Wednesday, September 30, 2009

little history in christmas

This blog came about thinks to Mikessmail and Diva Dan they were talking about how they are going to celebrate Christmas this year not in the religious sense of it tough. Like they said on their video we as people have taken Christmas out of Christmas and turned it into nothing but no I can out beat you in decorating my house with 500 blow up snow globes or no I can buy better gifts then you can. Not their exact words just summing up in my own words on that one. I agree with them thought we have turned Christmas into nothing more then gift giving day! Christmas is one of the holidays that our churches are filled with people who only go few times years to church just cause it's holiday or they are still with family and just because they are staying with family, also this is the time of year I noticed where people can become really mean nasty rude people as well some even become depressed and try to kill themselves for whatever reason weather it's because they don't have the money to buy people what they want or they just fell pressure that they have to keep up with everyone else or the holiday just makes them depressed.

Many of us don't even know they real meaning of how this holiday came about, well for those of you who don't know how this day came about I'm about to shae it with you give you little history lesson on this holiday. Again religion is going to be mentioned in here I'm not going to push any ones religion on you these are just facts that I have found online.

Christmas: Is also know as Christmas day or eve it's holiday celerbrated December 25th every year commemorates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. The day marks the beginning of the larger season of Christmastide, which lasts tweleve days. The nativity of Jesus, which is the basis for the anno Domini system of dating, is thought to have occurred between 7 and 2 BC. December 25 is not known to be Jesus' actual date of birth, and the date may have been chosen to correspond with either a Roman festival or the winter solstice. This was taked from Wikipedia if you want to reffure thier for future reading.

If you want better understanding of this here is link to the history channel which gives good explation of Christmas histroy

It is true that christans did adopt some things from pegans in order to get them to convert to christanty thus is how we got the chrismas tree. Most people do think of Christmas as when Jeusus was born but we don't know that for sure if you read it dose not give date in the bibe that is all I'm going to say on that. To me Christmas is a time when you spend with family celerbrate life with them take part in activites that you would normaly not do when it's warm out I think of Christmas as festival or winter solstice anyone can celerbrate it! As we all know winter can be dark long cold time of years and this day just might brighten someones life or many peoples lives it's time to reach out to people that you might have for gotten about during the year.

As far as gifts go I tell people you don't have to buy me something because odds are it's going to be something that I have don't want or will use. I tell peopke either give me card come see me have dinner with me. give me gift card or better yet make me something.

To me as crocheter I love to make gifts for people because it's something that they can always use or might even need in fact people love hand made gifts more then anything because it shows them that you took the time to make that for them or that you put alot of thought into what you gave that person.

Now onto the lets see who can out decorate who come on people that just get tacky after while but I must amit it's nice though at times when you can go see things like nature in lights or winter/christmas light shows. I do like to decorate for christmas but I don't over do it when the time gets closer I will be posting another blog on christmas showing what I did to decorate me house.