I have washed this headband by hand and also in the washer and it holds up great! So if you were wondering how it hold up after few washings now you know how ever I do have to say this headband dose streach as you use it so when you wash it is shrinks back down to normal and will strach back out again, that is one reason why I love this yarn! I will say that these would make great gifts for people as well!

will say I just love how the color changes with out me having to change it! this color is called grab bag I just love how it constantly changes, in case you can't tell I have thing for colors I love them I'm very big east meet west person and this yarn just suits me to T! I just had to share this with everyone to let you know how this went and it only took me 1/2 ball to make it, I'm new to knitting I've only been doing it year and this patter was super east to read and to make as well.
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