Note some of the content in this blog was barrowed from use for facts in this blog.
Sometimes in this crazy, fun, scary, amazing world we come across some people that really touch out lives and that intern makes us glad to have them in our lives as aquanauts or friends, even online friends! These are people that touch are lives for whatever reason it maybe just you know the reason along with maybe few other hundreds or even thousands of people out in this world may know. I'm sure by now you are wondering what I'm talking about or for that matter who am I talking about dose she know what she is talking about for that matter and dose she know these people or person? Well the answer is yes I know who I'm talking about and the people that I'm speaking about! These are two great men who have touched my life along with hundred and thousands of lives so far maybe even more with an art that is making come back due to the fact it's reaching out to younger generation. These two men are Mikey & Diva Dan, they both reside in Ontario Canada no in case you are wondering I'm not going to list their last name because I want to give privacy to them plus I didn't ask them if it was okay so thought this blog I'm going to use there user name or nick name as most of us know them by.I'm sure by now you are wondering how I along with other people know the two of them well I came across the two of them viva I did search for baby booty high tops YouTube brought up list of videos I just clicked on few they were not what I was looking for then I clicked on this one and he was talking about these cute booties I just right away liked him I found the link to make them and it was so easy too. The reason it was easy is because Mikey shows you step by step how to makes the booties along with every project he ever dos
e. The photo to the left is the first ever baby booty high tops that I ever made I did so following along with mike's video. I he helped me make these booties I was hooked I when to his YouTube site to look at all his videos I could not get enough of them that is where I meet Diva Dan who I like as well he has tough me that I can do anything with back yard and cooking. Mike and Diva Dan have shown all of us it's okay to let our creative side out it's great to be different no matter what others have to say. You can find Their videos at . Mikeyssmail was actually born on April 2008 it was just meant as user name Mike never though it would be as big as it is now or for the name to stick but faith and density had other plan in store for him and Diva Dan and the user name. Mikeyssmail was started with just 10 crochet videos Mikey took notice that people where really checking them out and wanted more and the rest my friends is history. Mikey and Diva Dan even have there own web page it's feel free to check it out this site is where he has some written patterns but please respect the copy right laws I ask. They even have live broad cast at least once week or so if you need laugh they will give you few as well. As I mentioned in other post eath day Diva Dan and Mike teach you be earth friendly that these project that we make can be handed down from person to person generation to generation as well. You can also find Mike and Diva Dan on Face book as well too. I will include some photos of projects that I have made along with Mike and Diva Dan and some that I have not but he gave me the push to give them try they may not be right because its the first time I tyred it didn't use the right yarn because I just wanted to give it try.
This photo here is my first loom knit project I did viva YouTube with Mike and Diva Dan. My Nana soon took this scarf soon as it was done. In fact this past winter my Nana had so many people asking where she got her scarf at, she told me I didn't buy it my granddaughter made it! The seem amazed that I could make something so nice let along fabulous! I had one lady tell me that it's great that I'm learn how to loom knit it will save me money and you will get people asking you to make them things. Who would have though my first Loom Knit project would have come out so great and look as good as it dose along with g
etting people loving it! This is my first ever Baby booty sneakers that I learned to crochet with Mike and Diva Dan I got so many people saying how cute they were in fact they were part of baby shower gift and the person who got them for her baby loves em. I have had some people ask me to me them some as wel

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