Thursday, May 26, 2011

Everyone lives Glass House

Flower show @ Glass House by Palachandra
Flower show @ Glass House, a photo by Palachandra on Flickr.
It's time that I get something off my chest!!! Gossip I'm so sick of it why do people have to do it? Also what do people have to make fun of other people?

Remember the saying people in glass House should not throw stone! That is so true also Karma will get you as well.
I know that I did make post while back about this but I'm talking about it again because well I'm sick of it and I will not stand of it no more if people want to talk smack about me fine go head you are not hurting me nor my fiends because when it comes down to the end I know the truth and that is all that matter! I know you are thinking how can I say this well because it's true people will believe whatever they want truth or no truth. After all we all live in glass house and their for should not throw stones!! Well some people I hate to see their house it must be full of stones.


Andrea said...

sorry that you are dealing with some drama..hopefully it will pass. on another note….that glass house is really pretty! lol

nicki18229 said...

Thank you very much. Most of it has to do with I just need to find new job. Also I can't stand some of the peeps round where I live talking about people when they them selves have no room to talk and should not because what goes around comes around is how I feel