When most people think of Memorial Day they think of cook out, lakes, oceans, parties. Well when I think of Memorial Day I think of all the men and woman who survive in the armed forces, those that came back home wounded from the war, and those that lost their lives to protect our freedom!!
It seems like at times people forget the real reason for the holiday, it's not just to have off work but to remember those who surived and are surviving!!!!
Today I will be work since it's one of my holiday's to work, now I know some of you are sitting their thinking poor her she has to work on this day while the rest of us have off, ehh oh well that's what she gets for working in health care. Well I'm not mad or upset that I have to go to work I'm lucky enough to care for of the men that served in WWII Vietnam, Korea I feel that I'm grateful for them as I have my freedom.
I hope that this find all of you no matter where you are at safe and sound I hope all of you have great day.
I hope that you take the time to remember the reason for this day and maybe honor the men and woman! Remember are Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts,Uncles, Grandparents that survived our country.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Went to the local lake on Wed
On Wednesday I went out to our local like since it was nice and warm out for change we got break from rain. I stayed for bout 2-3 hours soaking up some sun I did manage to snap few photos I will share. Come Monday you will not be able to get in free you will have to pay but it don't cost lot.Sadly I ended up going alone like always but still had fun.
I'm planning if it don't rain to have picnic out there this Sunday so if all goes well another blog and more photos.


Im using the camera on my phone.

Me abd the lake

Sun was in my eyes

Sadly no one wanted to go long with me so I always end up going places alone but I still had fun.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I'm planning if it don't rain to have picnic out there this Sunday so if all goes well another blog and more photos.
Im using the camera on my phone.
Me abd the lake
Sun was in my eyes
Sadly no one wanted to go long with me so I always end up going places alone but I still had fun.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Everyone lives Glass House
It's time that I get something off my chest!!! Gossip I'm so sick of it why do people have to do it? Also what do people have to make fun of other people?
Remember the saying people in glass House should not throw stone! That is so true also Karma will get you as well.
I know that I did make post while back about this but I'm talking about it again because well I'm sick of it and I will not stand of it no more if people want to talk smack about me fine go head you are not hurting me nor my fiends because when it comes down to the end I know the truth and that is all that matter! I know you are thinking how can I say this well because it's true people will believe whatever they want truth or no truth. After all we all live in glass house and their for should not throw stones!! Well some people I hate to see their house it must be full of stones.
Remember the saying people in glass House should not throw stone! That is so true also Karma will get you as well.
I know that I did make post while back about this but I'm talking about it again because well I'm sick of it and I will not stand of it no more if people want to talk smack about me fine go head you are not hurting me nor my fiends because when it comes down to the end I know the truth and that is all that matter! I know you are thinking how can I say this well because it's true people will believe whatever they want truth or no truth. After all we all live in glass house and their for should not throw stones!! Well some people I hate to see their house it must be full of stones.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Sitting out on my porch included photos
Oh it's so nice out today after many days of rain the sun came out today and it was so nice. Right now as I type this I'm sitting outside on my front porch typing this from my iPhone it's so nice, I want to share few photos of what I see from here. Not sure if I can post more then one photo on here with my phone I will try if not I will edit it when I get only laptop and add the rest

That my car

That's bobs market and deli across the street from my place

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
That my car
That's bobs market and deli across the street from my place
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
It's that time of year again time to replant my herb garden! I know you are thinking why replant they can last all year well because this winter was so bad it kill
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I can now Knit!
SO I can now Knit! Here are some photos of what I have made so far, will I stick with it? Yes I will I will knit up somethings soon, but for now here are little samples of what I have made.
