Thursday, April 28, 2011

my two cents about food prep

I was reading post by     Thoughts on Food IV: Food Preservation Differences

Good blog it got me thinking even thought I'm in not relationship right now, it got me thinking about my Nana I know how strange it that and what would little old lady have to do with this! Well you have to under stand my Nana is Pennsylvania German she even had the accent to prove it too, English really is her second language she was raise in little town called union ville right few miles outside for the town that I live in which is still part of the town I live in I know confusing I will exp it later one. Well getting to the topic at hand my Nana grew up out in the country in the later 1920's she was born in 1925 yes she's 86 still with it working,driving,ects she very feisty person let me tell you any ways [I'm rambling now] as you know she grew up in the great depression where you were lucky you had what ever you had because times were tough, and you had next to nothing. I remember her telling me all the time how she picked winter green and go few cents for dozen or something like that and how you wore shoes with holes in them, you wore them even if they were too small,if they were too big you put paper or whatever in them till you grew in to them even wore them till the fell apart. With her when it comes to foods she has not problems with left overs how ever they have to be eaten with in few days or she says they are bad and throws them out. I could never understand this till it dawned on me one day that hello when she grew up your fridge was literally and ice box you placed big thing of ice in it that lasted for maybe we or something like that. She buys can veggies but love fresh say they are better for you, we have little garden in the summer nothing like vine fresh tomato's, as for freezing good she gets funny if it's in there too long she always tells me eat whats in there before it gets frieze burned or rots. Now me it could be in there for year or longer I will thaw it out and cook it she dose not like this one bit. In out house we have two refridgators the freezers are full, because I love to buy in bulk she gets made at me for this too. She says it's not good to do such things. To me I find not issues with this but I guess it's because of how she had to grow up. Here is little list of things she don't like or you don't do

eat left overs in few days if in longer they go bad

No need for gallon of milk get half gallon so it don't go bad

don't keep items in freezer to long use them right up

don't freez lunch meat it makes it bad

don't buy in bulk
don't leave onions or taters out in the summer they will go bad use up right away

Things that are good
fresh veggies
left overs but also see above
freezing food see above as well these two on in issues at times

zip lock bags

As for yogurt she dose not like it at all she say yuck I don't think so, she is also one not to run to the doctor for everything either she says that natural stuff works wonders, she is also very healthy. I'm starting to take her advice and it's working as well she told me to cut back on something like don't microwave everything buy fresh when you can, garden, exercise don't sit around etc. She even called the fridge the ice box at times hehe how cute is that. Sometimes her and I disagree when it comes to cooking and storing things, BBBB got me thinking with her post so I had to add my two cents here. Let me tell you she make mean good bacon dressing for salad some of you east costers/ new englanders and germans might know what I'm talking about ahh it's good when she makes it she will not store it says it's not good left over.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Book review: Debbie Macomber Ready for love

 I thought that I would go little book review on this book that I just read, I picked it up on whim when I was at Wal*Mart few months ago and I'm glad that I did below is little intro in to what the book is about, it's two books in one as well two stories in one book.

Ready For Love (Ready For Romance & Ready For Marriage)

Ready For Love (Ready For Romance & Ready For Marriage)

by Debbie Macomber
Ready for Romance?
At the age of fourteen, Jessica Kellerman was wildly infatuated with Evan Dryden. But that was just a teenage crush and now, almost ten years later, she's in love—truly in love—with his older brother, Damian. But everyone, including Damian, believes she's carrying a torch for Evan!

Ready for Marriage?
Mary Jo Summerhill is the woman in love with Evan. But her background's blue-collar, while Evan's is blue blood. So three years ago she got out of his life—and broke his heart. Now she needs his help. More than that, she wants his love. She wants a second chance with Evan…
It was good book don't get me wrong the only thing I didn't like was the end of the book was dragging out, and some of it you knew what was going to happen, and it also kept you on the edge of your seat as well. I would tell anyone to read this books it's quite good I did like it. To me it was quick read it took me few days to read this book I do hope that if read it if you want something to read.

