Sunday, December 18, 2011
I'm bad blogger
I know I'm bad blogger I have not blogged since July, it's not like I don't. Have nothing to talk about I do I just
Have not been in blogging mood for whatever reason I donna know but now I will be sharing tons with you as to what I
Have been doing from july till now!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
knitted head band I made
Hello lovies, I want to share with you project that I finsihed earlier this month it's my first ever knitted head band!!!! Yes that is right you read right I knitted up my first ever head band , I must say I think I did great job doing so. Did I mess up? uppers little bit here in their but hey practice makes perfect! I know where I messed up now when I makes another one using silk sari yarn from I will not have this mistakes in it, I'm sure you are wondering what I used to makes this head band well I will explain it all to you right here and it was super easy to make too.
Here is what I used Cable knitting needles, sugar n cream cotton yarn, pattern.[ How is easy is this right!]
So all of you know to make this you can use whatever yarn and colors that you want, I however use this type of yarn one to use it up and two I liked the colors and I find this type of yarn to be easy to pratice with or to make something for the first time. But hey we are all different so use what you are comfortable with but also give something new try as well.
This pattern called for DPN[douple pointed needles] or cable I wanted to give cable needles try since I never used them before and I found that I love them and are easier to knit with the just two sticks, but them maybe that is just me who knows. You start off by making an eye cord I have never done this so I turned to my stitch n bitch book but was not fully sure that I was doing it right so I went right to youtube and saw how to make an eye cord I was one the right track just not making it right so I ripped the stitches out and restarted, sometimes you have to do this more them once but it's all good this how to learn . have you make the eye cord as along as you want but because this is going on your head and cotton streaches out after begin worn for while you want to makes the eye cords about 4in, then you need to start adding stitches then start you patten stitches, for this one I used double seed/moss stitch which was so fun well I think that is it was, you just start doing this little chant as are you knitting it's like ommmmmm.
In t his photo I know not very well takes but you can see how well it turned out, how great it looks! If you are wondering where are my mistakes well in double moss when you start you do two rows of knit one purls one then two rows of purl on knit one well I messed up on that sometimes but hey you and tell at all and also right in the begining but that one is covered inside the head band so that is good. I still think it looks great and I'm going to start making another one.
I this this type of head band is great for anytime, these colors remind me of the beach. I use this sometimes when I do my facial scrubs or even wear it to work, I know it dose not sit right on my head right now since my hair is not that long it still works. These head bands make great gift ideas for family friends, co workers, it's also great last minute gift idea!!!
Here is what I used Cable knitting needles, sugar n cream cotton yarn, pattern.[ How is easy is this right!]
So all of you know to make this you can use whatever yarn and colors that you want, I however use this type of yarn one to use it up and two I liked the colors and I find this type of yarn to be easy to pratice with or to make something for the first time. But hey we are all different so use what you are comfortable with but also give something new try as well.
This pattern called for DPN[douple pointed needles] or cable I wanted to give cable needles try since I never used them before and I found that I love them and are easier to knit with the just two sticks, but them maybe that is just me who knows. You start off by making an eye cord I have never done this so I turned to my stitch n bitch book but was not fully sure that I was doing it right so I went right to youtube and saw how to make an eye cord I was one the right track just not making it right so I ripped the stitches out and restarted, sometimes you have to do this more them once but it's all good this how to learn . have you make the eye cord as along as you want but because this is going on your head and cotton streaches out after begin worn for while you want to makes the eye cords about 4in, then you need to start adding stitches then start you patten stitches, for this one I used double seed/moss stitch which was so fun well I think that is it was, you just start doing this little chant as are you knitting it's like ommmmmm.
In t his photo I know not very well takes but you can see how well it turned out, how great it looks! If you are wondering where are my mistakes well in double moss when you start you do two rows of knit one purls one then two rows of purl on knit one well I messed up on that sometimes but hey you and tell at all and also right in the begining but that one is covered inside the head band so that is good. I still think it looks great and I'm going to start making another one.
I this this type of head band is great for anytime, these colors remind me of the beach. I use this sometimes when I do my facial scrubs or even wear it to work, I know it dose not sit right on my head right now since my hair is not that long it still works. These head bands make great gift ideas for family friends, co workers, it's also great last minute gift idea!!!
