Yesterday I was sitting at the PC checking my email when the dad said to me "Maybe I should go walking at night with you." I did not know what to say because I was shocked so I told him okay that is fine with me I was so surprised that he even asked me if he can go along with me at night when I walk he never ever asked me that let alone never ever wants to go walking. I must say thought that I'm happy that he is wanting to do this for how ever long it might last he needs to get some exercise for his health I worry about him. After supper around 8pm he asked me if I was going for walk I told him let me get my shoes on I was shocked that he was going with me!!!!! We ended up walking to this place in Jim Thorpe called German town it's really street called German town Road, but the locals here call it German Town because that is where most of the German settlers lived was out their now anybody lives out their some family that go back ages still do live out their. It was so quiet while we were walking out their you could have heard tree fall or something but it was so nice to walk out their it was sticky but cool, we saw some people sitting outside who said hi to use to be nice we said Hi back to them as well. I did not think that I would get to see anything interesting or worth taking photos but I was surprised because I was able to take some epically of something that you would not think that you would find in this part of the world!!!!!!!! We have all seem them in stores like Wal*Mart Kmart, Home depot, Lowe's, or any nursery that deals with exotic plants or veggies, the thing that I saw is supposed to bring you good luck, is only to be found in places like Asia or so we are told that is. I'm sure all of you are wondering what I'm talking about some of you might even know what it is and are thinking right now that I'm nuts, well I will spill it for the rest of you it's Bamboo yes that is right you have heard me right I'm talking about Bamboo!!! No you are not miss reading or hearing yourself wrong when I saw it in the wooded area last night I had to do double take at it, I even looked at the dad who said to me "You know what that is don't you?" I had to think about the Finlay said I think it's Bamboo he said you are right it don't only grow in Asia but also in place up north here and some in the south. I know some of you might not believe me so here is photo of it. 
I could not get over that Bamboo goes up here I thought it only grew in Asia was I wrong it was nice to learn something new along with seeing something new I was glad that the dad said lets walk out to German Town because, I got to see some different things along our walk I saw some ducks but was not able to get photo of them because they moved to quick before I could get shot of them oh well next time I walk out their I might get to see them to get photo. We saw some able to get photo of them but it was interesting to see them in creek swimming around it really was nice out their I will be sure to walk out that way again I'm sure with fall coming up (UGH hate the though of that) I will be able to get good photos out their as well here are some other photos that I took along out walk
.This pic this house is surrounded by woods but it was such nice shot I just had to take photo of it to show how we can live in the woods like this and yes on the right side that is their neighbor so their neighbors are not that far apart from each other so that is good in case you need help or something,plus kind of makes it good so you don't feel too
along LOL. This photos here is the road that we were talking on right after this building is where I saw those ducks I still wish that I could have gotten photo of them oh we
In this photo I got shot of the creek that flows though their it was nice hearing it as we were walking long I want to get more shots of it when I go back out thier yes you aloud to go fishing in their but it's only for kids that are 15yrs old or younger.