Knit rib stitch |
up close of the rib stitch |
All the stitches that I have made so far |
That's supposed to be heart |
it's supposed to be heart would have came out better if I used sold color but want to use my yarn stash up |
spring cleaned my bed room east meets west look
I'm not sure if I meantioned in few blogs or not but last weekend I spring cleaned my bed room, I know I'm problay late in the spring cleaning dept but better late then never, I always like to start in my bed room and work my way to the other parts of the house. Keep in mind I still have not gone through stuff in my room to get rid of which I will be doing this week I need to declutter my stuff if I'm not using it, it's going to go! Well anyhow I just did serfice stuff I got new curtin rods here are few photo but excuse the one pile of clutter that is on it's way out the door to either be sold viva ebay yard sale or given to good will. Some of the items I gotten we either from Ollies, target, christmas tree shops and wal mart
Well those lovely curtins came from Ollies and the comforter came from Target the disco ball is from Wal*Mart it was christmas tree ortminet but I keep up all year |
My new light Which came from Christmas Tree Shops for 14.99 yes I painted of my panneling |
Those curtin rods came from Christmas Tree Shops they were 4.99 each Oh I love this store |
Those little paintings came from my neighbors the bedding on my bed is from Wal*Mart |
I love how they are two toned yes that turtle is light |
Don't mind the clutter its going to be doing bye bye |
yes the is Iraqie money and yes that is the clutter that is going to be going my dresser was just given to tme |
Can you tell that I love to read! I know that Discoball again! Those baskets on my dresser are from christmas tree shops 1.29 each |
Better view of it the dresser was given to me by my neighbor free is good I guess till I find what I want |
Also got new throw rug to go with the look and you see part of my dog too. |
I should have put light on to see them better |
As you can tell I love east meets west I have all my life |
Day light photo but it didn't come out well should have place light on |
Spring cleaned the front porch
So I know that I'm probaly two weeks late in posting this but two whole weeks ago when it was nice outside! Remember that day???? Hmm seems so long ago but anyhow it was the weekend that I worked but I was up at like 5:30am so I did lots of things that day one of which was cleaning the front proch for my Nana in clulding the patio chairs here are some after photos they are just of my and Nana I didn'tt think to get the whole porch because I this point I had to get ready for work.
Poor Jeeves I had to use some U glue and put his arm back on side not the glue didn't hold after two week I have to re-glue him |
Nana all happy her porch is clean can you believe she's 86 |
That would be me next to one of my trees |
Me and Nana |
Friday, May 13, 2011
I learned how to knit
YAY this is my 175th post, I'm sure you are wondering what I'm going to post about! Well I'm going to talk about something I just learned how to do thanks to book and wanting to learn how to do, and that would be learn how to knit! Yes that is right I'm learning how to knit! I know how to crochet but I have always wanted to learn how to knit, since I have not grandmother knitting stuff I figured when not learn how to do so, I have tried doing myself and not knowing what I'm doing, I even tried one of those I tough myself how to knit and it didn't work, of all things that helped me was a book called Stitch 'n Bitch: The knitter's handbook by Debbie Stoller http://www.knithappens.com/ that is her website if you want to check it out. I ended up buying the book at Barnes and noble. Let me tell you it was worth every penny if you want to learn how to know, also I did have another tool to help me as well when I was not fully sure on what I read and was not 100% sure I was knitting this other tool was YouTube.com! Here is photo of the little piece that I made it took me many many tries and rip outs to get this and I did I'm so happy I think why I had hard time is because I was using baby yarn I think I should have used another yarn from my yarn stash to try this Knit, purl stitch on but I didn't none the less I did get it many many tries later! I'm still trying to get use to having two needles and not hook. Will I quit crocheting to go to knitting? Nope I like them both I WILL do both! I just had to share this with all of you and I will keep posting on my progress of this as well. I know it will take time to get better at this just like it did with crochet.
![]() | |
This is my first knit purl stitch that I made after many many tries later |
Monday, May 9, 2011
indian ice cream
I got talking about fav foods today and one of my fav foods is Indian food, I esp love indian ice cream! It's sooo darn good there is just something about you have to try it. I'm sure this is not for everybody as it can taste rich, right now I'm sitting here drooling for some, I must look up where I can get some near me.
Learning how to knit Hookers!!

Knitting Needle Collectionnitting Needle Collection
Originally uploaded by Plastic Girl
Many people do this everyday no matter where they are at, to some of us it’s foreign scary, interesting, looks fun. Some people many turn there nosies up at this as well never to give this though or wonder how could you? For us hookers[ not the hooker you think of] that is crochet hookers we might turn our nose up at this because it takes two needles to us I’ sure you are wondering what I’m talking about! I’m talking about well I’m talking about knitting. I’m crocheter by heart I love doing it, but I have thought of knitting for years esp because I have knitting needles that were my grandmothers she use to knit so I figured why not learn something new see how I like it maybe I can make some cool interesting things. But the confusing parts for me are starting the cast on and the whole putting the yarn over the other needle and through it plus I have two sticks to deal with, along with this while knit stitch and purl stick can get confusing at times for most of us that crochet! None the less I’m still going to learn how to knit I’m sure once I get use to using two needles and learning how to cast off when I’m doing with project will get easier for me as I go on. I know some of my follower hookers are like how could you want to go over to that side as well? My answer to them is why not we have lots in common with one another why not give this try see where I get plus I’m one for not giving up at something that I try! I will keep everyone posted on how things are going.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
This made me cry "Despite rapid growth India lets little girls die"
What I'm about to share with you saddens me to no end and I wish I COULD DO SOMETHING TO HELP STOP THIS! I just read this in last nights local paper,and it's has me and my Nana upset I will find out what I can do to help stop this.