My rants I had not power lastnight

As I sit here typing this blog I’m sitting here in the dinning room with my iPhone connected to this laptop charging and two candles on both sides of me. Only because the power went out we got one the thunder storms that they were talking about tonight, it was lot of rain and lighting but what makes this funny is that it seems like the other side of town up on the mountain has power and we don’t but I can’t say for sure because it’s dark out but it looks that way it might be that someone has grenratior or something, what I would not give for one of those right now. I was watching Bollywood movie called “Fashion” it was getting good and bam the power kicks off them on the off and has yet to come on again grrr oh well guess I will finish watching tonight, I mean that because it’s 12:21am here, I’m writing this blog viva word processor which mean I will have to copy and paste this onto my blog! If someone knows how I can type blog offline and then place it onto my blog let me know feel free to share this with me. I would have just gone to bed but my phone needs to be charged it’s at 20 something percent so I have to use the laptop to charge it  and the worst part it’s my laptop batter is half way used up oh noo, not this right now I don’t need it but on well, here I go into rant about this sounding like spoiled gori woman! It’s so quite outside that I could hear pin drop even in my house it’s the same way freaky!

As for my friends in the other states that are getting hit with storms that are worse then this may GOD be with you and your family please stay safe listen to the weather report don’t do nothing stupid. Yes I know I said the word GOD I believe in him and so do lost of other people not matter the religion you are you have one or many of them.

Now onto my eye it’s still itchy still feels like I have something in it which I don’t have anything in it, also feels like I have grit or sand in it, even feels scratchy too I have been putting hot compresses and even cool ones on it which seem to help for while, I even went to walmart and got some allergy eye drops which help for while then it starts back up. I’m not sure if it’s allergy or if I scratched it when I took my contacts out Monday night, I did check my contact they are not tore so I don’t it’s that, I’m thinking it’s allergy but if it’s like this by  Thursday I will be calling the doctor to have it looked at to make sure that is what it is.

I did have lovely walk tonight as well it was so nice out I took long 30 minute walk then came home sat out on front porch till almost 11 pm it felt great I even watched the lighting far off in the distance it was something you could even feel the rain in the air. Well I guess that is enough babbling and ranting for now I must go to conserve battery on my lap=top hopefully I can get my phone to charge to 50 percent and go off to bed. And post this in the morning when the light come back on so you can have good laugh with me.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Yes I'm an Army Brat! You may not be but might share some of this might ifs with me.

I know that I have not talked at great deal about my whole life I think I hardly shared anything with all of you, so I guess it's far to start now so that you can get to know me more and find out that we do share lot of things in common or we share nothing in common either way you learn something about me I  will learn something about your viva comment or email. SO here goes.

As anyone that knows me in RL knows that I'm am Army Brat meaning that my dad served his country he was in the Army for what seems like forever okay it was close to 30yrs that he was in. He has since retied but I have grown up in that kind of life where you move around all the time, and the only constant things in your life are your family, grandparents [who live where your parents are really form],knowing that you will not be living in once place or even house or apt long, ID cards. I know what some of you maybe thinking poor girl had hard life living like this well I didn't in fact I had great life I loved and still love begin an Army Brat it's helped make me who I am today. I know that this life is not for everyone but it happens to be my life. I was online when I started to think of something I wanted to blog about and that happened to be this post how you can tell if your an Army Brat or not,how ever I know that some people who are not Army Brats will be able to relate to this as well so sit back and enjoy. I found some of these online they are " You know you are an Army Brat if......." I just had to share this as it relates to my life, it's long list somethings didn't apply to me so they didn't make the list but that is okay each Army Brat's life was different from each others. As I'm typing this I getting all kinds of great memories coming to me which I will share in some more blogs. Here's the you know your an Army Brat if..

You know you're a Military Brat if you...

