I have really sat down and though about this, what my goals for the next year is going to be. You are probably wondering why I'm posting them now and not on New Years eve or day well quite simple what not get head start on them right now. What are your goals for the next year? Here is my list
1. Get back in control of my blood sugar
2. Workout more
3.travel more
4.Geocacheing more
5.spinning more
6.knit more
7.crochet more
8. learn to make my own lotion and soaps
9. make my own teas
10.read more
12.work on losing more weight
13. get healthier
14. indian cooking
15. find mr. right or close to it.
I know that they seem like alot will I get all of them done well I do not know but we will find out.
Monday, December 23, 2013
What goals I have finished this year.
As 2013 comes to end it brings me to looks back at my goals that I have made for this past year, in case you are new to this blog or don't remember what they are I will paste them right here. I know that I didn't complete all of them I'm not going to make excuses as to why, some were I just didn't have the money to do such extra items. Without further a due here is the list
Friday, July 19, 2013
look at my goals for the year and where I am at
It's 7 months into the new year I'd figure I would do update on how my goals on going this year so far for me. I want to say I hope that everyone is having safe happy summer remember to stay cool hydrated! I'm also in the process of looking for new job I got let go from mine due to the fact I was out on medical leave to long with my foot which will never be the same so time for new job so far no luck but I'm not giving up! My ideal job would be to have yarn shop, be able to travel and write about it and share photos or video the places I get to go to. Now on to my goals so far for this years.
1.I have not learned how my make custom soaps and lotions, lip balm not as of yet
2. Weight loss is coming along nicely even thought I can't always exercise like I use to
3. I have not started worry or worry free jar I should thought but have not as of this time I might though
4.I've not been able to travel like I wanted to so far this year due to my foot and not having the funds to do so however I'm not going to give up on this for the year
5.I have been taking more chances I'm not done with this at all
6. Indian cooking I have put this on hold right now due to what is going at home here
7.I have not tried to make my own tea as of yet but I will keep this goal in mind with my chocolate mint herb
8. Read more I am doing this I have read few books on my nook I just need to read the hard cover books I have at home here.
9.I have learned how to cable knit!
10. I still want to learn to to spin fiber into yarn
11.I still want to learn more crochet techs.
Well I think that my goals are coming alone nicely
1.I have not learned how my make custom soaps and lotions, lip balm not as of yet
2. Weight loss is coming along nicely even thought I can't always exercise like I use to
3. I have not started worry or worry free jar I should thought but have not as of this time I might though
4.I've not been able to travel like I wanted to so far this year due to my foot and not having the funds to do so however I'm not going to give up on this for the year
5.I have been taking more chances I'm not done with this at all
6. Indian cooking I have put this on hold right now due to what is going at home here
7.I have not tried to make my own tea as of yet but I will keep this goal in mind with my chocolate mint herb
8. Read more I am doing this I have read few books on my nook I just need to read the hard cover books I have at home here.
9.I have learned how to cable knit!
10. I still want to learn to to spin fiber into yarn
11.I still want to learn more crochet techs.
Well I think that my goals are coming alone nicely
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
How Black Americans Changed The World as we know it starting in 1863
Since we are coming up on the anniversy of the Gettysburg address I would like to share some interesting fact with everyone one about all the amazing inventions that black Americans created as free people.
We know slavery in America as our dark past that no one wants to talk about it's like the white elephant in the room so to speak I agree it's not the one of the good past of our history at all how ever from it their came something postive that no one ever want to talk about which happens to be all the freed slaves and their inventions they created as well as their future grenerations created as well. If you don't like the way that I view how out dark past gave us something good then stop read this!
I will list name here from this website:http://www.blackinventions101.com/inventionslist.html
We know slavery in America as our dark past that no one wants to talk about it's like the white elephant in the room so to speak I agree it's not the one of the good past of our history at all how ever from it their came something postive that no one ever want to talk about which happens to be all the freed slaves and their inventions they created as well as their future grenerations created as well. If you don't like the way that I view how out dark past gave us something good then stop read this!