The title of the article is called "Despite rapid growth. India lets little girls die" I find it in the associated press section of our local paper, I went to the local paper online and could not find the article so I went to Google and find it, I'm going to share the link with you as well as paste the story here. I know that this is more common in small villages/towns then anywhere but still one would think something would be done to stop such thing, I mean after all India is know for family, I know of Asian countries do similar things to baby girls, people need to wake up without us woman men would have not babies or people to take care of them.Here is the link as well:http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iv0RMXrJ_MqRYXeG46oCiay1zieA?docId=adbf986ad4904886a8712f46bdc1299b
The starving girls in this hospital ward include a 21-month-old with arms and legs the size of twigs and an emaciated 1-year-old with huge, vacant eyes. Without urgent medical care, most will not live to see their next birthday.
They point to a painful reality revealed in India's most recent census: Despite a booming economy and big cities full of luxury cars and glittering malls, the country is failing its girls.
Early results show India has 914 girls under age 6 for every 1,000 boys. A decade ago, many were horrified when the ratio was 927 to 1,000.
The discrimination happens through abortions of female fetuses and sheer neglect of young girls, despite years of high-profile campaigns to address the issue. So serious is the problem that it's illegal for medical personnel to reveal the gender of an unborn fetus, although evidence suggests the ban is widely circumvented.
"My mother-in-law says a boy is necessary," says Sanju, holding her severely malnourished 9-month-old daughter in her lap in the hospital. The woman, who goes by one name, doesn't admit to deliberately starving the girl but only shrugs her own thin shoulders when asked why her daughter is so sick.
She will try again for a son in a year or two, she says.
Part of the reason Indians favor sons is the enormous expense in marrying off girls. Families often go into debt arranging marriages and paying elaborate dowries. A boy, on the other hand, will one day bring home a bride and dowry. Hindu custom also dictates that only sons can light their parents' funeral pyres.
But it's not simply that girls are more expensive for impoverished families. The census data shows that the worst offenders are the relatively wealthy northern states of Punjab and Haryana.
In Morena, a sun-baked, largely rural district in the heart of India, the numbers are especially grim. This census showed that only 825 girls for every 1,000 boys in the district made it to their sixth birthdays, down from an already troubling 829 a decade ago.
Though abortion is allowed in India, the country banned revealing the gender of unborn fetuses in 1994 in an attempt to halt sex-selective abortions. Every few years, federal and state governments announce new incentives — from free meals to free education — to encourage people to take care of their girls.
In Morena, a Madhya Pradesh state government program offers poor families with one or two daughters a few thousand rupees (a few hundred dollars) for every few years of schooling, and more than 100,000 rupees ($2,250) when they graduate high school.
But while a handful of Indian women have attained some of the highest positions in politics and business — from late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to Pepsi CEO Indra Nooyi — a deep-rooted cultural preference for sons remains.
Even the government has accepted that it has failed to save millions of little girls.
"Whatever measures that have been put in over the last 40 years have not had any impact," India's Home Secretary G.K. Pillai said last month when announcing the census numbers.
In Morena's homes, villages, schools and hospitals lie some of the answers to why the country keeps losing girls.
In the district hospital's maternity ward, a wrinkled old woman walks out holding a just-born girl wrapped in a dirty rag like an unwelcome present. Munni, who uses only one name, is clearly unhappy. Her daughter-in-law has just given birth to her sixth girl in 12 years of marriage.
"Everyone wants boys. A boy takes care of you in your old age," Munni says.
As a mother-in-law, Munni will likely have enormous control over her son's wife, influencing how many children she has and nudging or bullying her to bear a son.
According to the current CIA "World Factbook," the United States has a birth ratio of 955 girls per 1,000 boys. In China, where families with a strong preference for boys sometimes resort to aborting their baby girls, there was a birth ratio of 885 girls per 1,000 boys.