  • Actually like the clothes at the PX and don't mind that 100 other people are wearing the same thing.LOL fun and so true hey PX did/dose have some great clothes at times.
  • All your former very best friends are as long gone as your last move.
  • Always wish you were back at the last place you were stationed even 20 years later.True
  • Answer the question "where are you from" with "I'm kinda from all over the place"
  • Are able to imitate others speech patterns easily= I sure can
  • Are amazed at people who have lived somewhere more than three years.
  • Are amazed at people who have never left their hometown.
  • Are amazed at people who have never seen foreign currency.
  • Are amazed at people who think Frankfurt is a some kind of hotdog.
  • Are asked "where did you learn to speak English so well"
  • Are asked is it hard always moving around when you don't know anything else.
  • Are brought to tears by military music.
  • Are going to a grocery store but call it a commissary-Guilty.
  • Are initially confused when asked where are you from but quickly respond "everywhere!"
  • Avoid visiting the doctor because you don't trust civilian hospitals.
  • Bagged groceries at the commissary on payday.-Oh I remember those days
  • Can bounce a quarter off your bedsheets and have hospital corners on your bed.
  • Can identify ranks and duty station by the stickers on the car's bumper.
  • Can talk to anyone and everyone from anywhere and everywhere.
  • Do not understand why many of your friends are afraid to be in an airplane.
  • Don't feel quite right seeing military personnel younger than you.
  • Don't really know how to answer the question "what is your hometown."
  • Don't remember the names of your childhood friends.-This is true
  • Draw a quick map of the world to show someone where you last lived.
  • Ever got sick eating chocolate field rations.
  • Every room you've ever had was stark white and you couldn't put nail holes in the walls-To this day I don't like white walls
  • Everyone complains about your name being the most scratched out in their address book.
  • Everywhere you go you think you see someone you went yo school with.
  • Expect someone else to do your housework but can't afford it.
  • Feared turning 21 because they would take your id card away.
  • Feel like you should be visiting the states rather than living in them.
  • Feel more at home on a military base than in town even though you've been a civilian for  years
  • Feel more comfortable living near a military base and get bummed out when a base gets closed.
  • Felt like a part of history that was happening around you.
  • Find that you can easily amuse yourself for hours at airports, train or bus stations.
  • Graduated from a high school you only attended for few years.
  • Had Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners in a mess hall.
  • Have a very best lifelong friend who you have known for less than a few years.
  • Have forgotten how to speak more languages than most people ever learn.
  • Knew the rank and name of the kid next door's father before meeting the kid next door.
  • Know that Radio Luxembourg was the number one way to keep up with the latest rock and roll hits.
  • Know the words and tune to military march songs.
  • Know what "the land of the big PX is."
  • Know what the "land of the round door knob is."
  • Left school frequently for bomb scares.
  • Miss shopping at AAFES or the PX.
  • Never quite finished decorating your place because you knew you'd be moving soon.
  • Notice Tom Cruise in uniform, outside with no hat and having a non-regulation haircut in Top Gun.
  • Panic when you can't find you ID or passport.
  • Put your hand over your heart at 5 p.m. knowing the flag was coming own ...somewhere
  • Stand up for the National Anthem at the start of a movie in a theater.
  • Thought all pens had "US Government" printed on them.
  • Thought that the quartermaster was the real Santa Claus.
  • Thought vacations meant going stateside to visit the grandparents.
  • Try to take out your ID card when you enter a grocery store.
  • Went into hysterics when your grandparents thought of selling their house.
  • Wonder if dad signed a hand receipt when you were born.
  • You are confused when someone talks about watching trees grow large in front of the house.
  • Your ssn, home of record, state of residence, and place of birth are far from matching.
  • Know PCS meant pack your toys and say see ya later.

when you see vapor trails in the sky, you ASSUME they're from military aircraft.

when you hear sonic booms, you snap to attention.

you notice increased military air-traffic prior to or during the escalation of international crisis.

everyone asks where you're from because they just can't quite peg your accent...

and you stand there with your mouth half-open because you're not sure where to begin!

you obsessively return to the dozen places you lived when you were a kid to "see what's changed".