I will list name here from this website:http://www.blackinventions101.com/inventionslist.html
air conditioning unit Frederick M. Jones July 12, 1949
almanac Benjamin Banneker Approx 1791
auto cut-off switch Granville T. Woods January 1, 1839
auto fishing devise G. Cook May 30, 1899
automatic gear shift Richard Spikes February 28, 1932
baby buggy W.H. Richardson June 18, 1899
bicycle frame L.R. Johnson October 10, 1899
biscuit cutter A.P. Ashbourne November 30, 1875
blood plasma bag Charles Drew Approx. 1945
cellular phone Henry T. Sampson July 6, 1971
chamber commode T. Elkins January 3, 1897
clothes dryer G. T. Sampson June 6, 1862
curtain rod S. R. Scratton November 30, 1889
curtain rod support William S. Grant August 4, 1896
door knob O. Dorsey December 10, 1878
door stop O. Dorsey December 10, 1878
dust pan Lawrence P. Ray August 3, 1897
egg beater Willie Johnson February 5, 1884
electric lampbulb Lewis Latimer March 21, 1882
elevator Alexander Miles October 11, 1867
eye protector P. Johnson November 2, 1880
fire escape ladder J. W. Winters May 7, 1878
fire extinguisher T. Marshall October 26, 1872
folding bed L. C. Bailey July 18, 1899
folding chair Brody & Surgwar June 11, 1889
fountain pen W. B. Purvis January 7, 1890
furniture caster O. A. Fisher 1878
gas mask Garrett Morgan October 13, 1914
golf tee T. Grant December 12, 1899
guitar Robert F. Flemming, Jr. March 3, 1886
hair brush Lydia O. Newman November 15, 18--
hand stamp Walter B. Purvis February 27 1883
horse shoe J. Ricks March 30, 1885
ice cream scooper A. L. Cralle February 2, 1897
improv. sugar making Norbet Rillieux December 10, 1846
insect-destroyer gun A. C. Richard February 28, 1899
ironing board Sarah Boone December 30, 1887
key chain F. J. Loudin January 9, 1894
lantern Michael C. Harvey August 19, 1884
lawn mower L. A. Burr May 19, 1889
lawn sprinkler J. W. Smith May 4, 1897
lemon squeezer J. Thomas White December 8, 1893
lock W. A. Martin July 23, 18--
lubricating cup Ellijah McCoy November 15, 1895
lunch pail James Robinson 1887
mail box Paul L. Downing October 27, 1891
mop Thomas W. Stewart June 11, 1893
motor Frederick M. Jones June 27, 1939
peanut butter George Washington Carver 1896
pencil sharpener J. L. Love November 23, 1897
phone transmitter Granville T. Woods December 2, 1884
record player arm Joseph Hunger Dickenson January 8, 1819
refrigerator J. Standard June 14, 1891
riding saddles W. D. Davis October 6, 1895
rolling pin John W. Reed 1864
shampoo headrest C. O. Bailiff October 11, 1898
spark plug Edmond Berger February 2, 1839
stethoscope Imhotep Ancient Egypt
stove T. A. Carrington July 25, 1876
straightening comb Madam C. J. Walker Approx 1905
street sweeper Charles B. Brooks March 17, 1890
thermostat control Frederick M. Jones February 23, 1960
traffic light Garrett Morgan November 20, 1923
tricycle M. A. Cherry May 6, 1886
typewriter Burridge & Marshman April 7, 1885
Here is someone to add to the list Victor Hugo Green The Negro Motorist Green Book.1947 it was for safe travel for black Americans in this time!
I think we need to look back at history and realize how the amazing inventions black Americans have given to the world this is why I say out of something horrifyingly bad came some great people! Honest Abe knew thing or two he was step ahead of people I feel if he was not shot he would have changed this country even more for the good.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Sari But It’s Not Your Granny Yarn It’s A Darn Good Yarn!

Saturday, April 20, 2013
For The Love Of Soap Soapothecary!