District hospital head R.C. Bandil said his facility strictly obeys the law against using sonograms to reveal the gender of a fetus, adding that the sex ratio at birth there is as high as 940-945 girls per 1,000 boys.
Bandil said that for ages 6 and under, however, the ratio fell to 825 girls per 1,000 boys.
Part of the reason lies in the hospital's malnutrition ward.
"Women cry when they have girls," nurse Lalitha Gujar says as she spoons powdered coconut, peanuts and sesame seeds into bowls of fortified milk to nourish the tiny children.
All nine mothers of the sickly infant girls say they want sons — to look after them when they get old, because their sisters-in-law have more sons, because their mothers-in-law demand male children.
"If a woman has a boy, for a month she will be looked after. If she has a girl, she'll be back in the fields in three days," says Sudha Misra, a local social worker.
An exhausted mother who faces neglect, poor nutrition and blame for producing a daughter is likely to pass on that neglect, social workers say. For an infant, that can mean the difference between life and death.
"A malnourished child will get sick and the chances of death are very high," Bandil says.
Males get first priority. "First the husband is seated and fed, then the brothers and then whatever is left is fed to the girls," says Bandil. "If there are two mangoes in the house, first the boy will get to eat."
For the very poor, the pressures to bear sons result in mistreatment of both the baby girl and mother. And rich women are not immune to this mistreatment if they fail to bear male children.
For those with money, it's often about being able to locate a radiologist who, for a cost, will break the law and reveal the sex of the fetus, or being able to fly abroad for such tests.
A 2007 study by the rights group ActionAid India found that gender ratios were worse in urban areas, and that sex-selective abortions were more common among wealthier and higher-caste people who could afford ways to learn the gender of fetuses.
The law is not enough to combat "a society that values boys over girls," says Ravinder Kaur, a professor of sociology at New Delhi's Indian Institute of Technology.
"Laws are good because they may act as a deterrent" she says, but sex-selective abortions continue underground because "people find more devious ways.
I do hope there is some way that I can help stop such a thing.
The title of the article is called "Despite rapid growth. India lets little girls die" I find it in the associated press section of our local paper, I went to the local paper online and could not find the article so I went to Google and find it, I'm going to share the link with you as well as paste the story here. I know that this is more common in small villages/towns then anywhere but still one would think something would be done to stop such thing, I mean after all India is know for family, I know of Asian countries do similar things to baby girls, people need to wake up without us woman men would have not babies or people to take care of them.Here is the link as well:http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iv0RMXrJ_MqRYXeG46oCiay1zieA?docId=adbf986ad4904886a8712f46bdc1299b
In this photo taken Wednesday, April 13, 2011, one year and 9-month-old Sania cries as she is weighed only 5 kilograms (11 pounds) on a scale after eating a meal at a ward for malnourished children at a government hospital in Morena in the Central Indian State of Madhya Pradesh. The starving girls point to a painful reality revealed in India's most recent census: Despite a booming economy and big cities full of glittering malls and luxury cars, the country is failing its girls. Early results show India has only 914 girls under age 6 for every 1,000 boys. The census in Morena showed that for every 1,000 boys only 825 girls in the district made it to their sixth birthdays, down from an already troubling 829 a decade ago. (AP Photo/Mustafa Quraishi) |
Despite economic growth, India lets its girls die
(AP) – 1 day ago
MORENA, India (AP) — The room is large and airy, the stone floors clean and cool — a welcome respite from the afternoon sun. Until your eyes take in the horror that it holds. Ten severely malnourished children — nine of them girls.The starving girls in this hospital ward include a 21-month-old with arms and legs the size of twigs and an emaciated 1-year-old with huge, vacant eyes. Without urgent medical care, most will not live to see their next birthday.
They point to a painful reality revealed in India's most recent census: Despite a booming economy and big cities full of luxury cars and glittering malls, the country is failing its girls.
Early results show India has 914 girls under age 6 for every 1,000 boys. A decade ago, many were horrified when the ratio was 927 to 1,000.
The discrimination happens through abortions of female fetuses and sheer neglect of young girls, despite years of high-profile campaigns to address the issue. So serious is the problem that it's illegal for medical personnel to reveal the gender of an unborn fetus, although evidence suggests the ban is widely circumvented.
"My mother-in-law says a boy is necessary," says Sanju, holding her severely malnourished 9-month-old daughter in her lap in the hospital. The woman, who goes by one name, doesn't admit to deliberately starving the girl but only shrugs her own thin shoulders when asked why her daughter is so sick.