  If you don't have a hometown. I don't really know what's mine......

  you hate living in the same place for more than two years, hate packing and cleaning, have your personal effects reduced each year instead of added to because of the moves

...tabula rasa means scrubbing white walls clean

when you go on vacation you dont have to pay for lodging because you have friends everywhere in the world

its perfectly acceptable not to write to your friends and still be considered a good friend

you can adopt any accent, cause you lived everywhere

you miss not having an ID card

if the smell of Brasso makes you homesick.

when asked how short are you know the correct answer is "short enough to sit on the edge of a dime an dangle your feet," and not that that you're 6ft tall.

also, you know if...when a movie starts you get ready to stand up waiting for the national anthem to play as well as that little musical ditti that leads into the upcoming features...

 if you still refer to your underwear as "skivies"....

your friends expect you to know the songs for all the branches of the military - and you do

You keep a stockpile of canned foods, using them up and replacing them every year. You keep a small blanket and crackers in your car. You own more than 1 weather radio.

  You cringe everytime someone goes near one of your (white) walls with a hammer and a nail.

If your parents move or sell their house, its not a real big deal....but if GRANDMA (whose home has been the only static thing in your childhood) thinks about calling the realtor, you have hysterics.

  If your civilian friends got grounded, while you were on restriction... I thought everyone got on restriction. There was actually another word for it?

Maybe army brats got on restriction, but air force brats get grounded, at least the Canadian variety. Makes sense, doesn't it? "Grounded" has got to be a brat term that got loose on civvy street.

You know you're a military brat if you don't save things so's you don't go over the weight allowance of the next move..

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter PeePS!

PEEPS, a photo by xoxostar8 on Flickr.
PEEPS by xoxostar8
I want to wish everyone happy and safe Easter. Well the Bunny missed me with candy but that is okay I'm not missing anything by not getting candy I don't need junk calories from the candy those calories that are in chocolate and candy I can get some good eating food! LOL Oh enough rambling well my family dad, Nana and I we had Easter lunch since I have to work today 3-11 and not it's not holiday pay either it's reg pay. I wanted to let all my friends out there know that I'm thinking of you wishing you happy Easter have great day.

Bear Appetit review

I have chosen to do blog today on place that I ate at on earth day last weekend I know that I‘m late but  I was just not feeling in the blogging mood so I put this off as I was also trying to fight off ear in fection as well but none the less here it is hope you enjoy this.

Bear Appetite is located right in downtown Jim Thorpe 29 Broadway  trust me you will not be able to miss this place as it has bear right on the door as shown on the photo about and also in the window as well, I just do happen to love the name of it as well because it’s very different name.  When you walk into this place you are greeting with friendly employees and also deli right there in the front of the store as well as place to sit and eat, they also have more room in the back to eat if you don’t want to site up front, sadly I didn’t ask the owners if I could take some photos of the place, however I’m going to ask when I go over again since I only live right across town I will exp what it’s for I’m sure they won’t have an issues with that as this place is getting great ratings from me. I will share some photos of the meal that I had their with Nana and friend of ours. Prices are not bad at all to eat at this place, you can get breakfast, lunch and supper their.

This is one of the carving in the window I happen to live it, in case you are wonder what is that thing, well it’s bear of course, this place is very relaxed place to go into to eat with family friends, or yourself, it’s also kid friendly as well just in cause you have children, you are even able to parches thing in this store as well from deli items to shirts and aprons.

This is the same window as the bear carving the Boar’s Head brand is the type of deli company that they use and it’s very good company to get cold cuts from, yes this place is also located right next to another shop as you see. You also see that this place had the menu right in the window like they do in Europe, so you can stop to see what they have what the prices are so you can choose to come in and eat or not. Also they have sign out site listing their specials for that day as well which I think is  great as well so you know what they have all the way around.

This is the other side now it also has meanu right there in the window so both sides are covered from all directions I like this in eating place so that you, all cram to one window to see what they have and how much it cost. As you can see they also have signs for other things going on in town as well which I like how they are community based as well.

This is one of the appetizer dishes that are av able to eat this one is called Mixed Vegetable sticks it’s very good its large portion of mixed veggies serived with marinara sauce, it was very good but I had to ask for ranch dressing but that it just me I love ranch dressing with veggies not matter what, I shared this with Nana and our friend as it was super way to much for just me. Good thing is it’s large enough to share with the people you are dinning with. The price for this is  5.75 it was well worth the price.