Penelope started Soapothecary in March of 2000 making hand made soaps, lotions, face, as well as body products which has been going strong since I have been long time customer of hers for long time now I use all of her products, I don’t have to worry what I’m putting on my body because I know. Her products are latex free vegan friendly and she uses organic oils too so I know that I’m not putting chemicals on me that are going to harm me or my body which makes me feel good. As of February 9,2013 Soapothecary is now stickily online how ever in Jim Thorpe PA if you go into the 5&10 store you will be able to Soapothecary’s hand made soaps only for the rest of the products you will have to visit them online at http://www.soapothecary.com .
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Start of small business blog!
As promised I’m going to talk about some of the small business that I happen to like and love some of them are local others either internet based or located in different towns or city’s. I would love to see boom again in small business America I feel that small business is the back bone of this country it’s where everything got it start from J.P Morgan all the way to Super Wal*Mart, yet somehow long the way to these chance stores we some how have lost the small business which is such sad thing this because without them we really would not survive at all. I would love to be able go into small or on website for small business and buy just about everything that I need or want, don’t get me wrong I’m not downing big chain store they are great for things that I need and want as well however they just seem to lack a lot of things that your small business has for example getting to know the employees in the and them getting to know you and what you like and don’t like what you need or want, getting to know the owner for the store who might happen to live right in your neighborhood! Getting that great customer service in small business, as well as find that hard to find item that big chain stores simply do not carry or even finding that rare item as well.
I understand that we all have be consumed by the malls I have been to, that is why it got me thinking after driving around for almost 15minutes looking for parking spot at the mall would it not be easier to buy from the small business I would not have to drive around for 15 minutes or longer looking for parking spot, fighting the packed malls just to get to one or two stores that I want to go into only to find out that they no longer carry that item or they are out of stock which you need to order it online. I’m not trying to down the malls of America either with their one stop retail shopping it’s nice to have it all located in one place however the down side is that it’s so crowed, they don’t always have what you need or want! I have found that it’s nice to but from the small business I don’t mind paying to park in car in parking garage for an hour or two or pay some place to park my car at one set price for few hours I know it will be safe, or even parking downtown and walking around downtown looking at the shops! I have found that this is very relaxing and enjoying experience to me I don’t feel rushed I end up finding some pretty interesting shops along the way as well as some great local eat, running into people that I know and have not seen in while, I might even get to take in some site which I would not normal see in mall plus I find it more family friendly as well. I know that shopping small business is not for everyone as some people only brand name pay lot for them and only shop in brand name shops, well I have news for you your small business sometimes carries those items as well all you have to is look and even asking.
My Nana still tells me stories of how many small business where you could go in once place buy your clothing items walk down the street go into your local meat market another store would have your shoes, jewelry, pharmacy etc.! I’m always amazed when she tells me about all of this I just answer her with I be that was exciting to walk down the street or down town begin able to get what you need or driving to another town to get what you need, she just tells me yes it was in fact I liked it better that way because you got treated better sales people knew you what you liked and what not! I know that we are not longer living in grandparents and great grandparents times however maybe we should take cue from them learn something that buying from the small business is good thing it keeps your fellow neighbors in work and community going and well with today having the internet it keeps lot of other people in work too. One might ask how dose buying off small business viva internet have the same experience well the owner or employee might ask how you experience was could the make buying from them better? Or how you liked what they carry they try to get to know you as person. I challenge you reader to try small business out for 30days see how you like it!
I will be posting blogs of the small business that I happen to like and love telling you why they are amazing giving you the links or address to check them out!