Darn good thing!
Hello Everyone, I know it has been long while since I posted something I’m sorry I have been busy with working and new knitting and crochet projects, also redoing room in my house but more about the redoing room in my house it didn’t happen yet and when that dose it will be big blog about it! Now onto what I wanted to talk to you about, I heard about this site from Mikey over at The Crochet Crowd right here is the link for his site due check him out I have been following him for ages since he started over at youtube this is the link for his youtube site check him out he helps you learn crochet and even teaches you some really great crochet patterns as well I just love him in fact him and his SO are part of the family they are fixture in my house not day goes by my dad dose not ask do the boys have new vid up did you make something new they showed you.
I would say while back about two months ago or more he was talking in video about this is the link to the site due check it out I love it! The owner is the site is Nicole (Mikkelsen) Snow she is just awesome person I love her yarns they are just fabulous honeies!!!!!! I’m so that Mikey did video about her yarn because once I saw it I got hooked it’s addiction for me I’m like what new yarn can I buy next and what can I makes, best of all her yarn is fair trade and when you buy the yarn you are helping people! I will be showing you on of my very first projects that I made from I bought the pattern and the yarn for this right from her website but added my own twist to it as well since I love the whole east meets west theme.
The pattern that I bought from her is called Silk Sari Hobo Bag it’s crochet bag and I due believe that she has knitted version of this bag I’m not 100% sure so check the site out and it will tell you. The best part her patterns are so easy they look hard when you see the end product but they are not it’s easy and the bag took me week or less to finish due to the fact I worked on it at night after work and on my days off. I will show you photos on here from start to end I will exp how I got the lining for the purse as well.I’m even going to show you how the yarn came to me when it was shipped I love it!!! Here are the photos of my purse start to end. I will include photos of how great my box was packed when I got the yarn and my purse as I was making it, note the pattern didn’t come in the box it was emailed to my right from Nicole and yes the pattern is super east to follow.
I’m telling everyone to check out I just love love her yarn I want to try them all out!!!! I love it’s something different out their it’s great quality and not the same boring yarn,how ever I also love that when crocheting or knitting that you can add this yarn in with you regular yarn as well to add zest to it or make it stand out, I want to loom knit scarf using this yarn and regular one to see how that would look for winter.

The photos don’t due the yarn justice in person the colors are so beautiful they just pop out at ya that what I love about her yarn plus I love how it just changes colors constant.

I got the fabric at Joann’s fabric store, this pattern didn’t call for pocket in it but I decided to make one because I think every purse should have at least one pocket in it, to make sure it holds up and matches the fabric on the inside of the pocket I doubled the fabric up. I think that this fabric matches so well with the back but you can use what ever kind that you want to.
This was not part of the pattern I chose to make this little change purse or what ever you want to call it I used what was left of the slik sari yarn and then used Peaches n cream cotton yarn to finish it and I think the peaches N cream cotton yarn goes well this the whole purse theme.
This is the whole set together I think it matches so well all done. I did how ever have to to shorten the strap of the purse I made it to big I didn’t take into count that once I have everything into my purse that the purse streaches and gives so it was down to my thy so I took the handles to make them as short I wanted them to be. This pattern is something that you can have fun making altering as you want, I have had quite few people asking how much I charge to make one, I have not taken no one up on it yet because I have to ask the owner if I’m okay to do so since I didn’t crate the patter another words think it up, I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes so to speak.
I would say while back about two months ago or more he was talking in video about this is the link to the site due check it out I love it! The owner is the site is Nicole (Mikkelsen) Snow she is just awesome person I love her yarns they are just fabulous honeies!!!!!! I’m so that Mikey did video about her yarn because once I saw it I got hooked it’s addiction for me I’m like what new yarn can I buy next and what can I makes, best of all her yarn is fair trade and when you buy the yarn you are helping people! I will be showing you on of my very first projects that I made from I bought the pattern and the yarn for this right from her website but added my own twist to it as well since I love the whole east meets west theme.
