As many of you may know I posted on here yesterday that I had writers or blogger block I have found something to blog about well share with all of you on here that is. I have blogged before that I love to crochet it's one of my favorite hobbies to do, I don't know why but I love it and I'm not the only one out their in the world that loves it either! It's not just for to grandmothers nope everyone from children to men crochet I think that we crochet because we want to, love the feeling of knowing that we made that project with our own two hand, knowing that that item will last for many many years to come and might be able to hand it down to someone, also knowing that if we give it as gift that someone will love it more then something that was bought at store that it will mean more to that person then anything. I do happen to have few crochet project that I need to either finish or work on, I just finished working on project for my Nana I crochet her doily's she found them in my Crochet Today mag that I receive in the mail, it was in the July/August issue they are called dancing table top doily's they used them to put on table cloth for show but my Nana wanted them for something else, so I told her that would make her some. I followed the pattern for the 5 large doily's and then I made two extra large ones where I had to change the pattern little bit which is fine because it's my project I can do that if I want to! This is one thing that I have found with crocheting is that I can find pattern that I like and alter it if I feel like it or I can even create pattern of my very own to use if I so chose to.
This pattern that I used from Crochet Today Mag called Dancing Table doily's it called for Red Heart yarn Heart and Sole yarn it's super fine yarn it had aloe in it which is nice for your hands and it also slides easier on the hook the down side to it though is that it can be bitchy to work with at times but it's still nice yarn to work with. in this picture here is the large doily that I made
I just happen to love the colors in the yarn it's so nice for fall/winter it goes nice with our fall/winter theme I did not pick out this color either my Nana did I just made it. Their are 3 sizes that you can make in these doily's they are large, Medium,small I only made the large ones because we don't have need for the other two sizes how ever I did end up making extra large one which I did have to change the pattern on so that I could make it bigger then what they called for in the pattern. I think that I will make some more come spring in lighter colors or something. Here is picture if the bigger one that I made I did side by side with the large one as
This is the large and extra large ones that I made I did iron them out little bit just to make them little flatter plus Nana wanted them ironed so I did it just to please here don't have to iron them if you don't want to I wanted to so I did iron them.
In this picture here these are the 3 large ones that I made I wanted to show how it going so nice with my fall/winter theme that we are using this year. As you can tell I just love sunflowers, the doily's will stay up until Christmas time then they will come off till Christmas is over or we might just leave them up for Christmas who know we will see what will happen.
This is the extra large one I made two of these, I did have to change the pattern little bit on this one to make it bigger I think it came out good. As I said I do have few more projects that I have to finish working on. My BFF Jamie asked me to make her blanket which I started but had to stop working because Nana wanted those doily's done for fall cleaning and I also had to make baby shower gift for one of the grils that I work with I think that I posted blog about it now sure if I did not then I will because I love the way the baby blanket, bibs, and high top baby booties turned out for me, I also have another baby blanket to make for another person that I work with her daughter is going to have baby she asked if I wanted to come to the baby shower I told her that I would I asked what she needed for the baby she told me she has most of what she needs so I told her that I would crochet her something for the baby. After I'm done with that it's one to the Jamie's blanket to finish I just might end up working on two projects just to get the done.