Wednesday, September 30, 2009

little history in christmas

This blog came about thinks to Mikessmail and Diva Dan they were talking about how they are going to celebrate Christmas this year not in the religious sense of it tough. Like they said on their video we as people have taken Christmas out of Christmas and turned it into nothing but no I can out beat you in decorating my house with 500 blow up snow globes or no I can buy better gifts then you can. Not their exact words just summing up in my own words on that one. I agree with them thought we have turned Christmas into nothing more then gift giving day! Christmas is one of the holidays that our churches are filled with people who only go few times years to church just cause it's holiday or they are still with family and just because they are staying with family, also this is the time of year I noticed where people can become really mean nasty rude people as well some even become depressed and try to kill themselves for whatever reason weather it's because they don't have the money to buy people what they want or they just fell pressure that they have to keep up with everyone else or the holiday just makes them depressed.

Many of us don't even know they real meaning of how this holiday came about, well for those of you who don't know how this day came about I'm about to shae it with you give you little history lesson on this holiday. Again religion is going to be mentioned in here I'm not going to push any ones religion on you these are just facts that I have found online.

Christmas: Is also know as Christmas day or eve it's holiday celerbrated December 25th every year commemorates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. The day marks the beginning of the larger season of Christmastide, which lasts tweleve days. The nativity of Jesus, which is the basis for the anno Domini system of dating, is thought to have occurred between 7 and 2 BC. December 25 is not known to be Jesus' actual date of birth, and the date may have been chosen to correspond with either a Roman festival or the winter solstice. This was taked from Wikipedia if you want to reffure thier for future reading.

If you want better understanding of this here is link to the history channel which gives good explation of Christmas histroy

It is true that christans did adopt some things from pegans in order to get them to convert to christanty thus is how we got the chrismas tree. Most people do think of Christmas as when Jeusus was born but we don't know that for sure if you read it dose not give date in the bibe that is all I'm going to say on that. To me Christmas is a time when you spend with family celerbrate life with them take part in activites that you would normaly not do when it's warm out I think of Christmas as festival or winter solstice anyone can celerbrate it! As we all know winter can be dark long cold time of years and this day just might brighten someones life or many peoples lives it's time to reach out to people that you might have for gotten about during the year.

As far as gifts go I tell people you don't have to buy me something because odds are it's going to be something that I have don't want or will use. I tell peopke either give me card come see me have dinner with me. give me gift card or better yet make me something.

To me as crocheter I love to make gifts for people because it's something that they can always use or might even need in fact people love hand made gifts more then anything because it shows them that you took the time to make that for them or that you put alot of thought into what you gave that person.

Now onto the lets see who can out decorate who come on people that just get tacky after while but I must amit it's nice though at times when you can go see things like nature in lights or winter/christmas light shows. I do like to decorate for christmas but I don't over do it when the time gets closer I will be posting another blog on christmas showing what I did to decorate me house.

Stop fighting about religion


The reasons that I'm writing this blog today is because two people got me inspired to write about something that has been on my mind that I have been thinking about for few years. It started right before my mom passed away her and I would have lots of talking about everything from how we feel about something right down to death, it has been almost 5 years since my mom passed on I wish she was still alive today but this can't happen I know that she still with me not in physical form but is spirit form. One of the many things that we talked about was religion we our Catholic by faith but this did not stop us from keeping an open mind to all religions, my mom happen to believe in reincarnation that we all lived past life and will also live another life as we pass on from this one, yes I know that Catholic church dose not look highly upon this but that is what she believed in she also told me that no matter how you look at it all religions are the same we all believe in GOD[S] we pray,we go to church or form of one, we practise religious ceremonies,etc etc.

Over the next few years I just kept all these thoughts in the back of my mind going over and over them as issues with the Catholic church keep coming out along with issues in the news with radical religions who want to kill people because they don't like them just cause of their religion.
I have kept these thought quiet in my mind because not everyone see everything the same way I was not ready to share what I have been thinking also because I think I was too worried what other people have thought, but this has changed thanks to many new people that I have meet viva online, in person.

