Sunday, July 26, 2009


I'm not saying the choice that I made was an easy one it was not, I did have to go for more test before the inurance company would even look at claim we sent them. I went for test upon tests I never thought that I would see the light at the end of the tunnel but I did. July 6,2009 I ended up having my lap band operation I was happy to get it done I know that may sound nuts or strange to most people but I know it's tool to help me make better choices in my whole life. As of today Monday I'm 3weeks post op the one thing that scares me the most is stretching out my new pouch I know it can happen but I'm trying not to let it happen to me. I don't get fill yet till Aug 13,2009 so I'm taking things as they might come.I'm on regular diet but have to be careful as to what I'm eating which I'm doing but it seems like at night I get hungry still I'm fighting that urge to eat something by drinking some water,I have seen some of the benefits of losing weight all ready I have lost 11lbs so far 10 the first week and last week another 1lbs I know that dose not sound like much but my total so far pre opt and post opt weight lost is 33lbs. I do have to take multivitamin and iron pill everyday to help me I only on 2 prescribed meds any more which happen to be for my high blood pressure which has been running normal since the operation,I'm not long on anything for my diabetes which I no long have thank GOD for yes I used the word GOD if you don't like it sorry but we all have some kind of GOD