I understand that we all have be consumed by the malls I have been to, that is why it got me thinking after driving around for almost 15minutes looking for parking spot at the mall would it not be easier to buy from the small business I would not have to drive around for 15 minutes or longer looking for parking spot, fighting the packed malls just to get to one or two stores that I want to go into only to find out that they no longer carry that item or they are out of stock which you need to order it online. I’m not trying to down the malls of America either with their one stop retail shopping it’s nice to have it all located in one place however the down side is that it’s so crowed, they don’t always have what you need or want! I have found that it’s nice to but from the small business I don’t mind paying to park in car in parking garage for an hour or two or pay some place to park my car at one set price for few hours I know it will be safe, or even parking downtown and walking around downtown looking at the shops! I have found that this is very relaxing and enjoying experience to me I don’t feel rushed I end up finding some pretty interesting shops along the way as well as some great local eat, running into people that I know and have not seen in while, I might even get to take in some site which I would not normal see in mall plus I find it more family friendly as well. I know that shopping small business is not for everyone as some people only brand name pay lot for them and only shop in brand name shops, well I have news for you your small business sometimes carries those items as well all you have to is look and even asking.
My Nana still tells me stories of how many small business where you could go in once place buy your clothing items walk down the street go into your local meat market another store would have your shoes, jewelry, pharmacy etc.! I’m always amazed when she tells me about all of this I just answer her with I be that was exciting to walk down the street or down town begin able to get what you need or driving to another town to get what you need, she just tells me yes it was in fact I liked it better that way because you got treated better sales people knew you what you liked and what not! I know that we are not longer living in grandparents and great grandparents times however maybe we should take cue from them learn something that buying from the small business is good thing it keeps your fellow neighbors in work and community going and well with today having the internet it keeps lot of other people in work too. One might ask how dose buying off small business viva internet have the same experience well the owner or employee might ask how you experience was could the make buying from them better? Or how you liked what they carry they try to get to know you as person. I challenge you reader to try small business out for 30days see how you like it!
I will be posting blogs of the small business that I happen to like and love telling you why they are amazing giving you the links or address to check them out!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Book Review of"Karma and Reincarnation: The Wisdom of Yogananda, Volume 2 "
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Happy Saint Valentines day everyone
Happy Saint Valentines day everyone!!!!!!!!
I wish all of you love to today! I want to let me all my readers and followers know that I'm taking time out to show you how much I care , love all of you after all that is what today is about to show to show the ones that you love how much LOVE THEM! Me I feel you do not need one day our of the year to show people in your life how much you love and care about them you should be doing that every day of the week and year that just how I feel, this day has turned into nothing more then commercial holiday for flower, candy, jewelry stores who jack the pries of items up because they know most woman will want one or all of those items on the list, or even that the men will feel pressure to get them such items to show how much they love you. How sad is that because come tomorrow all those items will be 50% or more off that is when I go get some of those items hahahah! Okay on more serious note I want to let all over you know that I'm thinking about you today I wanted to share these rose with you and glass of wine hope you enjoy! Remember the point is show the people in your life every day how much you care and love them it really is the little things that count maybe lave them little posted note saying Hi How areyou? I love you! or text them that as well, even do little something as well trust me that goes along way! I hope that you had great day.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
"The Yoga Teach" Book Review
"The Yoga Teacher"
I recently read this book "The Yoga Teacher" by: Alexandra Gray I have never read book by this author I will say this book was quite good however some people will disagree with me. Each chapter starts off with yoga pose,also give description on the mean of the post as well as how to do them! I will share with you summary of this book viva goodreads.com
Monday, February 11, 2013
Book Review of "Secret Diary of a Call Girl"
A few weeks ago I got done reading "Secret Diary of a Call Girl" By Belle de Jour, Anonymous, I'm sure you are wondering what took me so long to post this review well simply I was trying to find the words and the want to do this post as I well just did not care for this book!
This book is base off this fictional [I'm assuming it is fictional person or at least the name of the person is]person it's all enteries from her blog that she has where she talks about what it's like to be Call Girl, how she got started doing this line of work why she keeps working as call girl. She states how she friends with all of her ex's and close with them I thing that something hard to believe,how they the ex's all knew what she did for living and seemed to find with it, this all take place in England. It started off great but after the first page it all went down hill from their I fount it had no plot nor story to it and rather boring. I would not recmond this book to no body I sure hope that the TV show that they made out of this book was better, I will tell you don't look showtime for this show because I write this blog it's no longer on the air!
