Thursday, October 29, 2009
Just little of this and that
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Re doing my bed room in East theme
Questions people don't want to hear
Dose size of person really matter? Dose how big or small a person matter? Dose it matter if we are fat or skinny? Dose it matter if we are fat or skinny? Do we get treated differently because of this? Most people will avoid these question so not as to offend anyone or just don't want to face the truth about the answers some don't want to answer them for whatever reason but they know what their answer is though! To me the answer to all these question is YES how do I know the answer to these question is because I'm this person. some people will say that I'm in between but I will tell you that I'm this person THE FAT OVER WEIGHT PERSON that all or most of you like to stare at look at talk about make fun of! I know what some of you are say OMG I can't believe she just said that or is sharing this with people quick we need to shut the fatty up! WELL GUESS WHAT YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DO THAT NOT I'M SHARING MY LAP-BAND LIFE WITH THE WORLD AND EVERYONE WHAT LIFE HAS BEEN LIKE FOR ME BEFORE AND AFTER! I'm no longer going to hide this topic I'm openly talking about it to anyone because I have grown as person and learned that I talk about I might be able to help just maybe one person out there in the world, that is my hope maybe to help someone show others that you don't have to be ashamed, scared or whatever is that you may be feeling it's okay you are not alone. This was me me last year in December befo

Monday, October 26, 2009
My love chai Tea
This photo was take in NYC at Zebars where I decided to have cup of iced chai "that is tea for those that don't know what chai is" This is one of my favorite tea I love to drink it hot or cold for some reason, don't get me wrong this tea is not something that everyone will like once they try it, for some it's acquired taste the first time that I tryed it I feel in love with it. I do know that this drink is the drink of India! If I'm wrong on this account someone correct me and I will fix this blog! I love the smell when it's brewing in cup or even when someone is make it on the stove. In case you have not guessed it I'm huge tea drinker I like it hot or cold, some people can't stand it but it's all about choice for everyone but I do urge people to try chai at least once or twice in their life time. This drink seems at times to get me through nutty work day and the crazy place that I work at ,even at home when things get stressful just the smell from the tea calms me down. I did learn the hard way don't drink it late at I night like around 11pm I learned this the hard way I was up all night long and had to drink more the next day to stay awake.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
foliage part two
Saturday, October 24, 2009
fall foliage
My second fill
Friday, October 23, 2009
How my town is similar to India
No I have never been nor lived in India yet!!! Just like Sharell I have always had calling to this country I don't know why but I have my mom would say that maybe in past life I was either Indian woman or have lived there. Maybe she is right in many ways one never fully knows what their past life was all about unless you are willing to explore it. No I'm not married to Indian man yet I'm still looking for MR.RIGHT well as close to that as one can get...........
I have found one of the many things that we have in common is that where I live the are not quick to move to do things or even get things done that even goes for where I work as well some days!!!!!! I do live in small town USA well to be more exact I live in tourist town which get tourist 365 day year no matter what!!!! This is not bad thing to me as I get to meet some interesting people along the way only because I get out of the house and play tourist myself just cause I can and want to I DON'T even have to use gas in my van to do this I just put my shoes on and walk to the other side of the town! hahahaha I know I need to get back on track so here goes well for one thing if we [I live with my dad and Nana yes I live at home yet which I do so cause i want to rent is cheaper and will till I get married] need handy man to come do something at the house for us which we one we use all the time he tells us what day he's coming well sometimes it's the next day or even week later sometimes he's even late and when he's don't he don't even clean up his mess!! Also he I don't want to use this word so lets engineers something or ghetto fixes something so that it works, I'm not sure what the right word would be for this so if I upset someone I'm sorry. I remember Sharell waiting for handy man or people to work or install something in her and the husband flat, we share that in common.
Also out plumier is not so fast to come some times it takes him hours,days, weeks to show up at out house, says that he's busy well maybe if he would write his apt down or send one of his helpers he might get things done I can remember one night we went without water UGH most of the time he tell us what time he's coming and dose not ever show up at that time I hate waiting all day and he never shows up nor answer his Mobile when we call.
Another thing here is sometimes nothing is ever organized or done timely manner sometimes one person dose not know what the other person is doing, that irks me.. Sharell talks about her neighbors Begin nosey rude even well I live in small tourist town where people gossip, are noise, rude, nuts etc! Here is the run down of the street that I live on: If you stand on our front porch you can see one the funeral homes next to it is nice house another house with apt building attached to it this BTW is to my left I will post photos on this blog soon of it like tomorrow, we live in half double home so next to us is the other half to my right is out neighbors one who an old noise couple who we call the neighbor hood watch cause they don't miss nothing next to them are drug dealers or whatever they are lets just say I can go on which is another blog. right across the street is BOB'S convent store/deli/restaurant which is own by great Indian family who my family love and respects I learn lots from them as well. We have people who will just drop by and are like hello call first or will call and ask how come they have not seen us out of the house in while or why they have not seen one of us or why are vehicle was not moved in day or two...
