Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New hobby Geocaching

I've taken up new hobby called Geo-caching I'm sure your wondering what I'm talking about and some of you might know what I'm taking about but just in case I will tell you what Geo-caching is all about along with what it means.

Geo-caching is a worldwide game of hiding and seeking treasure. A geocacher can place a geocache in the world, pinpoint its location using GPS technology and then share the geocache’s existence and location online. Anyone with a GPS unit can then try to locate the geocache.
All in all what it dose is it get you out of the house, moving trying something new that you might not have ever try, I find it very addicting it's gotten me out to local places I've talked about going to but never did and to try some new things. I've since have went hiking and walking over 4 miles at local state park, for me the rush is finding the caches and see what's in them and if able to leave something it's modern day treasure hunting. I found out about this from aquatint I've been hooked on it since then, it's the best thing it's been helping me lost weight get fit and feel great I've even meet lot of interesting people, sometimes I do get strange looks from people as to what I'm doing until I explain to them what I'm doing then sometimes they are like cool and some tell me it's plain dumb I just reply to them by we all have hobbies. On my days off is when I usually going caching unless the weather is not on my side then I don't go. For GPS I bought the app in iTunes store it was not free I did have to pay for it, but it's paid for it's self and the works off the GPS on my iPhone it dose use battery a lot so I'm thinking of getting hand held GPS so that I don't use all the battery life in my iPhone. I would tell anyone to go out and just try it! Some of the caches are right in plain sight and you would never know unless you were out looking for one. Do check out the website: