Darn Good Yarn is founded by Nicole Snow it open it's doors well web doors on March of 2006 which has been growing stronger since she is also the winner of the FedEx $25,000 business grant thanks to us rocking customers that how much we love the company! Nicole is not only great business woman & independent woman, but she is also graduated from Clarkson University in 2000 and went on to serve her country in the United States Air for for while. While Nicole knew she wanted to start business but needed something that would be as mobile as she is, because of her Husband Michael's [DGY Husband] career in fortune 500 company that keeps them moving all over the country.Nicole wanted to build business based in her own values and principles which are she wants to help the environment and people with these values she started out as imports and exports business from Nepal and India, due to Nicole's love of knitting which lead her to start Darn Good Yarn. Nicole knew how much wastes come from silk sari remnants as well as you are able to recyclable and use them in crafts. She works with woman's co-opt which is child labor free I want to add for everyone knowing, she employs these woman to hand spin the fabric into yarn in return she provides these woman with wages,health care,educational benefits, skill that can be handed down to younger generation, which is amazing for the woman it's huge step for them. In 2012 she was able to save 10,000lbs of material from going to the landfills, when you think about that it would have been lot getting wasted in stead it was turned into something amazing buy us fellow buyers.
Nicole offers wonderful customer service to everyone she takes the time to get to know you as customer weather you are whole seller or non whole seller no questions is dumb or silly for DGY team! What makes Darn Good Yarn great company is her values she have awesome DGY Michael who stands by her helps out too, I can;t for get the Darn Good Yarn dog Squeakers who will great you on her YouTube videos as well as some photos! When Nicole says this is not your grandmothers yarn she is right but I happen to think Granny will like it too I know that mine dose she can’t get over it! I've only been using Darn Good Yarn short time since 2011but since I got my hands on the first ball I can't stop using it as well as talking about it! I know yall probably want to see what it looks like so I'll show some photos/ I hope you enjoy!

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