This my friends was my main dish it’s huge!! I was only able to take few bits of this and was asking for box price for this was well worth it as well. As I stated before I’m going to be going back to this place this week to get more photos and also of the menu we went here on the spare of the moment and I didn’t even thing to ask for certain things but oh well none the less I’m sharing this with all of you.

Desert shared with my friend and I  Omg it was so good the whole meal was well worth it it’s such great relaxing place to go eat at I have this place 10 in my book. This is just one of the many pluses of living in small town USA, I know that it’s not always the greatest to live in small tourist town USA but some days it’s just worth it. I know that I have been rambling in the blog a little bit but  I can’t help it at times. Do look forward to the next part of this blog to come which will be better one in detailed one.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Earth day 2011

Well I went over to Earth Day 2011, to me it left alot to be desiered but I think that had to do with the waether the day before! There were hardly any vendors like the year before, the train was not even running oh well none the less I still had good time! I liked the one band that they had, but how ever I did want to cut some dread locks off people idk why but they just bothered me for some reason this year. I did how love looking round in some of the shops that we have here in town. I will be sharing some of those with you in another post. Here are some photos of today I will also be doing blog review of place that I ate at in another blog as well. Hope you enjoy the photos. I was hoping to find some east meets west stuff but sadly I found nothing like that but I did find bakery that everyone keeps talking about but I still have not tried what I bough tomorrow followed by another blog. I would write more on earth day but their is nothing really to write about so here are some photos and video if I can post it. I should also add they had to cancel Saturdays events due to the rain and winds so maybe some of the vendors left idk

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Im sitting here at my fav deli/resturant having late breakfast and I mean late it's 12:42pm, I'm sitting here looking at the beautiful day put and reflecting on lastnight. I had to go to wal*mart to get few thing lastnight in pouring rains we had here, in their parking lot last night group of teenaged kids decided they wanted to play zombieland tag or something called that in the parking lot it was scary cause it was raining and dark and they had dark clothes on not good idea. Now today I'm going to head over to earth day and walk down town as well today but I still can't get over those kids last night how crazy of them someone could have hit em.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, April 15, 2011

Much to do about nothing

It's just normal Friday for me nothing special going on, other then tonight at 10:47pm I get to start my weeks vacation, no I'm not going not where or doing anything special I might take few day trips or something but not totally sure with the price of gas right now. I will if the weather is nice I will be taking some photos and sharing them with you. Just had to blog that I'm just happy about it hahah

Earth Day

Earth Day by nyrickgrant
Earth Day, a photo by nyrickgrant on Flickr.
It's that time of the year again earth day, no I'm not tree huger but I do care about our earth and world. I happen to love this festive to me it symbolizes spring time things coming to live again, I even get time find some east meets west stuff I even get to get some henna done! I will be taking photos when I go over there this weekend to post on blog about it.

My new layout templet

So I decided that it was time to change my layout ,give my page new feel for change granted I'm not sure if I like the new layout but I'm getting use to it HAHAHA!! I figured that it was spring/summer so I would brighten it up for now and reflect something that is me color I love colors.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

New theme and earth day

Its such a beautyful day out and I must work 3-11 today oh well such is life! My quick post is to talk about earth day my small town is having earth day festival this weekend that I'm going to I will be taking photos and what not. No I'm not tree hugger I will talk more about this in better post when I get home tonight it's 2:40 and I have to clock in in 7 minutes. Also I changed my layout as well

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Some Indian cookingCucumber Raita

As part of stepping out of my confory zone into news thing I have started to try Indian cooking again I'm taking baby steps Tuesday night I took my hand at trying to make clod dish just to see how I would do. I have perviolsy made Indian dinnger using box all I had to do was add the chicken to it. This one I had to add all the stuff myself I had to go out and buy it in fact, I'm sure you are wondering what could she have made well here goes my blog on it. step by step.

Step one go buy Indian cook book at Barnes & Noble [not I cheated I got it on sale]

2. Next when looking at said cook book you need to think about what you want to try and make. Since this is my first time using this book I tried something simple

3. Make sure that you have everything that you need Well I did exp for the cumin and black pepper corn, plain yogurt I had to run the the store for those. I was how ever dispointed in Giant Food Store I need Cumin seeds all the had was the powder, so I had to use that in place of the seeds and I had to get the black pepper corn in grinder so I had to use that as well in way I feel like I cheated little but I had to use what their. I know I don't have photo of these items I just realized now that I didn't take one oh well next time I will ADD it to this post or just make another one. This recpie didn't call for onions in it but I wanted some in there cause I was feeling for an onin.