Now most people would not put up with this as long as I have which is 7yrs the only reason that I don't move back to Texas is because my Nana is going 85 she lost my mom 5years ago my dad and I feel she should not have to live alone at her age so we live with her help her out, don't get me wrong my Nana is not the typical old lady she drives, cooks,cleans, dose wash, goes on trip, even have part time job yet, she even keeps up with me you would not think she is going to be 85 next year! GOD bless her I hope she lives in good health and to be over 100 years old, I do help her out I do, do cooking cleaning washing yard work whatever she wants done but I also let her do what she wants to because if I stop her it's not good it will slow her down or something
Their are somedays that I think I have landed in some starange place and want to leave other times I just love it here, I must say that I'm coping with this place pretty good at times even where Iwork other times I want to quit leave move ect.....
Well that is enough for not I'm getting sleepy and rambeling on and on whcih is not good so I will write part two to this later on.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Now my only problem is that I'm looking for Kameez/kurta I have been looking online for one that is casual that I can even wear after halloween is over but some of them cost lot of money I know thatI can get some that don't cost over 50.00 if anyone know any great websites where Ican get some let me know please!!!!!!!!!!!! Where I live in small town PA their are not shops that sell indian clothing nearest city is Allentown I don't know that their are store that sell indian clothing and I really don't want to drive to philly
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
redoing my house and bedroom
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
My trip to NYC on Saturday
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
want to travel
As I sit here I wonder what I can do on my weekends off where can I go on them if you have ideas please share them with me. Even idea of jobs where I can travel LOL!!!!
This is one thing I miss about my dad begin in the army we got to move and travel different place even where we lived we would to the next cities or towns to see things. I guess that I'm just tired of going shopping or sitting at home I need to get out see the world or something like that
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
FanFic or rather story I have come up with it's not real
It's hot and sticky here today in Mumbai which it fine by me at times but at other times I do wish that it was little cooler out, but this is where I chose to live for the next 6 months of my life! Remind me why I chose to come over here again self? Oh that is right because I wanted to work abroad for few months because I felt calling to this country, not that I'm complaining self.
All I got in the mail today was few letters from people that I work with at county hospital in the states wanting to know how my first few weeks were going, HA you have to love the US mail system that was over month ago! I got tons of emails from dad and bffs everyday for the past month wanting to know everything, well I told them what they need to know the rest I'm not telling.
It's not easy living here but I think tht for only beging here month that I'm getting use to things around here, I lerned that you have to clean like almost everyday, neightbors just come knock on your and come right in look around you flat even the kitchen the frige too they see what you have even the cabberts as well it dose not bother me they can snoop all the want as long as I'm happy that is that matters to me all though I do wish that they would not knock while I'm trying to sleep sometimes!!! GRRRR I do hate that I will have to work on that one.
I am going out tonight to night club with some of the girls that work with it should be fun considering I have never been to one here at all I will have to write about it when I get back from it. It's call Old Bombay club they say it's the it club to go to we shall see I wonder if it's different from the clubs in the states.
well I better go get ready then.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Got some new fall/winter clothes that are smaller to fit me
Thursday, October 1, 2009
fall and WLS
Having gone through WLS it's not easy on anyone let me tell you even your family they have to deal with the changes that are happening to you as well as yourself I know for me it's not that easy at times for my family or even for me but I know that things have to change in order for me to be the best person that I can be and healthier one at that!
Another thing about fall coming is that I have realized that I my fall/winter clothing no longer fits me any more! It's not what most of you are thinking that just read this they are not to tight or small on the in fact it's quite the opposite they are all to big on me now since I'm not as heavy as I use to be! I'm tryging to figure out weather I want to keep using the shirts that are huge one me till next year or if I want to just ahead and start to buy fall/winter clothing that fits me now? I'm not sure what I should do I guess I will have to figure this one out on my own or something. It's great feeling to know that my clothing for the fisrt time in my life are way to big on me! It's great to wake up not having knee back or hip pain! I love the fact that everytime that I step on the scale it shows that I'm losing weight! It's even better to look at myslef fully nude in my mirror and see thatI'm losing weight I use to hate to look at myself nude but now I'm starting to like what I see for the first time in my life!
I will not lie when I look at myself nude I see lot of work that needs to be done yet but I know that I will get there it take time, I have also noticed that my body is starting to fall into place the way it should look at well one thing I hope that I don't lose to much of is the girls!LOL I don't mind if I lose little but I don't want to lose alot of the LOL!
I do have some problems I am starting to ge boxes and boxes full of clothing that no longer fits me I don't know where to go with them all so I'm just going to start to sell them viva fall yard sale and Ebay or if anyone wants to contact me about buying some of my clothing please feel fee to do so.