The pattern that I bought from her is called Silk Sari Hobo Bag it’s crochet bag and I due believe that she has knitted version of this bag I’m not 100% sure so check the site out and it will tell you. The best part her patterns are so easy they look hard when you see the end product but they are not it’s easy and the bag took me week or less to finish due to the fact I worked on it at night after work and on my days off. I will show you photos on here from start to end I will exp how I got the lining for the purse as well.I’m even going to show you how the yarn came to me when it was shipped I love it!!! Here are the photos of my purse start to end. I will include photos of how great my box was packed when I got the yarn and my purse as I was making it, note the pattern didn’t come in the box it was emailed to my right from Nicole and yes the pattern is super east to follow.
I’m telling everyone to check out I just love love her yarn I want to try them all out!!!! I love it’s something different out their it’s great quality and not the same boring yarn,how ever I also love that when crocheting or knitting that you can add this yarn in with you regular yarn as well to add zest to it or make it stand out, I want to loom knit scarf using this yarn and regular one to see how that would look for winter.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Day 2 of 5 of pouch test
It's the 2nd day of my pouch test, I must say things went great today I did hear my stomach growl and make nose but I drank water and it stopped. How ever their were times that drinking water it didn't stop so then I drank protein shake, it went away so that meant I was hungry, but most of the time I was thirsty after I would drink the water I would burp and feel better. I'm listening my my tool and pouch and it's working. I'm just now sitting down and drinking glass of diet iced tea it's the first one that I have had all day so yay me on that!!!! I know you are wondering is this easy for me? No it's not but I have regained my will power or rather brought it back up front off the back burner so to speak, it was not easy for me when I had to be on liquid diet right before my Lap Band operation and right after I had the band placed on but my will power helped me with that just like it is right now.
Tomorrow starts day 3 of 5 I get to start with soft protein foods tomorrow, I'm taking all of this nice and slow I don't want to rush nothing at all. As for weight loss I lost 3.5lbs since yesterday but I'm sure that was all water weight that I lost, as each of us are different some might not lose weight during this time and some of us might lose lots. After the 5day pouch test I'm going to start the South Beach diet this is what my surgeon had me using two weeks before my operation to get use to nothing but good calories and protein so this is what I'm going to use, first two weeks you have not carbs like bread or rice things like that they by phase two they start to introduce you in to whole wheat carb stuff it's grat plan not I'm not starting yo=yo diet like I did before my WLS this is just going to help reinforce and help keep me on track! I love the foods on the SB diet and it had great protein so it's all good and it's thinks us WLS people should be eating as well. I'm doing this 5day test all while working ugh it's something but I'm winning! Till tomorrow have great day or night
Tomorrow starts day 3 of 5 I get to start with soft protein foods tomorrow, I'm taking all of this nice and slow I don't want to rush nothing at all. As for weight loss I lost 3.5lbs since yesterday but I'm sure that was all water weight that I lost, as each of us are different some might not lose weight during this time and some of us might lose lots. After the 5day pouch test I'm going to start the South Beach diet this is what my surgeon had me using two weeks before my operation to get use to nothing but good calories and protein so this is what I'm going to use, first two weeks you have not carbs like bread or rice things like that they by phase two they start to introduce you in to whole wheat carb stuff it's grat plan not I'm not starting yo=yo diet like I did before my WLS this is just going to help reinforce and help keep me on track! I love the foods on the SB diet and it had great protein so it's all good and it's thinks us WLS people should be eating as well. I'm doing this 5day test all while working ugh it's something but I'm winning! Till tomorrow have great day or night
day 1 of 5 of 5 day pouch test
I know that it's been long time since I have blogged well sorry.. Here is what I'm up to! I have been thinking for while now dose my band still work? Did I stretch it out too much? Did I break it? I also asked myself this question Self should be do that 5 day pouch test that we keep hearing about in out Lap band groups? and I said Self we should give it try and find out!!! Well it's scary to me I keep thinking can I do this do I still have that will power I had almost 2yrs ago? I kept thinking about this test for months and did I really have that will power I had all those years ago when I decided to have WLS, well I sat last night and thought long and hard and yes yes I do I just tucked it away for safe keeping as blanket or something. I have gotten too comfy with slider foods, carbs, soda again,and bad bad food just like many other WLS people have and you can't say that some of you have not because that would be lie you know that some of you have!!!! I found myself for weeks now going over the pros and cons of doing this test, I found the pros I weight the cons so this morning when I got up okay this afternoon I over slept I started the 5 day pouch test!!!