I can from reading this book understand why it's no long on the air! I'm sure you are wondering why I bought this book in the first place? Well the reason is because I like all kind of books the title as first got me and so did the little intro to the book well was I fooled as I started to read this book, this is book that I will most likely not keep and put in my bookshelf I more then likely see it for cheap.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
New page starting Small business I love & are my fav
Small business!!!
As most you my readers might know I'm huge supporter of small businesses I find them to be the core or back bone of this country if not for them most place would not survive or even be around today. I know that it kind of sound out of date but I find that small business are great because you get chance to know the person[s] that owns the business chances are they even live in your neighborhood or town, you also get to know the employees that work their as well who might also live near you as well plus they get to know you as customer what you like and do not like, in fact as time goes on they will be able to point things out you might like or tell you to stay away from things that you might not like or offer you something new to try.
Most of the small business that I'm going to be blogging about do have websites where you can order from if you do not happen to live near by, or that small business happen to be online store only, I will post their links in page that I'm going to create here today due check them out let me know what you think! As I stated some small bushiness are online only due to the fact that well it's more cost effective in today economy but that dose not mean they don't take the time to get to know you as person or customer at all, in fact some of these owners might happen to live in your area you might know them personally or know of them. I have learned that most small business have right what you are looking for and if they do not some will order it in for you or if they get enough people asking for certain item they will start to get that item in stock for their customers, these are also the business that support you local school and sports teams as well if not for them sometimes these places would not get the items they needs or would not be able to put events on that they want to.
I will be asking the owners of these small business if it's okay that I post blog about their business before I just put it on my blog, I don't want to step on no bodies toes do something that I don't have an okay to do so. If I go get told that it is okay I will be posting breif history of this company how it go started how long it's been in business, maybe even some pic of their products etc if I get they okay.
As most you my readers might know I'm huge supporter of small businesses I find them to be the core or back bone of this country if not for them most place would not survive or even be around today. I know that it kind of sound out of date but I find that small business are great because you get chance to know the person[s] that owns the business chances are they even live in your neighborhood or town, you also get to know the employees that work their as well who might also live near you as well plus they get to know you as customer what you like and do not like, in fact as time goes on they will be able to point things out you might like or tell you to stay away from things that you might not like or offer you something new to try.
Most of the small business that I'm going to be blogging about do have websites where you can order from if you do not happen to live near by, or that small business happen to be online store only, I will post their links in page that I'm going to create here today due check them out let me know what you think! As I stated some small bushiness are online only due to the fact that well it's more cost effective in today economy but that dose not mean they don't take the time to get to know you as person or customer at all, in fact some of these owners might happen to live in your area you might know them personally or know of them. I have learned that most small business have right what you are looking for and if they do not some will order it in for you or if they get enough people asking for certain item they will start to get that item in stock for their customers, these are also the business that support you local school and sports teams as well if not for them sometimes these places would not get the items they needs or would not be able to put events on that they want to.
I will be asking the owners of these small business if it's okay that I post blog about their business before I just put it on my blog, I don't want to step on no bodies toes do something that I don't have an okay to do so. If I go get told that it is okay I will be posting breif history of this company how it go started how long it's been in business, maybe even some pic of their products etc if I get they okay.
I know that I'm have not been keeping up with my whole blogging everyday reason for that is because I don't really have anything interesting worth blogging about right now as I'm not with injured foot, I have not been able to work in 3 months, so this injured foot has been keeping me at home going no where!
All I have been doing is sitting at home getting Facebook, playing games on facebook, as well as playing games over at www.pogo.com , reading which I will be blogging about those books giving my review of them, watching lots of movies on www.netflix.com if would like I can give review of my movies that I have watched if you are interested please let me know. I have been working off and on on sweater that I've been crocheting nothing much their to post about. If their is something that you would like me to post about please email me and let me know.