4 Here is what it looks like all done I know it don't look like the photo in the book but oh well not bad for my first time at trying this, I must say that  I will make it again just like it calls for.

I will say I love the smell and taste of cumin  I don't know why but I just do.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Want to learn how to write in Hindi

IMG_3483.JPG by bethwatkins
IMG_3483.JPG, a photo by bethwatkins on Flickr.

I have been learning how to speak Hindi as I stated in perilous post, but now I have been practicing saying the vowels and all the letter in the alphabetic I feel I would learn how to speak read and write. Hindi if I started to learn how to write it down. I'm looking for print out or even work book kind of like when you were in school you had work book to teach you have to write cursive well that is what I'm looking for, I think if I start to this I will get better idea of how to start to read Hindi and even speak it/ If anyone knows good work book site please share it with me. I'm currently looking online as well to see what I can find. I'm also going to see if the local community offers Hindi classes as well not sure how to go about it but I'm sure someone there will point me in the right direction.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I want Indian music

So I like Bollywood music I love music by karsh kale. I want to know where on rhapsody that I can add Indian Bollywood music? I do have iTunes as well I just want to add some Indian beats to my music I listen to but do t know how to go bout finding some. Anyone can point me in the right direction or give me some names I can type into rhapsody to listen to let me know.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I love the Indian Head Bobble I'm now hooked on doing it

One of the many favorite things in Indian culture is the head bobble I love it IDK why but I just do, I have noticed that I started doing it I do get people looking at me funny because they don't know what it means or some are thinking why is this gori doing this!!!! With out thinking even when I talk with Indian friends I start doing it and they seem to think nothing of it which is great because I love doing it. I know I have now going crazy or something but it's one of my fav things. I had to do quick blog to share this with all of you.

I'm sure some people are wondering why on earth would you want to do something like that we because it's easier then telling some one no, or easier to show that I understand what you are saying or even to say I have not clue to what you are saying or doing,I even add some facial expression to it as times too. I know that it's not bad but I do love when people look at me all suprised or shocked the looks on the faces......

Oh well I respect and love the head bobble

Monday, April 4, 2011

Learning to speak Hindi is not easy!!!!

As I mentioned in an earlier post I want to learn Hindi!!! I signed up at it’s okay I like the site but I wash that I could have voice thing or something so that I know that I’m saying the words right, I even wish it kind of broke it down more. UGH I was doing pretty good till I got into more of the phrases and now it’s getting hard I need help!!! Don’t get me wrong I don’t give up on nothing I will learn how read, write, speak Hindi just as good I do english.  Right now I feel so dumb because I’m little stuck I will get over this I know I will. UGH I just wish that it came easy for me, but then I guess people wanting to learn English feel the same way or people wanting to know other langues feel the same way. I guess I just needed to vent rant about this. If Rosetta Stone did not cost too much money I would have just gotten that, I might also look to see of our community college offer Hindi class as well.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

"The Jim Thore Burlesque Festival" "The Big Reveal" Review

It's kind of late here but I have to post this blog before I go to bed and while it's fresh in my mind!!! Tonight I went to "The Jim Thorpe Burlesque Festival" "The Big Reveal" It was so great I can't wait for next year to come so that I can go again!!!!! Keep in mind this show is not something to take the children to this is for people 18 and older well actually 21 and over since they have alcohol. Here is the link to the site  

My tickets cost 35.00 which is not bad to see show like this plus it had local talent in it as well so I didn't mind paying that at all, the show started right at 8pm doors opened at 7pm we got good seats right down stair, I was surprised since it was packed house I did see some people that I knew which was nice as well to see that local people came out to support this show as well. Everything was done very tastefully nothing nasty, you even got few good laughs as well I didn't get out till almost 10:20 so it lasted pretty long. I'm sure that some of you are wonder what is Burlesque I will give you little history of this tasteful art.