How are things going I'm sure you want to know well it's been touch and go all day when I was home it didn't bother me because I was on Facebook most of the day then picked my car up from getting worked on and headed off to work, now keep in mind this is where my down fall happens because their is all kinds of goodies at work sometime!!! So at work it was touch and go I sipped water but still felt hungry so I would take sip on my protein shake I made, reason for the sips I work in health care so sometimes it's hard I don't get dinner break so I eat when I so in this case drank them when I could I ended up finishing one of the two I brought. Trouble struck round 6pm I was hungry and feeling caffeine withdraw not good and carb withdraw now good when did I do I sipped on diet iced tea that made me feel better and I'm not going to lie I grabbed some peanut crackers stuck them in my pocket I said F it I'll start Monday well then my will power kicked in and said not you won't I gave those crackers away, I sipped on water and also on my diet tea but I will say that the neasua from no carbs got to me by the end of the night I dealt with it thought. I was still sipping on my diet tea when I came home reason why I did drink it down was to help caffeine withdraw its the only one I had today, when I got home I had some creamy soup which is aloud and that helped the upset stomach and killed the carb cravings! So day one out of five went tons better then I thought it would be I guess I do have that will power after all I guess I was to scared to listen to it! The skinny person inside me is fighting so hard to get out of this fat suit and I'm not stopping her she is going to come out because we hate this fat suit we have on! I have noticed that my abdomen is not swollen or feels swollen I should say so that is good thing I just hope tomorrow goes better I know great things take time but I listening to my pouch,band brain and skinny person and plus I'm talking openly about it so this all helps me out!!! Here is the link to the five day pouch test I would hope that WLS people out their try this. I will blog tomorrow about day 2 of 5
How are things going I'm sure you want to know well it's been touch and go all day when I was home it didn't bother me because I was on Facebook most of the day then picked my car up from getting worked on and headed off to work, now keep in mind this is where my down fall happens because their is all kinds of goodies at work sometime!!! So at work it was touch and go I sipped water but still felt hungry so I would take sip on my protein shake I made, reason for the sips I work in health care so sometimes it's hard I don't get dinner break so I eat when I so in this case drank them when I could I ended up finishing one of the two I brought. Trouble struck round 6pm I was hungry and feeling caffeine withdraw not good and carb withdraw now good when did I do I sipped on diet iced tea that made me feel better and I'm not going to lie I grabbed some peanut crackers stuck them in my pocket I said F it I'll start Monday well then my will power kicked in and said not you won't I gave those crackers away, I sipped on water and also on my diet tea but I will say that the neasua from no carbs got to me by the end of the night I dealt with it thought. I was still sipping on my diet tea when I came home reason why I did drink it down was to help caffeine withdraw its the only one I had today, when I got home I had some creamy soup which is aloud and that helped the upset stomach and killed the carb cravings! So day one out of five went tons better then I thought it would be I guess I do have that will power after all I guess I was to scared to listen to it! The skinny person inside me is fighting so hard to get out of this fat suit and I'm not stopping her she is going to come out because we hate this fat suit we have on! I have noticed that my abdomen is not swollen or feels swollen I should say so that is good thing I just hope tomorrow goes better I know great things take time but I listening to my pouch,band brain and skinny person and plus I'm talking openly about it so this all helps me out!!! Here is the link to the five day pouch test I would hope that WLS people out their try this. I will blog tomorrow about day 2 of 5
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
we are not dumping and leaving loved ones in nursing homes
I’ve been discussing the aged care issue with Rachel over at she has asked me to write guest blog about Nursing homes from professional view since I work in aged care. Due check out her blog. Thank you again Rachel for letting me share with everyone.
***** Note before reading this blog post the information that is coming from here is 100% real it is not made up, not all facilities have everything that I'm going to be speaking about in here each place differs from facility from state to state and country to country, yes I am health care worker that dose work in skilled nursing home so the facts are real. I know that some places are called Skilled nursing/ Rehabilitation centers but I will refer to is as nursing home as not to confuse some people because it's called different names different places. Thank you******
When most of us think of nursing home we tend to think of place that smells after pee is dark, dirty looking, smells funny, seeing an old person sitting in wheel chair or rocker drooling, or stuck in bed with no loved ones around. Often people think that people dump their parents, grandparents, or in-laws in nursing homes and never bother or see them till they die!