All I have been doing is sitting at home getting Facebook, playing games on facebook, as well as playing games over at www.pogo.com , reading which I will be blogging about those books giving my review of them, watching lots of movies on www.netflix.com if would like I can give review of my movies that I have watched if you are interested please let me know. I have been working off and on on sweater that I've been crocheting nothing much their to post about. If their is something that you would like me to post about please email me and let me know.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Nora Roberts "First Impressions"Book review
I thought I would finally get around to book review I figured it was time! This review I'm going to do is on Nora Roberts book! I will post little bit about what this book is about that I get from www.goodreads.com then I will give my review about the whole book my own words an thoughts!
Escaping the traps of
gold-digging women, wealthy businessman Vance Banning moves to rural
Maryland. All he wants is peace, quiet and to keep away from women. The
last thing he needs is his sassy, sexy neighbor Shane Abbott. But he has
no idea how determined Shane will be when it comes to giving a helping
hand--or a loving heart.When small-town girl Hilary Baxter is offered a
prestigious six-month modeling contract by Bret Bardoff, handsome,
charming and the owner and publisher of fashionable Mode Magazine, the
sky is the limit. Thrust into a glamorous career in New York, Hilary
knows she has it all...except for the one thing she really wants: Bret's
This book was slow to start off I kind of got board in the beginning of this book but as it went on it got better I think it was half way through this book is when it got better to me. I did have to put this book down for while because I found this slow read, but then I pick this back up to finish this book,this book is great read for rainy day or if you are traveling will make the time go faster for you. I guess I'm not use to Nora Roberts books like this is all I was let down because their was not hot love sceans like you come use to in her books and movies, would I rec this book to other people yes I would as I have broken foot it past my time I finished reading this book.
This book was slow to start off I kind of got board in the beginning of this book but as it went on it got better I think it was half way through this book is when it got better to me. I did have to put this book down for while because I found this slow read, but then I pick this back up to finish this book,this book is great read for rainy day or if you are traveling will make the time go faster for you. I guess I'm not use to Nora Roberts books like this is all I was let down because their was not hot love sceans like you come use to in her books and movies, would I rec this book to other people yes I would as I have broken foot it past my time I finished reading this book.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Classy Lady needs to come back!!!
Classy Ladies need to come back to society again!!
In today's society we are missing lots of things one happens to be good strong classy lady! Us women over the years have come accustom to acting and dressing as something other the respected women which I happen to find shame! I happen to like leaving something to the imagination of men! Don't get me wrong I'm not saying cover yourself up or anything like that I'm just saying we need to set positive example for the younger generation, it seems that some women have just decided that acting like hoe is good example well it's not!!!! I will show you some photos of very classy women past and present who know and know how to act like lady, I'm sure your sitting their saying but wait Nicole you say your all east meets west,vintage type of person well I am however it's all about how you act as well as dress that make you classy! I'm sure you are wondering who I find classy and what is the definition of classy lady so here goes.
What is the definition of classy lady might you ask?
Well after doing some research I have found the answers for you, yes their is more then one answer for this question so her goes:
In today's society we are missing lots of things one happens to be good strong classy lady! Us women over the years have come accustom to acting and dressing as something other the respected women which I happen to find shame! I happen to like leaving something to the imagination of men! Don't get me wrong I'm not saying cover yourself up or anything like that I'm just saying we need to set positive example for the younger generation, it seems that some women have just decided that acting like hoe is good example well it's not!!!! I will show you some photos of very classy women past and present who know and know how to act like lady, I'm sure your sitting their saying but wait Nicole you say your all east meets west,vintage type of person well I am however it's all about how you act as well as dress that make you classy! I'm sure you are wondering who I find classy and what is the definition of classy lady so here goes.
What is the definition of classy lady might you ask?
Well after doing some research I have found the answers for you, yes their is more then one answer for this question so her goes:
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Floaty fall scarf pattern in progress
Beret I crocheted
I think that I have gotten over my block or whatever it was that I had with my crocheting for while. I got an idea while I was in the shower [of all places to get an idea for something] to crochet beret since it happens to be winter up here in PA and I could wear it right into the spring after all. After my shower I went to http://www.ravelry.com/ to look for pattern but after about few minutes I remembered that I have tons of Crochet Today Magazines, so I went right to http://www.crochettoday.com/ as reference point so I knew what magazines that I wanted to dig for and look at to see which one I wanted to try out, after looking at two berets in two different issues I decided that I want to make this one:

I just happen to think that this us such lovely beret that I had to make! Pattern said that it was not had to make at all well the skill level was not hard to make so I decided that it was time for me to makes this which I went fourth and did so.
