On 3 May 2014 I went for the first time to Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival it was not like what I was expecting when I got their in fact it was million time better then what I expected! I live in Pa it took me about 3 hours to get to West Friendship Maryland to the Howard County Fair Grounds, I will say that traffic was not bad on the way to Maryland, their was hardly any road work going on, nor were their tons of pot holes in the road. I did pass plenty of rest areas I will give the states plus on that for people to stop even if it’s just to get out of their cars to walk around to take break.
Soon as I hit the border I could tell all ready the temp change I could not have asked for better day to go it was not to hot or cold plus the rain held off too! I was surprised that traffic was not super bad their either I guess I must have hit the right times to travel I guess, I was impressed with the road signs in this state some tell you how many minutes it will take you to get to your exit I just thought that was neat I have never seen nothing like that before, another plus is that roads were kept very clean! Roads signs for the fair ground are very well placed so you could not miss the exit. Traffic to the fair ground was not bad at all I will give the police credit they kept the line going into the grounds moving great, the Boy Scouts pointed you in the direction as to where to park when you get into the grounds I happen to get luck and get great spot! Parking was free as well that is win.
While walking up to where you go in I was greeted with this I just loved it!

For all you fair foodie loves you would have loved this all the fair food you could have wanted I was surprised at the number of people who came just for the food! Prices for food and drinks are what you would expect for fair food. I seen some of the most interesting outfit while there I just loved it amazing great work of the fiber community! I could not have asked for better day you name it I saw it

I seen spindles and spinning wheels till my eyes could not see no more of them, no I didn’t get spinning wheel not just yet to me that is big investment I will keep looking into before I get one so that I know I’M getting the right one for me, nor did I get new spindle the one I have works just well for me right now however at some point I would like to try bottom whorl or support one to see how the spin up.
I did not stay till closing because I wanted to get back on the road before traffic coming out of the fair grounds got nuts, I managed to hit leaving round 4ish great time to get onto the road. Traffic heading home was not bad at all either I made great time getting home.