Thursday, November 12, 2009

For the love of hand bags!!

My love if things East and not I'm not talking about east Coast! My Best friend Jamie sent me this photo last week or so, I have been meaning to blog about this but was little down cause of work issue's but, I snapped out it so I'm blogging about this. She knows that I love my purses, hand bags and how I love Indian things, etc so while she was out shopping with my other Best Friend Crystal she stopped in this Indian store at the Mall. She sent me this in Text message saying I would love the store and the handbags, she said she knows what to get me for Christmas. Now I just have one problem what do I get her and Crystal for Christmas? When I saw this photo in text message Iwanted to hop the next flight out to Texas to shop at this store. I just wish I knew where their was Indian store near me to get things like this. Just looking at this photo and the ones I diary of white Indian housewife's photos at her site have placed me in better mood along with looking at photo's of other blogs that I read on here. I have more to say on this but it's getting late it's soon time for me to head off to work So I guess I will have to make this part 2 when I get home tonight