I'm here to tell you friends out their in blog land that is so far from the truth! I see people coming every day to see their family members or friend that might be in nursing home. The truth of the matter is over the past 21st century skilled nursing care has changed from what it was once thought of I'm here to explain to you what it's like as of today to maybe help you get better understanding of it as you read you will learn loved ones are not dumped in home waiting to die.
Most nursing homes are not just long term/skilled care facilities anymore they now offer Short tem care[ please not that every facility may not offer short term care it is up to the family member to check this out before placing loved one in care at a facility] as the current again population is living longer, due to being more healthier, active their is a need now for short term care. I'm sure you are wondering what I am talking about I will explain it all to you don't worry. If you do have question feel free to ask me. I will break down what all this means to all of you so here goes
Long Term Care: states just what it mean your loved one is in skilled nursing facility for their remaining life due to an illness, no longer able to walk, are senile, ect.... here they will get total patient care they need, all the wants and need will be meet by caring staff member. They will also get daily physical therapy to their body so they don't become contracted of if they do from their illness they will get daily nursing restorative therapy done daily by the staff member.
Short Term Care: is design for stroke recovery, IV antibiotics therapy, total or practical joint replacement, orthopedic condition, or need little longer to recovery from an illness they were hospitalized for. When they come nursing home/Rehabilitation center[ keep in mind some places are both in one any more] they will be seen by either Physical, occupational, or speech therapy depending on what their need may be, nursing staff will also be helping in this process as well for their recovery.
Nursing homes and rehabilitations centers are often all in once place these days they care for range of things. Keep in mind not every place is both it depends on where you live what state or country that you live in for the purpose of this blog I will be referring to nursing home but rehabilitation centers often deal with some of the same issues here. Some nursing homes now offer when end of life comes to have hospice agency come into help all of you in the end of life process and make they more comfortable. Nursing home encourage families to be evolved in loved ones care right from the being so that you are not left out and your loved one dose not feel like you are dumping them in the place. Most facilities are open 24 hours day for you to come visit you loved ones, when you do come to visit some places even have family rooms for you take your loved one to visit with them, I have come to find that most people tend to stay and visit in their loved ones room with them, sit and join them in an activity they are doing in the facility, or if the loved one is able to walk or even in wheel chair they are aloud to walk the halls with the, or nursing floor with their loved one their they are able to speak with other residents, family member and even the staff this helps to form last friendships and gives a feeling of being at home for everyone because after all we tend to be come an extended family! In the facility that I work in we like the make it homier for the residents treat it like it's their home this helps in making everyone feel at easy. I find that family member and friends tend to come visit loved ones everyday depending on their work schedules but since we are open 24 hours it makes it easer for them to come visit.
Here are something’s that residents can either do or are done right on site for them again depending on where you are at I don't know what every facility offers these are just something’s that I know that are offered for loved ones. On site laundry which is done everyday, cleaning of the facility and rooms everyday, if an accident happens and house keeping is need they are right their to clean the accident up, hair care services, cable TV[ either TV is provided or you can bring one in] they can have private phone or if they have cell phone they are aloud to use cell phone. They are able to have the freedom and privacy to attend to personal needs from managing to their own finical affairs if able to, decorating their room with personal belongs. Some places even offer facility computer them may go onto to check email or browse the internet if able, due keep in mind not every place may have all of this. Residents are able to participate in the planning of their own treatment and are assured of the confidentiality of their medical information at all times. Residents and family as well are even allowed and encouraged to develop friendships and rapport with their peers and staff member forming relationships that frequently extend beyond admission we tend to think of all of us as one big family.
In today’s nursing homes they have activity department which takes care of entreating and stimulating programs for residents in fact they get input from residents on monthly basis, also residents also have what is called resident council meeting to give their input on the everything in the facility[ every place has different name for this or might not have it at all].
If you are worried about your loved one getting the right meal or nutrition you need not worry because facilities have on site nutritional services which preps appetizing meals and snacks for residents, have hostess savable to meet with residents daily to help with personal meal preference and asst them with adhering to special dietary needs. Residents are encouraged to enjoy meals in pleasant surroundings in dinning room or if they choose to eat in their own room if the would like to.
