I have slowly been redoing my bedroom into east theme, I thought that I would share how this is coming along for me. I was originally going to blog about what happened out in Killeen/Fort Hood
Texas but I can't do that right now, because as I try to do this I start to cry thus this means that I'm not ready yet to blog about it. Intern I thought I would talk about something that I have been saying that I have been doing! It's not even close to done each pay I try to find something east to place in my room. Yes that is panelling on the walls I want to get rid of it I would like to paint my walls nice relaxing color I'm leaning toward nice warm yellow or maybe blue something that is calming. I found these `
` great clip on butterflies at "The Christmas Tree
Shops" for .69 cents th
at I clipped onto the
sheers, I have eclectic candle lights that my Nana got me last year that I placed in each of my windows for change, I have photo of my grandfather when he was child along with some things I collect. I thought this was nice change. Yes that is camel on top of my book case my dad got that for my when he was in Iraq or Kuwait he knows that I love camels so he got me one. I know my dresser looks messy I took this at 3am I just sat things their till the next day. That closet my grandfather built many many years ago. I know bad photo I took this at 3am on my iPhone could not use lot of light did not want to I photos of the whole house and post them on here. I know that it dose suck that my bed room is right next to the dinning room oh and that is my in
the mirror . UGH as you can see the dogs don't listen when I tell them that they can't lay nor sleep on my bed!!!!!! So this is what my room looks like so far, I'm looking to add more things to it to redo it into east theme. If anyone had great spacing saving ideas to make my room look better let me know. Along with what color you think would look good to paint my room. I'm looking for ideas to help me.
If you don't have plenty of natural light coming in to your room, then avoid darker colors. Lighter colors like white or beige or maybe a soft pink would make your room look bigger. Ample lighting to reflect off the walls after the sun is down would do wonders to make the room look more spacious.
I had tried to paint one room in my house rose, but that just made it look smaller and cramped. No amount of light would make it look cheery. Now I have just white and it makes the room look spacious if not cheery.
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