Saturday, May 8, 2010

painting my paneling in my bed room

Most people would say that I'm looking for trouble or looking to make more work for myself by painting over the paneling in my bed room. The truth be told I hate paneling, I'm sick of looking at old worn out paneling plus it's ugly! In order when I paint not to have the lines in the paneling show I must take caulking to the lines to fill then in,yes it takes time to do this but it's going quite quickly for me even thought I see it I will have to go over it second time. After I do all of this then I must sand the walls down to get ready to paint, now after this point most people would prim the wall well I got paint that has primer all ready in it so I'm good there, I know that my walls will take two or more coats to finsh but it will look great when it's all done I know that. I'm going to post before and after photos of how it's coming along. I will do that this week sometime.