Wednesday, October 14, 2009

want to travel

I know that n my last post I said that I was not happy with my job that is so very to. I also have this longing to do something fun with me life something better I wish that I had job where I could travel more get out to see things. I am going to NY this weekend with my Nana and friends of ours on tour normaly this would not appeal to me to go on tour of city b- but I need to get out of town for the day do something other then go shopping whcih by the way is not my fav thing to do my nana dose she thinks this is something to do on weekend. Not me I like to hike walk trails travel to other towns place see things.

As I sit here I wonder what I can do on my weekends off where can I go on them if you have ideas please share them with me. Even idea of jobs where I can travel LOL!!!!

This is one thing I miss about my dad begin in the army we got to move and travel different place even where we lived we would to the next cities or towns to see things. I guess that I'm just tired of going shopping or sitting at home I need to get out see the world or something like that