Another person that came into my life viva crocheting is Mikessmail I came across him Vivia I was looking for help crocheting high top baby booties and found his how to help make high top baby booties from the first time I saw his video I knew that he was someone worth watching more and getting I don't personal know him or his partner Diva Dan I only know them thought YouTube and his website on Face, from what I have gotten to know of the both of them I have learned that it's great to be different from everyone else in the world it's okay that I'm not perfect I'm not every one's definition of normal, it's okay if some people view me as freak or something. They help me see that it's okay that I have my own option in this world, don't get me wrong I have always been out spoken never cared what other people thought of me how they viewed me etc it was just in the past year leading up to my weight loss surgery that I worried what everyone thought of me how I LOOKED etc because when it came down to it I was not happy with the person that I was I need to change this person for my health my life my own Begin! I actually came across these two people after my weight loss operation which helped me lot!

I know that I'm starting to get off topic here but I must share this because it's all part of this blog! After have my WLS done it changed me 360 degrees I learned how much I matter how I can change things in my life help other people etc!! It also taught me it's okay to questions things it's okay if I get something wrong I'm not perfect person!

Another person I found that struck my interest was Elizabeth Gilbert the writer of Eat Prat Love I must add it's great book must read for everyone, she tell the story of her own life how it went from worse to good how she even found GOD along the way in many different forms and it's okay!!

Mikessmail was talking about him and Diva Dan are going to celebrate Christmas but not in the religious form and weather Mike should even be aloud to call it Christmas, they got talking how we have taken Christmas out of Christmas that we have for gotten the real meaning of what it is! It's not hey I want this and that and this for Christmas we have turned Christmas into commerical Holiday for all the companies and stores to make money that is what we have done. I agree with Mike and Diva Dan how Christmas is not Christmas any more it's more like gift giving day! Well will talk about this in another blog as it's another story all together which I WOULD like to share with everyone my thoughts on.

Getting back to Religion when you think about it we all believe in a GOD[S] we all to some form of church everyday or every Sunday we all pray to them we all take part in religious ceremonies that pertain to our religion in one way or another. I'm not going to sit here and try to break down every religion their is out their in this world because their are tons of them, however I will say this, why do we have to fight over which GOD[S] are right? Why do we have to chose which religion that we want to be? Why can't we just respect what someone else believes in?

Me I have been to different churches have friends that are different religions then me and have gone to church with them and kept an open mind about what they believe in and I respect what they believe in as well. We don't fight over who is wrong and who is right we respect one another choice in what we believe in. I have even know people who are saintliest and worship the devil are they wrong for doing this? Most people would say yes they are me if that is what they believe in so be I don't fight with them over it and they have never brought me harm or forced their religion on me either in fact people that I knew who worisped the devil some of them were the nicest people that I knew even very generous giving people who would help you out in minute if you needed it. That is more then I can say for some people out there in the world who say they are Christan's who want to help people in need but when it comes time to put into action they find some reason out of doing something.

I'm going to take some religions here that I know of off hand to use as some examples of how each religion has borrowed or is using today in practice to show are all religions reflect one another and are based on the same things.

The information that I'm presenting here can be found here at these websites :

Hinduism: According to historians, the origin of Hinduism dates back to 5,000 or more years that is really long time! The word Hindu means is derived from the name of River Indus, which flows through northwestern India. Hinduism differs from Christianity and other Western religions in that it does not have a single founder, a specific theological system, a single system of morality, or a central religious organization. It consists of "thousands of different religious groups that have evolved in India since 1500 BCE." Hinduism has become the world's third largest religion right after Christianity and Islam it claims about 837 million followers that is a lot of followers if you stop to think about it. That is 13% of the world population if you stop to think about it. It is the dominant religion in India, Nepal, and among the Tamils in Sri Lanka. According to the "Yearbook of American & Canadian Churches," there are about 1.1 million Hindus in the U.S. The "American Religious Identification Survey" is believed to be more accurate. They estimated smaller number: 766,000 Hindus in 2001. Still, this is a very significant increase from 227,000 in 1990. Statistics Canada estimates that there are about 157,015 Hindus in Canada. Hinduism is a diverse system of thought with beliefs spanning momotheism,polytheism,panentheism,pantheism,monism, and atheism, and its concept of God is complex and depends upon each particular tradition and philosophy. It is sometimes referred to as henotheistic (i.e., involving devotion to a single god while accepting the existence of others), but any such term is an overgeneralizing.