She will try again for a son in a year or two, she says.
Part of the reason Indians favor sons is the enormous expense in marrying off girls. Families often go into debt arranging marriages and paying elaborate dowries. A boy, on the other hand, will one day bring home a bride and dowry. Hindu custom also dictates that only sons can light their parents' funeral pyres.
But it's not simply that girls are more expensive for impoverished families. The census data shows that the worst offenders are the relatively wealthy northern states of Punjab and Haryana.
In Morena, a sun-baked, largely rural district in the heart of India, the numbers are especially grim. This census showed that only 825 girls for every 1,000 boys in the district made it to their sixth birthdays, down from an already troubling 829 a decade ago.
Though abortion is allowed in India, the country banned revealing the gender of unborn fetuses in 1994 in an attempt to halt sex-selective abortions. Every few years, federal and state governments announce new incentives — from free meals to free education — to encourage people to take care of their girls.
In Morena, a Madhya Pradesh state government program offers poor families with one or two daughters a few thousand rupees (a few hundred dollars) for every few years of schooling, and more than 100,000 rupees ($2,250) when they graduate high school.
But while a handful of Indian women have attained some of the highest positions in politics and business — from late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to Pepsi CEO Indra Nooyi — a deep-rooted cultural preference for sons remains.
Even the government has accepted that it has failed to save millions of little girls.
"Whatever measures that have been put in over the last 40 years have not had any impact," India's Home Secretary G.K. Pillai said last month when announcing the census numbers.
In Morena's homes, villages, schools and hospitals lie some of the answers to why the country keeps losing girls.
In the district hospital's maternity ward, a wrinkled old woman walks out holding a just-born girl wrapped in a dirty rag like an unwelcome present. Munni, who uses only one name, is clearly unhappy. Her daughter-in-law has just given birth to her sixth girl in 12 years of marriage.
"Everyone wants boys. A boy takes care of you in your old age," Munni says.
As a mother-in-law, Munni will likely have enormous control over her son's wife, influencing how many children she has and nudging or bullying her to bear a son.
According to the current CIA "World Factbook," the United States has a birth ratio of 955 girls per 1,000 boys. In China, where families with a strong preference for boys sometimes resort to aborting their baby girls, there was a birth ratio of 885 girls per 1,000 boys.
District hospital head R.C. Bandil said his facility strictly obeys the law against using sonograms to reveal the gender of a fetus, adding that the sex ratio at birth there is as high as 940-945 girls per 1,000 boys.
Bandil said that for ages 6 and under, however, the ratio fell to 825 girls per 1,000 boys.
Part of the reason lies in the hospital's malnutrition ward.
"Women cry when they have girls," nurse Lalitha Gujar says as she spoons powdered coconut, peanuts and sesame seeds into bowls of fortified milk to nourish the tiny children.
All nine mothers of the sickly infant girls say they want sons — to look after them when they get old, because their sisters-in-law have more sons, because their mothers-in-law demand male children.
"If a woman has a boy, for a month she will be looked after. If she has a girl, she'll be back in the fields in three days," says Sudha Misra, a local social worker.
An exhausted mother who faces neglect, poor nutrition and blame for producing a daughter is likely to pass on that neglect, social workers say. For an infant, that can mean the difference between life and death.
"A malnourished child will get sick and the chances of death are very high," Bandil says.
Males get first priority. "First the husband is seated and fed, then the brothers and then whatever is left is fed to the girls," says Bandil. "If there are two mangoes in the house, first the boy will get to eat."
For the very poor, the pressures to bear sons result in mistreatment of both the baby girl and mother. And rich women are not immune to this mistreatment if they fail to bear male children.
For those with money, it's often about being able to locate a radiologist who, for a cost, will break the law and reveal the sex of the fetus, or being able to fly abroad for such tests.
A 2007 study by the rights group ActionAid India found that gender ratios were worse in urban areas, and that sex-selective abortions were more common among wealthier and higher-caste people who could afford ways to learn the gender of fetuses.
The law is not enough to combat "a society that values boys over girls," says Ravinder Kaur, a professor of sociology at New Delhi's Indian Institute of Technology.
"Laws are good because they may act as a deterrent" she says, but sex-selective abortions continue underground because "people find more devious ways.
I do hope there is some way that I can help stop such a thing.
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