Thursday, February 28, 2013
Book Review of"Karma and Reincarnation: The Wisdom of Yogananda, Volume 2 "
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Happy Saint Valentines day everyone
Happy Saint Valentines day everyone!!!!!!!!
I wish all of you love to today! I want to let me all my readers and followers know that I'm taking time out to show you how much I care , love all of you after all that is what today is about to show to show the ones that you love how much LOVE THEM! Me I feel you do not need one day our of the year to show people in your life how much you love and care about them you should be doing that every day of the week and year that just how I feel, this day has turned into nothing more then commercial holiday for flower, candy, jewelry stores who jack the pries of items up because they know most woman will want one or all of those items on the list, or even that the men will feel pressure to get them such items to show how much they love you. How sad is that because come tomorrow all those items will be 50% or more off that is when I go get some of those items hahahah! Okay on more serious note I want to let all over you know that I'm thinking about you today I wanted to share these rose with you and glass of wine hope you enjoy! Remember the point is show the people in your life every day how much you care and love them it really is the little things that count maybe lave them little posted note saying Hi How areyou? I love you! or text them that as well, even do little something as well trust me that goes along way! I hope that you had great day.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
"The Yoga Teach" Book Review
"The Yoga Teacher"
I recently read this book "The Yoga Teacher" by: Alexandra Gray I have never read book by this author I will say this book was quite good however some people will disagree with me. Each chapter starts off with yoga pose,also give description on the mean of the post as well as how to do them! I will share with you summary of this book viva
Monday, February 11, 2013
Book Review of "Secret Diary of a Call Girl"
A few weeks ago I got done reading "Secret Diary of a Call Girl" By Belle de Jour, Anonymous, I'm sure you are wondering what took me so long to post this review well simply I was trying to find the words and the want to do this post as I well just did not care for this book!
This book is base off this fictional [I'm assuming it is fictional person or at least the name of the person is]person it's all enteries from her blog that she has where she talks about what it's like to be Call Girl, how she got started doing this line of work why she keeps working as call girl. She states how she friends with all of her ex's and close with them I thing that something hard to believe,how they the ex's all knew what she did for living and seemed to find with it, this all take place in England. It started off great but after the first page it all went down hill from their I fount it had no plot nor story to it and rather boring. I would not recmond this book to no body I sure hope that the TV show that they made out of this book was better, I will tell you don't look showtime for this show because I write this blog it's no longer on the air!
I can from reading this book understand why it's no long on the air! I'm sure you are wondering why I bought this book in the first place? Well the reason is because I like all kind of books the title as first got me and so did the little intro to the book well was I fooled as I started to read this book, this is book that I will most likely not keep and put in my bookshelf I more then likely see it for cheap.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
New page starting Small business I love & are my fav
Small business!!!
As most you my readers might know I'm huge supporter of small businesses I find them to be the core or back bone of this country if not for them most place would not survive or even be around today. I know that it kind of sound out of date but I find that small business are great because you get chance to know the person[s] that owns the business chances are they even live in your neighborhood or town, you also get to know the employees that work their as well who might also live near you as well plus they get to know you as customer what you like and do not like, in fact as time goes on they will be able to point things out you might like or tell you to stay away from things that you might not like or offer you something new to try.
Most of the small business that I'm going to be blogging about do have websites where you can order from if you do not happen to live near by, or that small business happen to be online store only, I will post their links in page that I'm going to create here today due check them out let me know what you think! As I stated some small bushiness are online only due to the fact that well it's more cost effective in today economy but that dose not mean they don't take the time to get to know you as person or customer at all, in fact some of these owners might happen to live in your area you might know them personally or know of them. I have learned that most small business have right what you are looking for and if they do not some will order it in for you or if they get enough people asking for certain item they will start to get that item in stock for their customers, these are also the business that support you local school and sports teams as well if not for them sometimes these places would not get the items they needs or would not be able to put events on that they want to.
I will be asking the owners of these small business if it's okay that I post blog about their business before I just put it on my blog, I don't want to step on no bodies toes do something that I don't have an okay to do so. If I go get told that it is okay I will be posting breif history of this company how it go started how long it's been in business, maybe even some pic of their products etc if I get they okay.
As most you my readers might know I'm huge supporter of small businesses I find them to be the core or back bone of this country if not for them most place would not survive or even be around today. I know that it kind of sound out of date but I find that small business are great because you get chance to know the person[s] that owns the business chances are they even live in your neighborhood or town, you also get to know the employees that work their as well who might also live near you as well plus they get to know you as customer what you like and do not like, in fact as time goes on they will be able to point things out you might like or tell you to stay away from things that you might not like or offer you something new to try.
Most of the small business that I'm going to be blogging about do have websites where you can order from if you do not happen to live near by, or that small business happen to be online store only, I will post their links in page that I'm going to create here today due check them out let me know what you think! As I stated some small bushiness are online only due to the fact that well it's more cost effective in today economy but that dose not mean they don't take the time to get to know you as person or customer at all, in fact some of these owners might happen to live in your area you might know them personally or know of them. I have learned that most small business have right what you are looking for and if they do not some will order it in for you or if they get enough people asking for certain item they will start to get that item in stock for their customers, these are also the business that support you local school and sports teams as well if not for them sometimes these places would not get the items they needs or would not be able to put events on that they want to.
I will be asking the owners of these small business if it's okay that I post blog about their business before I just put it on my blog, I don't want to step on no bodies toes do something that I don't have an okay to do so. If I go get told that it is okay I will be posting breif history of this company how it go started how long it's been in business, maybe even some pic of their products etc if I get they okay.
I know that I'm have not been keeping up with my whole blogging everyday reason for that is because I don't really have anything interesting worth blogging about right now as I'm not with injured foot, I have not been able to work in 3 months, so this injured foot has been keeping me at home going no where!
All I have been doing is sitting at home getting Facebook, playing games on facebook, as well as playing games over at , reading which I will be blogging about those books giving my review of them, watching lots of movies on if would like I can give review of my movies that I have watched if you are interested please let me know. I have been working off and on on sweater that I've been crocheting nothing much their to post about. If their is something that you would like me to post about please email me and let me know.
All I have been doing is sitting at home getting Facebook, playing games on facebook, as well as playing games over at , reading which I will be blogging about those books giving my review of them, watching lots of movies on if would like I can give review of my movies that I have watched if you are interested please let me know. I have been working off and on on sweater that I've been crocheting nothing much their to post about. If their is something that you would like me to post about please email me and let me know.
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