We are not dumping are loved ones in nursing home we are assting them in getting the proper care that they need for this time in their life, they are getting the medication they need right at the times they are to have it as well, they are being cared for by staff that is trained in geriatric care as well. Here in the states we don't dump our loved ones or friends we come see them all the time. I hope this helps to clearly that we are not dumping loved ones in nursing home when they can no longer care for themselves but rather making sure that they’re getting the proper care they so need by trained staff when they need that care. As for my view on it I treat every resident as if they were my parent or grandparent I'm their for them no matter what sometimes I even staff after my shift if they need someone to talk to or come in before my shift if they need something like wanting their nails painting or time for game written down, nursing homes are no longer places to dump people but rather asst them in the stage of life they need the most help.
***** Note before reading this blog post the information that is coming from here is 100% real it is not made up, not all facilities have everything that I'm going to be speaking about in here each place differs from facility from state to state and country to country, yes I am health care worker that dose work in skilled nursing home so the facts are real. I know that some places are called Skilled nursing/ Rehabilitation centers but I will refer to is as nursing home as not to confuse some people because it's called different names different places. Thank you******
When most of us think of nursing home we tend to think of place that smells after pee is dark, dirty looking, smells funny, seeing an old person sitting in wheel chair or rocker drooling, or stuck in bed with no loved ones around. Often people think that people dump their parents, grandparents, or in-laws in nursing homes and never bother or see them till they die!
I'm here to tell you friends out their in blog land that is so far from the truth! I see people coming every day to see their family members or friend that might be in nursing home. The truth of the matter is over the past 21st century skilled nursing care has changed from what it was once thought of I'm here to explain to you what it's like as of today to maybe help you get better understanding of it as you read you will learn loved ones are not dumped in home waiting to die.
Most nursing homes are not just long term/skilled care facilities anymore they now offer Short tem care[ please not that every facility may not offer short term care it is up to the family member to check this out before placing loved one in care at a facility] as the current again population is living longer, due to being more healthier, active their is a need now for short term care. I'm sure you are wondering what I am talking about I will explain it all to you don't worry. If you do have question feel free to ask me. I will break down what all this means to all of you so here goes
Long Term Care: states just what it mean your loved one is in skilled nursing facility for their remaining life due to an illness, no longer able to walk, are senile, ect.... here they will get total patient care they need, all the wants and need will be meet by caring staff member. They will also get daily physical therapy to their body so they don't become contracted of if they do from their illness they will get daily nursing restorative therapy done daily by the staff member.
Short Term Care: is design for stroke recovery, IV antibiotics therapy, total or practical joint replacement, orthopedic condition, or need little longer to recovery from an illness they were hospitalized for. When they come nursing home/Rehabilitation center[ keep in mind some places are both in one any more] they will be seen by either Physical, occupational, or speech therapy depending on what their need may be, nursing staff will also be helping in this process as well for their recovery.
Nursing homes and rehabilitations centers are often all in once place these days they care for range of things. Keep in mind not every place is both it depends on where you live what state or country that you live in for the purpose of this blog I will be referring to nursing home but rehabilitation centers often deal with some of the same issues here. Some nursing homes now offer when end of life comes to have hospice agency come into help all of you in the end of life process and make they more comfortable. Nursing home encourage families to be evolved in loved ones care right from the being so that you are not left out and your loved one dose not feel like you are dumping them in the place. Most facilities are open 24 hours day for you to come visit you loved ones, when you do come to visit some places even have family rooms for you take your loved one to visit with them, I have come to find that most people tend to stay and visit in their loved ones room with them, sit and join them in an activity they are doing in the facility, or if the loved one is able to walk or even in wheel chair they are aloud to walk the halls with the, or nursing floor with their loved one their they are able to speak with other residents, family member and even the staff this helps to form last friendships and gives a feeling of being at home for everyone because after all we tend to be come an extended family! In the facility that I work in we like the make it homier for the residents treat it like it's their home this helps in making everyone feel at easy. I find that family member and friends tend to come visit loved ones everyday depending on their work schedules but since we are open 24 hours it makes it easer for them to come visit.
