Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 2 of 5 of pouch test

It's the 2nd day of my pouch test, I must say things went great today I did hear my stomach growl and make nose but I drank water and it stopped. How ever their were times that drinking water it didn't stop so then I drank protein shake, it went away so that meant I was hungry, but most of the time I was thirsty after I would drink the water I would burp and feel better. I'm listening my my tool and pouch and it's working. I'm just now sitting down and drinking glass of diet iced tea it's the first one that I have had all day so yay me on that!!!! I know you are wondering is this easy for me? No it's not but I have regained my will power or rather brought it back up front off the back burner so to speak, it was not easy for me when I had to be on liquid diet right before my Lap Band operation and right after I had the band placed on but my will power helped me with that just like it is right now.

Tomorrow starts day 3 of 5 I get to start with soft protein foods tomorrow, I'm taking all of this nice and slow I don't want to rush nothing at all. As for weight loss I lost 3.5lbs since yesterday but I'm sure that was all water weight that I lost, as each of us are different some might not lose weight during this time and some of us might lose lots. After the 5day pouch test I'm going to start the South Beach diet this is what my surgeon had me using two weeks before my operation to get use to nothing but good calories and protein so this is what I'm going to use, first two weeks you have not carbs like bread or rice things like that they by phase two they start to introduce you in to whole wheat carb stuff it's grat plan not I'm not starting yo=yo diet like I did before my WLS this is just going to help reinforce and help keep me on track! I love the foods on the SB diet and it had great protein so it's all good and it's thinks us WLS people should be eating as well. I'm doing this 5day test all while working ugh it's something but I'm winning! Till tomorrow have great day or night