I just happen to think that this us such lovely beret that I had to make! Pattern said that it was not had to make at all well the skill level was not hard to make so I decided that it was time for me to makes this which I went fourth and did so.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Lip Scrub Homemade!
It's winter here in PA and most of you know that what means besides snow, it's time for those dry, cracked,peeling sore lips! I've tried tons of over the counter lip balm you can get at Wal*Mart and such places, when you get them they seem to start to work but then after little while they just stop! Ever wonder why that is? I know why it's because they are filled with chemicals that don't work they keep our lip from not healing to be depended on them, I've learned this past year that chemical free stuff works wonders for us and our bodies! Okay I know enough preaching get to the point all ready!

Here are my lips before I place the scrub on them
they are dry,peeling,cracking thanks winterLOL

Here are my lips after the scrub they feel much softer and lot better, now right after I did this I place some Lip Bliss on it the scrub helps take off the dead skin on my lips and helps with keeping the new skin soft and moist!
Next I plan to make my own lotion and custom lip balm as well
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Happy New Years and My list!
Well this is my first post of the new year! YAY me! I hope that everyone has had great holiday and has happy new year, speaking of new years this is the time of year where people come up with resolutions on how they are going to change this year weather is be lose weight to find new house and end the end we don't keep half of our resolutions we start!
I decided this year that instead of making resolution I would make list a practical one at least that I would like to do this year I will take them one by one they don't have to be done in order or anything just so long as I get them do or at least try them out one time to see if I LIKE it or not. Once you write it down it's out their for everyone to see and even ask you about. Here goes mine:
have two jars one I put all my worries in everyday and the other all my good things that happened to me that day and when 31Dec comes around open it up and read all the good things and as for the bad ones well let the universe take care of those
I want to at least once learn how to make custom scented lotions and lip balm that is so to speak natural free from all the chemicals the store brands sell
Keep going with my weight loss of course
Travel more
Learn to cook Indian street food but tweak it to make it healthy same with Indian cooking
Get rid of my old clothes that are toooo big on me say good bye to the old me!
Take more chances this year!
I would like to also make my own tea at well even if it's herbal
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Try new thing I have not tired yet!
I told you it was not long list but one that has my interests at heart! If I shall find something else that I want to do this year I will add it to my list as well and share it with all of you!
I find that makes list and one that is with in reason, that one can reach is positive one, as I cross each on of these off I will blog about them as well so that you can see what I have done this year with them. Hope this find you well!
I decided this year that instead of making resolution I would make list a practical one at least that I would like to do this year I will take them one by one they don't have to be done in order or anything just so long as I get them do or at least try them out one time to see if I LIKE it or not. Once you write it down it's out their for everyone to see and even ask you about. Here goes mine:
have two jars one I put all my worries in everyday and the other all my good things that happened to me that day and when 31Dec comes around open it up and read all the good things and as for the bad ones well let the universe take care of those
I want to at least once learn how to make custom scented lotions and lip balm that is so to speak natural free from all the chemicals the store brands sell
Keep going with my weight loss of course
Travel more
Learn to cook Indian street food but tweak it to make it healthy same with Indian cooking
Get rid of my old clothes that are toooo big on me say good bye to the old me!
Take more chances this year!
I would like to also make my own tea at well even if it's herbal
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Try new thing I have not tired yet!
I told you it was not long list but one that has my interests at heart! If I shall find something else that I want to do this year I will add it to my list as well and share it with all of you!
I find that makes list and one that is with in reason, that one can reach is positive one, as I cross each on of these off I will blog about them as well so that you can see what I have done this year with them. Hope this find you well!
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