visit but it also said to come when ever you want to. So that is what I did I went on Sunday with my Nana and friend of ours, it was a site to see pulling up to this temple as it sits on hill when you get out of your car you just have to look around and take the whole view in as you can see everything and you feel like you are in heaven or something it;s like you can see the whole world or state for that matter. They do have two levels of parking the top part is for handicap and the lower is for people who don't need handicap parking. As we starting to walk up and in the door I had to take this photo as it was amazing the door it was beautiful I did find out that all the wood in the temple was hand carved and so was this door

We went over the Memorial day holiday and there were some people there that day who were very kind to show us around and answer some questions that we had all though I DIDN'T get to ask the questions I wanted because of my Nana's friend who would not let anyone get word in edge wise I WILL be going back, in face the invited us back for mass to see what it's like and to feeds us as well. I wanted to get more photos of this place but I was kind of afraid to ask I don't know why I was but I guess I was just nervous I guess, I do plan to go back aging in fact I want to learn all I can about Hinduism. I also loved the fact that the temple on the roof has bells on them I think that is so cool I know it's on there for reason but still I think it's so cool and the view from in side was breath taking as well even the inside itself was so beautiful as well, I don't know why but I felt so at peace, calm,relaxed,like I belonged, renewed. I'm not sure why but I did I even kind of felt as home in way too. I do hope that if you ever come up this way that you do visit this temple. I will be going back when I do I will be asking if I can take some photos.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

looking for new background and it's my 100th post

YAY this is my 100th post!!!!! I'm so happy! Well this blog is about I want to change my background I'm sick of the background now! I'm going to have to check out how I can change it I know what I want to do I want to make east meets west theme for it! I know I will find something tonight when I get home from work! I just had to share and yay I got to 100 post woohoo

What view

Originally uploaded by nicki18229
Most people when I tell them that I live right next to the woods, they say you are lieing you don't live out in the country! Well I may live in town but I'm right next to the woods none the less in fact I can even take walk and I'm in wooded area and it's so pretty, quite,cool full of life in it's own natural way! No this photo was not taken at my house this was at friends house she lives on top of one of our main streets but the view is breath taking I had to share this with you, I will have photos form my house! I will say this is one of the perks of living in small town sometime is view like this one! It's also reminds us that we are not the only ones that live here we also have wild life who live among us and we should let them be. Right now this is how it looks during the summer/spring here. I took these photos while I was taking walk I just had to share this with everyone it's quite something that it's right here and we don't have to go far to see beauty at all, it's also so peacful as well it in strange sense renews you some how I'm not quite show how but it dose.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My summer project and decor

As most of you know I have summer project and that is to remodel my bedroom, no it's not what some of you think it's not major project I'm just going to paint over the paneling and change the decor in my room to something that really suits me and it's all me! I'm sure you are like how are you painting over the paneling well I'm using caulking to fill in the lines then I will sand it down prime it and put few coats of paint on the wall, I know what color are you going to paint you room, well it's hard to explain the color,well for starts since it's in my bedroom I wanted something that was going to be relaxing, peaceful, up beat, fun, but also me and good looking. I chose this pretty green color I know you are thinking but Green it's not pretty well this color that I have pick out is. I WILL show photos of it when I'm done to show you how well it looks.

As for the decor you are wondering what that is going to be well if you know me then you all ready know but for those that don't I will share with you. I love the whole east meets west theme, so that is how I will be decorating it. I saw this photo and I had to use it as an example because it's so pretty and goes with my east meets west theme. I will tell you this is some project it gives me sense of something different it's renewing me some how I don't now why but it is. I will keep you up dated as it comes along

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I'm thinking about giving up meat and becoming vegetarian

This is something that I have been thinking about for while  now so it's not just something out of the blue for me. I'm thinking about giving up eating meat! More after seeing the movie Food Inc. it's real eye opener, I'm not huge fan of documentary  but this one was good one to see a must see. So ear go I'm starting to think about giving  meat up  I'm going to try it for two weeks to see how I like it. As many of you know I had WLS done and protein is super important in my heath so I will have to figure out how I'm going to get the protein that I so need. I  will be blogging about this as well so keep your eyes out for this. I know that my dad is not going to like this he will start calling me tree hugger or somethig like that but oh well he will get over it's I'm not little kid any more and it's my life I can do what I so chose to do right? My nana it will not bother her as she is not huge meat eatter after growing up on farm she knows how it goes so she dose not care to eat meat as well so I'm thinking she might try this with me as welll you never really know do ya.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

creative and nails

I missed doing post on my 95th post so I'm going to do it on my 96th one where did that time go? So what I'm going to talk about today is something that most of you know I love to do and that is going to get my nails done. Unfortnly with the cost of everything going up with the ecmony I have not been able to go get my nails done at all in over year, and with me taking my mulitvitiam and biotin my nails are going like it's nothing and they are stong as well. I tell anyone to take Biotin it helps not only your nails but you hair I had to start taking this vitiman after my WLS because I started to lose my hair and this product help me with it my hair is growing like it's nothing as well. Well since I can't afford to go get my nails done or manicure I'm now doing this at home along with painting my nails I'm also learning how to do nail art as well, you would be suprised how this is saving money and time waiting to go get this all done. I will post some photos on another blog about this. I'm just learning how to be creative anymore it's quite interesting what I'm learning that I'm capable of doing it's quite something.

Monday, May 31, 2010


As those of you might now I'm learn Hindi I know that I have not posted in while about how things are going with that and that is because I have not been able to practice for little bit I have had some work things stressing me out which I'm no long going to do I'm going start back with my Hindi I  want to learn how to speak read and translate it. I know some people think I'm nuts for this but on well I don't care it's one the many lanuges that I want to learn. It's very interesting as well to learn another lanuage as well.

Learning how to knit hookers!

Many people do this everyday no matter where they are at, to some of us it's foreign scary, interesting, looks fun. Some people many turn there nosies up at this as well never to give this though or wonder how could you? For us C hookers[ not the hooker you think of] that is crochet hookers we might turn our nose up at this because it takes two needles to us I' sure you are wondering what I'm talking about! I'm talking about well I'm talking about knitting. I'm crocheter by heart I love doing it, but I have thought of knitting for years esp because I have knitting needles that were my grandmothers she use to knit so I figured why not learn something new see how I like it maybe I can make some cool interesting things. But the confusing parts for me are starting the cast on and the whole putting the yarn over the other needle and through it plus I have two sticks to deal with, along with this while knit stitch and purl stick can get confusing at times for most of us that crochet! None the less I'm still going to learn how to knit I'm sure once I get use to using two needles and learning how to cast off when I'm doing with project will get easier for me as I go on. I know some of my follower hookers are like how could you want to go over to that side as well? My answer to them is why not we have lots in common with one another why not give this try see where I get plus I'm one for not giving up at something that I try! I will keep everyone posted on how things are going.