Burlesque is a literary, dramatic or musical work intended to cause laughter by caricaturing the manner or spirit of serious works, or by ludicrous treatment of their subjects. The word derives from the Italian burlesco, which itself derives from the Italian burla – a joke, ridicule or mockery.
Burlesque overlaps in meaning with caricature, parody and travesty, and, in its theatrical sense, with extravaganza, as presented during the Victorian era. "Burlesque" has been used in English in this literary and theatrical sense since the late 17th century. It has been applied retrospectively to works of Chaucer and Shakespeare and to the Graeco-Roman classics.Contrasting examples of literary burlesque are Alexander Pope's sly The Rape of the Lock and Samuel Butler's irreverent Hudibras. An example of musical burlesque is Richard Strauss's 1890 Burleske for piano and orchestra. Examples of theatrical burlesques include W. S. Gilbert's Robert the Devil and the A. C. Torr – Meyer Lutz shows, including Ruy Blas and the Blasé Roué.
A later use of the term, particularly in the United States, refers to performances in a variety show format. These were popular from the 1860s to the 1940s, often in cabarets and clubs, as well as theatres, and featured bawdy comedy and female striptease. Some Hollywood films attempted to recreate the spirit of these performances from the 1930s to the 1960s. There has been a resurgence of interest in this format since the 1990s.

Most people this of this as stripping and it's not it's very tasteful and leaves it up to the imagation of the person in tonights show the girls we competing for the crystal coursit it was quite show just when you thought you have seen everything their was more that you have not seen, I will never look at little miss muffett the same they had all kinds of acts tonight it was worth the money I will be going again heck if I could be in the show I would hmm something to ponder for next year LOL. Even us woman loved the show it I can't say enough about it I loved it. I don't want to go into full deatils because I want to keep this clean and to you imagation. Before I leave all of you with few thoughts I'm going to give the show 5*'s +'s it was great must see if you come to visit when the have it next year.

Now parting thought .Just picture on the stage woman dancing to today's music and music of the past while giving you tease all at the sametime...........

Friday, April 1, 2011

I went to see the dermatologist yesterday here's what's up!!

I had to go see the dermatologist yesterday for few embrassing problems I have, I can't believe I'm even talking about them here with all of you out their in blogger land but eh here goes. I have eczema on my hands and part of my back, granted it's not as bad as it has been in years past since I found this doctor he gave me cream of my hands last year that WORKED! I didn't have not flare ups till March of this year my hands stated to peel and crack and my back kept itching, so I went to see him he told me I'm giving you new cream to try for your back and hands it will help so we shall see now, he also gave me free smples of the cream to try so far with only two uses the part of my back that has the eczma is looking better and so are my hands however I was told for my hands to mix it with little lotation which I did and wow my hands are looking better as well. I not it's not cure all but it's helping so I have the drop  the RX off at Wal*Mart pharmcy to get filled.

Now onto issues number two I have roseace on my face I have had it since I was about 10yrs old and I'm 30 now and no one really wanted to treat it till I meet this doctor all other doctors told me oh it will just go away it's only little bit not that bad not this doctor, he gave me this cream for it as well which I'm to use twice day he said it will take about few weeks to month to see results so we shall see on this one, I know that it's not as red as it use to be so that is good thing.

Issues number three which is really embrassing but I have facial hair issue that stem back to when I was first dignosted with asthma when I was child and give all kinds of steridos well when I was about 17 I long since stopped those meds I noticed I had not facial hair I told my mom all the did was shave it off me sadly that just made to have beard going on my face where I have to shave it everyday I'm so embrassed by this but I need to talk about it, so I told the docotor he said I have two options a cream or laser treatment well I went with cream to slow the hair growth down and if that dose not work or I don't like it I will have the other option done.

I know that I'm not the only one out their with this problem but I just thought that I had to share it with everyone I need to speak about it, I  will keep you updated on how things are going long even how much the creams cost and if I had to pay out of pocket for any of them if you have question feel free to ask, but do keep rude comment out of here! I will speak about this more tonight when I get home from work in another blog since I will have more timel