Here are something’s that residents can either do or are done right on site for them again depending on where you are at I don't know what every facility offers these are just something’s that I know that are offered for loved ones. On site laundry which is done everyday, cleaning of the facility and rooms everyday, if an accident happens and house keeping is need they are right their to clean the accident up, hair care services, cable TV[ either TV is provided or you can bring one in] they can have private phone or if they have cell phone they are aloud to use cell phone. They are able to have the freedom and privacy to attend to personal needs from managing to their own finical affairs if able to, decorating their room with personal belongs. Some places even offer facility computer them may go onto to check email or browse the internet if able, due keep in mind not every place may have all of this. Residents are able to participate in the planning of their own treatment and are assured of the confidentiality of their medical information at all times. Residents and family as well are even allowed and encouraged to develop friendships and rapport with their peers and staff member forming relationships that frequently extend beyond admission we tend to think of all of us as one big family.
In today’s nursing homes they have activity department which takes care of entreating and stimulating programs for residents in fact they get input from residents on monthly basis, also residents also have what is called resident council meeting to give their input on the everything in the facility[ every place has different name for this or might not have it at all].
If you are worried about your loved one getting the right meal or nutrition you need not worry because facilities have on site nutritional services which preps appetizing meals and snacks for residents, have hostess savable to meet with residents daily to help with personal meal preference and asst them with adhering to special dietary needs. Residents are encouraged to enjoy meals in pleasant surroundings in dinning room or if they choose to eat in their own room if the would like to.
We are not dumping are loved ones in nursing home we are assting them in getting the proper care that they need for this time in their life, they are getting the medication they need right at the times they are to have it as well, they are being cared for by staff that is trained in geriatric care as well. Here in the states we don't dump our loved ones or friends we come see them all the time. I hope this helps to clearly that we are not dumping loved ones in nursing home when they can no longer care for themselves but rather making sure that they’re getting the proper care they so need by trained staff when they need that care. As for my view on it I treat every resident as if they were my parent or grandparent I'm their for them no matter what sometimes I even staff after my shift if they need someone to talk to or come in before my shift if they need something like wanting their nails painting or time for game written down, nursing homes are no longer places to dump people but rather asst them in the stage of life they need the most help.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
I'm still here all
I'm still here everyone just have been bit busy lately that is all. I'm having some issues with RL and with my car but other then that I'm doing good. I will be posting blog here soon.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day 2011
When most people think of Memorial Day they think of cook out, lakes, oceans, parties. Well when I think of Memorial Day I think of all the men and woman who survive in the armed forces, those that came back home wounded from the war, and those that lost their lives to protect our freedom!!
It seems like at times people forget the real reason for the holiday, it's not just to have off work but to remember those who surived and are surviving!!!!
Today I will be work since it's one of my holiday's to work, now I know some of you are sitting their thinking poor her she has to work on this day while the rest of us have off, ehh oh well that's what she gets for working in health care. Well I'm not mad or upset that I have to go to work I'm lucky enough to care for of the men that served in WWII Vietnam, Korea I feel that I'm grateful for them as I have my freedom.
I hope that this find all of you no matter where you are at safe and sound I hope all of you have great day.
I hope that you take the time to remember the reason for this day and maybe honor the men and woman! Remember are Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts,Uncles, Grandparents that survived our country.
It seems like at times people forget the real reason for the holiday, it's not just to have off work but to remember those who surived and are surviving!!!!
Today I will be work since it's one of my holiday's to work, now I know some of you are sitting their thinking poor her she has to work on this day while the rest of us have off, ehh oh well that's what she gets for working in health care. Well I'm not mad or upset that I have to go to work I'm lucky enough to care for of the men that served in WWII Vietnam, Korea I feel that I'm grateful for them as I have my freedom.
I hope that this find all of you no matter where you are at safe and sound I hope all of you have great day.
I hope that you take the time to remember the reason for this day and maybe honor the men and woman! Remember are Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts,Uncles, Grandparents that survived our country.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Went to the local lake on Wed
On Wednesday I went out to our local like since it was nice and warm out for change we got break from rain. I stayed for bout 2-3 hours soaking up some sun I did manage to snap few photos I will share. Come Monday you will not be able to get in free you will have to pay but it don't cost lot.Sadly I ended up going alone like always but still had fun.