The Hindu scriptures refer to celestial entities called Devas (or devi in feminine form; devatā used synonymously for Deva in Hindi), "the shining ones", which may be translated into English as "gods" or "heavenly beings".Hindu practices generally involve seeking awareness of God and sometimes also seeking blessings from Devas. Therefore, Hinduism has developed numerous practices meant to help one think of divinity in the midst of everyday life

Judaism:Judaism is a momotheistic religion based upon principles and ethics embodied in the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh), as further explored and explained in the Talmud and other texts. according to Jewish tradition, Judaism begins with the Covenant between God and Abraham.

Islam: The word Islam is a verbal noun originating from the triliteral root s-l-m, and is derived from the Arabic verb Aslama, which means "to accept, surrender or submit." Thus, Islam means acceptance of and submission to God, and believers must demonstrate this by worshipping him, following his commands, and avoiding polytheism. The word is given a number of meanings in the Qur'an. In some verses (ayat), the quality of Islam as an internal conviction is stressed: "Whomsoever God desires to guide, He expands his breast to Islam." Other verses connect islām and din (usually translated as "religion"): "Today, I have perfected your religion (dīn) for you; I have completed My blessing upon you; I have approved Islam for your religion." Still others describe Islam as an action of returning to God—more than just a verbal affirmation of faith. Another technical meaning in Islamic thought is as one part of a triad of islam,iman (faith), and ihsan (excellence); where it represents acts of worship (`ibadah) and Islamic law (sharia).
The Qur'an states that all Muslims must believe in God, his revelations, his angles, his messangers, and in the " Day of Judgment". Also, there are other beliefs that differ between particular sects. The Sunni concept of predestination is called divine decree while the Shi'a version is called divine justice. Unique to the Shi'a is the doctrine of Imamah, or the political and spiritual leadership of the Imams. Muslims believe that God revealed his final message to humanity through the Islamic prophet Muhammad via the archangel Gabriel (Jibrīl). For them, Muhammad was God's final prophet and the Qur'an is the holy book of revelations he received over more than two decades. In Islam, prophets are men selected by God to be his messengers. Muslims believe that prophets are human and not divine, though some are able to perform miracles to prove their claim. Islamic prophets are considered to be the closest to perfection of all humans, and are uniquely the recipients of divine revelation—either directly from God or through angels. The Qur'an mentions the names of numerous figures considered prophets in Islam including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus, among others. Islamic theology says that all of God's messengers since Adam preached the message of Islam—submission to the will of God. Islam is described in the Qur'an as "the primordial nature upon which God created mankind", and the Qur'an states that the proper name Muslim was given by Abraham. As a historical phenomenon, Islam originated in Arabia in the early 7th century. Islamic texts depict Judaism and Christianity as prophetic successor traditions to the teachings of Abraham. The Qur'an calls Jews and Christians "People of the Book" (ahl al-kitāb), and distinguishes them from polytheists. Muslims believe that parts of the previously revealed scriptures, the Tawart( Torah) and the Injil (Gospels), had become distorted—either in interpretation, in text, or both.

Christianty : The history of Christianity goes back into Jewish ancestry and revolves around the 300 prophecies in the Old Testament which reveals the upcoming of a Jewish Messiah who would be a Savior of humanity. Around 2000 years ago this prophecy was fulfilled by the birth of Jesus from the Virgin Mary in the town of Bethlehem in the land of Israel. In spite of the ban on Christianity in Rome during the second century, it kept on growing. In third century, the Emperor Constantine stopped the harassment and encouraged the growth of Christianity. The differences between the Greek East and Latin West churches began to grow with time on the issues of use of icons, nature of Holy Spirit and day of Easter celebration. As time progressed, Christianity divided into three major branches. The Roman Catholic branch of Christianity is the successor of the church established in Rome soon after Christ's death. It traces its spiritual history to the early disciples of Jesus. The Pope, or spiritual leader, traces his office's lineage back to St. Peter, the first Pope, one of Jesus' disciples. Roman Catholicism was originally predominately practiced in Ireland, Poland, France and Spain. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ookay enough about that thought here are some of the many things that we have in common with different religions we agree that we have God! We love our religions we want to share them with each other and if we stop to think about all if it the kind of reflect one other in some ways! What I'm trying to say when it comes to religion stop fighting we are all right in some kind of way or fashion! None is wrong and none are right in ways! In this crazy world of ours we share everything from breathing seeing talking dieing to religion we even share that in fact all religions have things in common!