It's been 3 weeks since I had WLS done from the day I had it done all the way up to now I have been told that I need to walk. Right now I can't go to the gym yet because I'm still healing from the inside out and outside in so all I can do is walk so that is what I have been doing. I had blank as to what I was going to blog about, I
don't want to bore everyone with my WLS story everyday of the week don't get me wrong I will still blog about it I want to share that with everyone. The person that gave me the idea what to blog about was Gori Girl she was looking for idea's for her blog so I gave her one about travel, which got me thinking about where I was going to walk tonight. I set goals as to have far I'm going to go each week I have this goal by the end of summer that I would walk up to the Jim Thorpe memorial, I started walking up Center St wondering where I was going to go was I just going to walk all the way up or just to the park or walk over to North Street to end up walking down the other streets then home. I made it all the way up center street so I kept going just walking enjoying Begin outside see what was going on, along with wondering what I was going to see tonight who I might meet as I walk. As I was walking along I saw this deer at first it scared me because I did not think that I would see any wild animals at all tonight, I knew enough to be careful because sometimes deers can attack you for not reason but this one was just baby so I knew that Mom & dad were close by,they don't travel alone I was able to get photos of the deer it's not real close one so you have to look when you see the photo I didn't want to scare them or have them come after me. As I was taking the photo this couple in car came along they saw I was trying to get photo of it so they stopped so I could get one & the deer could go to the other side of the road where they want to go I was luck enough to get few photos of them, it was nice of that couple to let me get some photos of them, not everyone would have been that considerate to do such thing anymore it seems like. As I walked on I took more photos of different things I have them posted on my space page, to my surprise I made my goal before summer I walked up to the Jim Thorpe Memorial tonight I was so happy that made me realize that I can do anything, had I not had this operation I would not have been able to do all of this!! These walks also have me wanting to travel as well before I go back to work even when I'm back at work on the weekends to travel. One thing on my walk that bothered me was seeing these young teen girls maybe even preteen walking around with such short shorts on with very low cleavage tops to add to that, don't get me wrong I remember what it's like to be that young because I'm not that old but I would have and never will wear something like that, I know they think it's the in thing to do but it only encourages bad things to happen sometimes. Sorry I know that I went into rant about somethings but I just have to share them with all of you at time LOL. As I was walking along I did come across people that you say hi or hello in passing which I thought was nice to see, in case some of you are not sure what I'm talking about it's called begin friendly I do say hi to everyone I see in passing just to see who will answer me, here I thought this was lost in time but to my surprise it is still going on. My dogs wanted to come along tonight but I would not bring them because of having my operation I can't handle them right now plus it's to hot out their today!
If you want to see more of them just go to
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
toe and nail polish
This is more for the chicks then guys but them their are men that do that to so here goes. I do hate to polish my toe nails because it ends up looking like little kid painted my toe nails and not me,normal I would go to the nails salon to get meanie & peddie done but with the way things are going up just like everyone else I have to watch I spend my good old green backs on today. Once in while okay twice years I will go get peddie done but thanks to thinks like the Peddiegg I can now maintain the looks of peddi at home but not the polish part of this,maybe I'm the only one out their with this problem if not then it's good to know that I'm not alone in the world about this then!!! We have all kind of ads out their in the world to help us with this and that, things people like vince tell us we need[which by the way I love shamwowo it dose work!!!] but none of them have thought of something to make womans life eayser to polish her nails. I know I will end up on Thursday going to get my peddie done but I'm trying not to right now as I'm out on medical leave from work. Maybe have my operation done made me little touch who knows but I know I'm not the only one out their that feels this way...... The same way it comes when you polish you own nails you usually end up making one had look not too good or sometimes both some of us even smug our polish before it's dry because we don't have UV light at home to dry our nails plus every time we try to polish them something comes up like the phone rings the mobile rings or some one is at the door or needs something and some how you are the only one in the house that can get this done. If we do manage to make the look great like we got them done some how they chip or peel off which makes me mad! Come on,on fake nails they don't and I want to know why! I don't want my polish on my own nails to chip or peel either! Okay enough about that am sure you are sick of it by now. I know their now lot going in the world right now so I will let you get back to it.
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