Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy new year 2012

Happy new year everyone! How are you dear readers? I hope this finds you well with my bad hang over lol! Today Sunday what I did I finally got good sleep after weeks of not sleeping good, I we to see the move "The girl with the dragon tattoo" it was deep and good now i want to read the book to understand it better. Came home had. Pork and krout it's pa Dutch /German thing I don't care to much for it I miss black eyed peas and rice for new years southern thing.

As for Monday changes are coming my diet is going to change I'm starting o the south beach plan I used it before my lap band operation dr remd, I'm going to also start Zumba back up as well,I'm going to cut soda out of my diet and two teas day the rest water or something.

I will start with small changes and work my way up do I don't fail at all my goals which I will list Monday! As for me I'm off to bed now it's 5of 1am here

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