I'm planning if it don't rain to have picnic out there this Sunday so if all goes well another blog and more photos.


Im using the camera on my phone.

Me abd the lake

Sun was in my eyes

Sadly no one wanted to go long with me so I always end up going places alone but I still had fun.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I'm planning if it don't rain to have picnic out there this Sunday so if all goes well another blog and more photos.
Im using the camera on my phone.
Me abd the lake
Sun was in my eyes
Sadly no one wanted to go long with me so I always end up going places alone but I still had fun.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Everyone lives Glass House
It's time that I get something off my chest!!! Gossip I'm so sick of it why do people have to do it? Also what do people have to make fun of other people?
Remember the saying people in glass House should not throw stone! That is so true also Karma will get you as well.
I know that I did make post while back about this but I'm talking about it again because well I'm sick of it and I will not stand of it no more if people want to talk smack about me fine go head you are not hurting me nor my fiends because when it comes down to the end I know the truth and that is all that matter! I know you are thinking how can I say this well because it's true people will believe whatever they want truth or no truth. After all we all live in glass house and their for should not throw stones!! Well some people I hate to see their house it must be full of stones.
Remember the saying people in glass House should not throw stone! That is so true also Karma will get you as well.
I know that I did make post while back about this but I'm talking about it again because well I'm sick of it and I will not stand of it no more if people want to talk smack about me fine go head you are not hurting me nor my fiends because when it comes down to the end I know the truth and that is all that matter! I know you are thinking how can I say this well because it's true people will believe whatever they want truth or no truth. After all we all live in glass house and their for should not throw stones!! Well some people I hate to see their house it must be full of stones.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Sitting out on my porch included photos
Oh it's so nice out today after many days of rain the sun came out today and it was so nice. Right now as I type this I'm sitting outside on my front porch typing this from my iPhone it's so nice, I want to share few photos of what I see from here. Not sure if I can post more then one photo on here with my phone I will try if not I will edit it when I get only laptop and add the rest

That my car

That's bobs market and deli across the street from my place

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
That my car
That's bobs market and deli across the street from my place
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
It's that time of year again time to replant my herb garden! I know you are thinking why replant they can last all year well because this winter was so bad it kill
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I can now Knit!
SO I can now Knit! Here are some photos of what I have made so far, will I stick with it? Yes I will I will knit up somethings soon, but for now here are little samples of what I have made.
Knit rib stitch |
up close of the rib stitch |
All the stitches that I have made so far |
That's supposed to be heart |
it's supposed to be heart would have came out better if I used sold color but want to use my yarn stash up |
spring cleaned my bed room east meets west look
I'm not sure if I meantioned in few blogs or not but last weekend I spring cleaned my bed room, I know I'm problay late in the spring cleaning dept but better late then never, I always like to start in my bed room and work my way to the other parts of the house. Keep in mind I still have not gone through stuff in my room to get rid of which I will be doing this week I need to declutter my stuff if I'm not using it, it's going to go! Well anyhow I just did serfice stuff I got new curtin rods here are few photo but excuse the one pile of clutter that is on it's way out the door to either be sold viva ebay yard sale or given to good will. Some of the items I gotten we either from Ollies, target, christmas tree shops and wal mart
Well those lovely curtins came from Ollies and the comforter came from Target the disco ball is from Wal*Mart it was christmas tree ortminet but I keep up all year |
My new light Which came from Christmas Tree Shops for 14.99 yes I painted of my panneling |
Those curtin rods came from Christmas Tree Shops they were 4.99 each Oh I love this store |
Those little paintings came from my neighbors the bedding on my bed is from Wal*Mart |
I love how they are two toned yes that turtle is light |
Don't mind the clutter its going to be doing bye bye |
yes the is Iraqie money and yes that is the clutter that is going to be going my dresser was just given to tme |
Can you tell that I love to read! I know that Discoball again! Those baskets on my dresser are from christmas tree shops 1.29 each |
Better view of it the dresser was given to me by my neighbor free is good I guess till I find what I want |
Also got new throw rug to go with the look and you see part of my dog too. |
I should have put light on to see them better |
As you can tell I love east meets west I have all my life |
Day light photo but it didn't come out well should have place light on |
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